More and more people want to declare war on plastic waste! In our Disposable society every German produces an average of almost 40 kilograms of plastic packaging waste per year.₁ Figuratively speaking, that's an entire garden shed stuffed full of trash bags.
But our plastic mania has serious consequences for nature, wildlife and our health. Fortunately, there are countless ways to reduce plastic waste in all areas of everyday life.
In this article I would like to give you my most valuable tips and show you how a life without plastic can work. Let's go!
Here you can find a short overview in advance:
- Mindset and organization
- Bathroom and body care
- Transport and storage
- Kitchen and nutrition
- Household and shopping
- Work and office
- Consumption and leisure
- On the road and traveling
- Community and activism
- Closing words
Advantages: Why live plastic-free at all?

First, let's take a brief look at the reasons for living without plastic or the Disadvantages of plastic to understand why all this is worthwhile in the first place. The knowledge helps, Permanently motivated and to remain plastic-free in the future within the scope of your individual possibilities.
Protect environment and animals
Plastics are not biodegradable and only decompose over centuries into Microplastics. Disposed of in nature, plastic waste costs worldwide up to 135,000 marine mammals and one million seabirds each year.that eat it or strangle themselves on it.₂
Minimize greenhouse gas emissions
The Production of just one ton of plastic generates almost two tons of CO2. If the material is disposed of properly at all, the incineration of the waste even generates another 2.7 tons of the greenhouse gas.₃ So doing without plastic reduces your ecological footprint and counteracts the climate change against.
Stay healthy
Plastic can contain, among other things, the plasticizer Bisphenol A (BPA) which is considered carcinogenic and damaging to the nerves.₄ In addition, it can Microplastics in the food chain and enter the groundwater, so that we eventually absorb the toxins again.
Conserve natural resources
Plastic is removed from the natural resource Petroleum manufactures. It is only available to us humans to a limited extent. Living without plastic therefore supports the most sustainable and future-oriented use of the planet's limited raw materials.
Being a responsible role model
Living plastic-free promotes the Environmental awareness and sustainable actions in our society. By making the responsible decision to avoid plastic, you also inspire others to act in a more environmentally friendly way. Last but not least, you are a positive role model for future generationswhich include your children and grandchildren.
Save money
Furthermore, you can save money by living a plastic-free lifestyle. For example, since you you always pay significantly more for disposable products in the long run than for reusable alternatives.
100 tips: How can I avoid plastic waste in everyday life?

By the way, the challenge of "living plastic-free" started for me with a trip to Sri Lanka in 2015.I was on the beach, where I was confronted with a wide variety of plastic waste, and I immediately began to collect it. Subsequently, my experiences with the conscious plastic avoidance in everyday life began.
Here I would like to share with you my most valuable tips and learnings from the last few years.
Good to know: I've divided the advice into categories just to give you a better overview - but many of them fit well into other everyday areas, too, of course.
Mindset and organization
Let's start with the Basic setting for a life as plastic-free as possible. With the following tips, you can make a real difference and avoid quite a bit of waste throughout your life.
1. replace disposable with reusable.
In order to avoid plastic waste, it is important to keep things to be reused for as long as possible. So, for example, swap short-lived disposable products like plastic cutlery for long-lasting, reusable, reusable alternatives like stainless steel or wooden cutlery.
2. reduce general consumption.
Think and live minimalist and limit possessions, consumption and material desires to the things you really need.
3. fix things that are broken.
Repair things that no longer work, instead of throwing them in the garbage can. This is also an important basic rule of the Zero Waste Lifestyle, in which plastic avoidance plays a major role.
4. borrowing objects and walking towards each other.
To unnecessary plastic packaging to avoid, you can also get things you need from from friend:inside or neighbor:inside borrow them instead of buying them yourself and brand new.
5. refill instead of throwing away.
If you want to live plastic-free, you should Prefer things that can be refilled. For example, printer cartridges, dental floss bottles or dishwashing detergent.
6. upcycling and giving things a second chance.
If something is absolutely broken or is no longer needed, you can Reuse in another function. For example, from plastic bottles you can make flower pots.
7. reject and say no.
To live plastic-free, it helps immensely, if you do not accept everything. So if you are offered a free plastic pen or business card at a trade show, for example, you should turn them down.
8. use all-purpose weapons instead of countless products.
Go for products that versatile are. Quite according to the motto "less is more you can save yourself countless packaged remedies from the drugstore, for example, with the home remedies sodium bicarbonate, soda and vinegar essence.
9. unmask microplastics with CodeCheck app.
Whether acrylate copolymer (AC) or polyquaternium (PQ) - Microplastics have many, meaningless names! With the CodeCheck app you can scan products in the drugstore, for example, and see at a glance whether they contain the small plastic particles.
10. collect your garbage for a week.
For a good start, it is always recommended to collect your plastic waste for at least a week. After that you can then analyze and consider how you can avoid the individual plastic packaging in the future if possible.
11. separate waste correctly.
Of course, plastic waste cannot be completely avoided! So check with your local waste management companieshow you can use the Separate waste correctly, so that the plastic can be recycled and reused.
Bathroom and body care

In the next step, let's take a look at the Zero Waste Bathroom throw where experience shows that there is great potential for less plastic waste is waiting to be used.
12. use cosmetics in one piece.
Solid personal care products are usually packaged in paper, making it easier to live as plastic-free as possible. Get yourself for example Hand cream, shower gel, shaving soap and shampoo in solid form.
Here are some recommendations on my part:
Tip: Good places to go for plastic-free natural cosmetics are above all the stores of hellosimple*, avocadostore* and PlantBase*.
13. use metal razor plane.
With a reusable Straight razor you avoid disposable razorswhich would otherwise end up in the yellow bag after a short time. This one* I can highly recommend it to you.
14. put on washable cotton pads.
Also washable Fabric cotton pads are reusable and reduce the consumption of disposable cotton pads. If you need some, you can find them here*.
15. get cloth handkerchiefs.
Washable Cloth handkerchiefs replace paper tissues and avoid both paper waste and (often duplicate) plastic packaging. They make your life much easier without plastic. If you like, get it here*.
16. use cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers.
A newborn baby needs about 6 to 8 fresh diapers a day. Throughout the diapering phase land Around 5,000 disposable diapers per child in the garbage can.₅ Cloth diapers are therefore a much more sustainable and waste-reducing alternative.
These cloth diapers* you can even alternatively still use as a bib.
17. use solid deodorant.
Also solid deodorant and deodorant cream in jar save plastic packaging and aluminum waste by deodorant sprays and are usually free of harmful ingredients.
In keeping with this, I have a few recommendations for you again:
18. brush teeth with wooden toothbrush.
Wooden toothbrushes are biodegradable and compostable - and a wonderful alternative to plastic toothbrushes. I can recommend these wooden toothbrushes*.
Notice: The bristles must be cut off before disposal and thrown into the yellow bag. You can reuse the stem, for example, as a support for smaller potted plants.
19. get refillable dental floss in glass bottle.
Dental floss is unfortunately often made of plastic and sold in a disposable container. But it is also available as a refill pack of corn fiber with vegetable wax in a glass bottle. Here you get the floss*.
20. use toothbrush tablets instead of tube toothpaste.
Toothbrush tablets replace the classic toothpaste from the plastic tube and dissolve in the mouth. You can buy them loose or in paper and use them (almost) as usual. Secure yourself here the toothbrush tablets without plastic*..
21. clean ears with metal cleaner.
Metal ear loops are reusable and thus prevent the consumption of disposable cotton swabs. Although of course they also produce some waste, bamboo ear sticks are another plastic-free alternative.
22. use menstrual cup.
Menstrual cups are reusable and replace disposable products such as tampons and padswhich creates an unbelievable amount of plastic waste. If you like, you can get a menstrual cup here*.
23. use plastic-free lip balms.
Classic "Labello's" - and even colored lipsticks - are also available in the paper packaging with purely natural ingredients. Ideal to make your life even more plastic-free.
Transport and storage

Learned a lot already? Then let's relaxed to the next everyday area go over! Because even when transporting your food or storing it, there is a great potential for avoiding plastic waste that wants to be used!
24. use canning jars.
Preserving jars are versatile and are ideal, for example, for the Storage of food and supplies - or also to the loose purchase of groceries. If you like, get it here*.
25. use stainless steel lunch boxes for transportation.
Stainless steel lunch boxes are durable, easy to clean and replace plastic Tupperware, as well as ToGo packaging material. I personally use this lunchbox* - for half an eternity.
26. freeze food in cloth bags.
To Freeze food without plasticFor example, you can use cloth bags. This works very well for bread, for example. But also in jars, lunch boxes or paper many foods can be frozen and preserved longer.
27. wrap food in oilcloth.
Vegan oilcloth are a sustainable Alternative to plastic cling film. They are washable and reusable forever. I can recommend these*.
28. carry groceries with cloth bags and backpack.
Transporting groceries in a cloth bag or backpack is an extremely eco-friendly Alternative to plastic bagthat makes your plastic-free everyday life so much easier.
Kitchen and nutrition

Plastic waste can be combated especially well in the kitchen and at daily meals. Here is also for this a whole List of inspirational tips and tricks.
29. use cloth towels instead of kitchen paper.
Kitchen towels made of cotton are washable, versatile and mainly replace the classic disposable kitchen paper, which is usually wrapped in plastic film is wrapped. Plastic free wrapped get it here*.
30. get wooden kitchen gadgets.
Whether Spatula, cooking spoon or soup ladle - Kitchen utensils can also be made of wood and make your everyday life even easier without plastic. I can recommend this set*.
31. enjoy roasted coffee instead of capsule coffee.
Roasted coffee avoids plastic and aluminum capsules and is available loose, as well as wrapped in paper. If you like, you get here fair trade organic coffee in a paper bag*..
32. grow your own fruits, vegetables and herbs.
Growing food in the garden or on the balcony Reduces plastic packaging of fruits and vegetables and makes your everyday life not only much more plastic-free, but also healthier.
Use natural dishwashing brushes and sponges.
Wooden dishwashing brushes are an environmentally friendly Alternative to short-lived plastic brushes. You can also use rinsing sponges, which are of course also available without plastic.
In keeping with this, I have a few recommendations for you again:
34. drink tap water.
By using at home and on the road Drink tap water, you avoid plastic bottles and save a lot of energy during production and recycling.
Tip: You think the "Kraneberger" tastes too boring? How you Add flavor to tap water I'll be happy to explain in a separate blog article!
35. drink wine with natural corks and collect them.
By vegan wines with natural corks, you are making a real difference for animals and also avoid plastic corks. You can also collect the real corks and then use them as part of the NABU CORK Campaign send in and have recycled.
36. use wooden cutting board.
Wooden cutting boards are durable and much more environmentally friendly than the plastic kitchen boards. In addition, the plastic components that come out of the board during cutting are a health hazard.
37. prefer plastic-free chewing gum.
Plastic is also found in chewing gum! Did you know that? By Plastic-free chewing gums without petroleum-based ingredients so your life without plastic will be even easier and healthier. This one* I can recommend to you.
38. make ice cubes in stainless steel mold.
Stainless steel molds replace plastic ice cube molds wonderful and are also much more durable and environmentally friendly. In addition, the ice cubes do not come into contact with the plastic. A metal ice cube mold you get here*.
39. use cloth napkins.
Cloth napkins are reusable and reduce the consumption of disposable paper napkins. These linen napkins* I can recommend to you.
40. prepare tea loose in tea strainer.
You like to drink tea? Then you can use the Plastic tea bags and thus avoid unnecessary waste, by making your Buy favorite tea loose in paper and bring it to you in a Stainless steel tea strainer boil up. This tea strainer* I can recommend to you.
Tip: I have also given you a detailed blog article about the possible plastic free kitchen written. Feel free to take a look!
Household and shopping

Fancy the next tips for plastic-free living? Then next, feel free to implement the following things in your household and shopping to avoid even more plastic waste in your everyday life.
41. buy products packed in glass instead of plastic.
Prefer products in jars in order to less waste due to plastic packaging to make. For example, every supermarket sells milk and yogurt in deposit jars or spreads, dried tomatoes and olives in small glass containers.
42. buy only as much as you need.
Make yourself a Weekly plan with the food you need and shop strictly according to it. So you prevent food waste by spontaneous purchases and can save unnecessary packaging material.
43: Conscious unpackaged shopping.
If you want to live plastic-free, it would be ideal if you could an unpacked store near you and visit him often. But also in supermarkets, weekly markets and organic stores you can buy many foods loose, unpackaged and plastic free shopping.
44. buy bakery products in cloth bag.
Bakeries often wrap bread, rolls and co. in paper or plastic. You can avoid the waste by using a Fabric bag you take with you and has the baked goods put in there.
45. use fruit and vegetable nets.
Fruit and vegetable nets Cotton Replace, as is to be expected, the free plastic bags for fruit and vegetables. They are reusable and therefore ideal to reduce plastic waste. These nets* I can recommend to you.
46. cook for yourself and avoid convenience foods.
Home cooked meals with fresh ingredients Reduce plastic waste from pre-packaging and promote a healthy diet.
47. plastic-free shopping at the fresh produce counter.
Sausage, cheese, olives and many other foodstuffs can also be filled into containers at your local fresh food counter, so you can Save plastic film and other packaging material.
Good to know: Personally, I eat a purely plant-based diet and avoid animal products for the animals, the environment and my health. Why I live veganI'll be happy to explain this to you in a separate blog post.
48. buy toilet paper loose or in cardboard packaging.
Also toilet paper is often wrapped in plastic film. Thereby, toilet paper is also available loose or in the paper packaging. I can recommend this one*.
49. feed pets with a plastic-free bowl.
Feeding bowls made of porcelain or stainless steel can be reused forever and avoid buying often short-lived plastic balls. This bowl* I can recommend for your four-legged friend.
50. use paper dog waste bags.
Paper dog waste bags are biodegradable and an environmentally friendly Alternative to the plastic feces bags. I personally use this one* for our little dog.
51. stop advertising in the mailbox.
Stick a sticker with the inscription "Please do not post advertising!" on your mailbox., to unsubscribe from unsolicited advertising by mail and avoid lots of paper and plastic waste.
52. do not use garbage bags or use newspaper.
For plastic and paper waste you do not need plastic garbage bags. And you can also use the bio garbage can with folded newsprint or lay out some cardboard to further minimize your plastic waste.
53. cleaning with effective home remedies.
Natural home remedies like Baking soda, soda, vinegar, Citric acid and Curd soap save the environment and avoid buying a lot of chemical cleaning products in plastic packaging. Fittingly, I can offer you the Book "Five home remedies replace a drugstore". recommend that you get here*.
54. make drugstore products yourself.
With just a few natural home remedies you can also make the usual drugstore remedies yourself. Here you can find some examples with suitable DIY instructions:
- Make your own mouthwash with water, baking soda and xylitol,
- Make oven cleaner from baking soda, vinegar and table salt
- Make dishwashing liquid from ivy leaves
55. build furniture yourself.
Anyone who has ever ordered new furniture on the Internet knows how much plastic waste is produced in the process - whether it's Styrofoam or foil. By building your own tables and other furniture from old wooden planks, you can save a lot of plastic waste.
Here are some posts for inspiration:
- DIY build your own dining table from old oak planks
- Do It Yourself Desserts Build
- Build oak coffee table yourself
56. prefer paper tape.
Through Sellotape and plastic tapes on packages creates a lot of plastic waste, but it is avoidable. Fortunately, there are also Paper tape without plastic, with which you can, for example, gifts or shipping boxes wonderfully and plastic-free packaging. This one* you should definitely give it a try.
Work and office

In everyday working life and of course also in the home office you have more zero waste options to save as much plastic waste as possible. Just use the following tips!
57. get a reusable coffee to go cup.
Reusable cup replaced single-use plastic waste with coffee-to-go cups. Fill them up at home or in the café. I can recommend this cup*. Another alternative is, of course, the relaxed coffee in the café from the porcelain cup.
58. drink coffee without filter waste and capsules.
Cook your coffee in a fully automatic coffee machine with loose beans and thereby avoid aluminum capsule and filter waste. We have this fully automatic coffee* at home. For a plastic-free filter coffee I can you and your colleagues also recommend this reusable organic cotton filter*..
59. pre-cooking or making Mealprep.
Just cook a little more of your food in the evening to pack for the next day and avoid ToGo waste during the lunch break. Alternatively you can also use a vegan meal prep prepare for the entire week.
60. writing with refillable pens.
Prefer refillable pens and pencils in your work as sustainable Alternative to the usual disposable pens.
61. quit smoking or use pocket ashtrays.
If you want to live plastic-free, you should stop smoking or at least such a pocket ashtray* use so that no more toxic cigarette butts with plastic filters end up on the ground.
62. use refillable printer cartridges.
In the office, you should prefer refillable printer cartridges to keep the Dramatically reduce plastic waste for printer ink.
63. inspire colleagues to avoid plastic.
Raise awareness among your colleagues incidentally or actively for plastic avoidance. This joint, positive change in the company welds together.
Consumption and leisure

Now we come to an extremely large area of everyday life, namely the Consumer behavior and leisure activities. What exactly you can do to live even more plastic-free, you will now learn in the following tips.
64. always question the necessity of a purchase.
Consistently question any potential new purchase if you want to avoid unnecessary plastic waste and preserve natural Conserving the earth's resources in everyday life want. Just ask yourself the following question: do i really need this?
65. be appreciative of the things you own.
Plastic waste is generated above all, because we do not value items and could buy them new at any time. So by taking care of what you have and being mindful of it, your life will be much easier without plastic.
66. plastic-free gift wrapping.
Use environmentally friendly materials, such as cloth or paper, to Wrap gifts plastic free and Reduce plastic packaging waste. For example, I like to use the paper stuffing from shipping boxes to wrap gifts.
67. punch confetti from leaves of leaves.
Confetti from leaves is environmentally friendly and replaces plastic confetti in a natural way. In addition, when the leaves are punched out, it is not a problem if they end up in nature.
68. eat ice cream from the cone and have spoons with you.
If you have your Enjoy ice cream sustainably in summer temperatures want, then do without the plastic cup and the plastic spoon, by enjoying your ice cream from the edible cone or from a container you bring with you.
Tip: More Heat tips you will get in the detailed blog article about the most possible sustainable summer.
69. wear clothes made of natural fabrics.
The natural materials in garments are much more environmentally friendly than synthetic materials made from plastics, whose Components often called Microplastics in the sea end.
70. avoid buying new clothes as much as possible.
It is especially recommended for clothing purchases, Second hand products to buy, to Conserve resources and reduce your plastic waste. It is also just as important to learn, be appreciative of your existing clothes.
71. buy refurbished and used electronics.
Meanwhile, there are many places to go for refurbished technology (Refurbished). Through the purchase you save money in a sustainable way and again resources. You also avoid a lot of plastic waste - also because it eliminates the need to buy new, including repackaging.
72. prefer wooden toys and buy used.
Natural wooden toys (whether new or used) are a healthy and environmentally friendly Alternative to plastic toy, with which children can play without concern. Such stacking stones* are a beautiful example of this!
73. sip drinks through reusable straws.
Theoretically, you can simply do without a straw completely to avoid plastic. However, if you would like to sip drinks without plastic, you can do so with reusable straws, for example, sustainable drinking straws made of glass, wood or stainless steel do
If you like, you can get them here:
74. take your own snacks on the plane.
Flying plastic free is a special but doable challenge. For example, take your own snacks with you on the plane and fill your beverage bottle that you brought with you again after the passage control.
75. train with sports equipment made of wood.
You like to do fitness? Then simply train in the future with durable, sustainable sports equipment made of wood, to avoid further plastic waste and products made from natural materials.
Whether Wall bars*, Push-up grips* or Abdominal trainer* - the company NoblePower* for example, deliberately produces and ships without plastic.
76. prefer plastic-free shipping for online orders.
There are now many sustainable online stores, the Offer plastic-free shippingto reduce unnecessary packaging waste.
In addition to NoblePower* (sports equipment), for example, the avocadostore*where you can basically find all everyday things.
Tip: Basically you should of course Avoid returns, in order to be as store sustainably online. You can find out exactly how this works in the linked blog articles.
77. prefer tickets in digital form.
Plastic waste can be reduced very well digitally! Save tickets for the train or concerts on your smartphone, for example, instead of printing them out or having them sent to you. This way you can save not only a lot of plastic waste, but also paper waste.
78. start the new year without rockets.
By celebrate a sustainable New Year's Eve without fireworks, you can not only unbelievably Plastic wastebut also an enormous Fine dust pollution and Pollution avoid
79. dining in waste-avoiding restaurants.
For one thing, you should always eat on site in the restaurant, in order to prevent the creation of take-away waste. On the other hand, it is also advisable in the spirit of plastic-free living, Prefer farms, which practice conscious waste avoidance. The vegan zero waste restaurant "FREA" is a prominent example from Berlin, for example.
80. stay plastic-free at the festival.
It can become a real challenge to create a Festival without plastic to master. But among other things pre-cooked meals, stainless steel cans, reusable cutlery and a water bottle with tap water provide a remedy to escape the disposable mania.
81. party without plastic.
It is also possible to create a plastic free party celebrate and reduce disposable waste by To specifically avoid plastic cups, paper plates and plastic cutlery.
For example again with reusable straws, porcelain plates, stainless steel cutlery and Drinks from glasses or glass bottles.
82. grill with stainless steel grill trays.
Also with the Barbecue can avoid plastic! For example, simply place your grill food in a Barbecue tray stainless steel to no aluminum foil or other disposable waste to produce. This shell* I can recommend to you.
On the road and traveling

Outside of your own four walls, plastic-free living can definitely be a bit more difficult. Quite simply because you only get a small part of the Zero Waste Basic Equipment with you. Find out here how you can avoid plastic waste even when you're on the road or on an exciting trip.
Use a reusable water bottle.
Use a reusable Stainless steel drinking bottle or glass, to ban single-use plastic bottles forever and noticeably reduce your plastic waste. I personally use this drinking bottle* for many years now.
84. wear backpack made of marine plastic.
This backpack made from recycled marine plastic*. is environmentally friendly in two senses. On the one hand, for its production Garbage retrieved from the sea - on the other hand you can shop without plastic bag.
85. have reusable cutlery with you.
By always having reusable stainless steel or wooden cutlery with you, you can, among other things, easily Avoid disposable waste from plastic spoons and forks. This travel cutlery set* I can recommend to you.
86. prefer accommodations with plastic-free philosophy.
Accommodations usually generate a lot of plastic waste. So when you travel, look for hostels that consciously avoid waste to make your life even easier without plastic.
87. do not leave trash lying around.
Never dispose of your trash in the environment and leave nothing but footprints. Because Littering is a real no-go. This tip is actually self-explanatory and applies to everyday life at home as well as when traveling.
88. picking up trash on beaches.
Help keep the beaches and other ecosystems clean by also picking up trash on vacation and has it disposed of. Thereby you generate attention on the ground - especially in countries where plastic avoidance is not the top priority.
89. transport soaps in tin cans.
Transport your bar soaps in small aluminum cans, to avoid the use of plastic film and keep your toilet bag clean. These soap tins* I can recommend to you.
90. eat locally in local restaurants.
Eat locally at local restaurants when possible, even on vacation, to support the local economy and Avoid plastic waste from take-away packaging.
Tip: By the way, you can get even more inspiration in the detailed article about the Zero Waste Journey.
Community and activism

If you live plastic-free, of course you do it to make a difference. If you want to create a cosmos away from your own Create social impact and simplify everyday life without plastic for all people, I have here finally more tips for you!
91. exemplify plastic avoidance.
You are a role model for others - either a good or a bad. By living plastic-free, you show others how everyone can make an effective contribution to environmental protection.
92. watch and share documentaries about plastic waste.
Few people have ever seen totally littered beaches. To realize the plastic problem and lead more people to a plastic-free life, it therefore needs motivating image and video material.
So look at Documentaries about plastic waste and share them with others. An effective example is the film "Plastic Planet" by Werner Boote.
93. organize CleanUps and other actions.
Organize CleanUps or participate in other cleanup activities and events to draw attention to the Problem with plastic waste in the environment and its solutions and to actively do something about it.
94. jogging while picking up trash.
Combine your running sessions with garbage collection to stay fit and at the same time get plastic waste from nature. The whole thing is called Plogging and is really fun!
95. address people who leave trash.
If you see someone throwing trash into the environment or just leaving it lying around, then Speak to the person politely. A social rethink can only take place if the problem is addressed.
96. engage in politics.
If you like, you can also get involved in party politics for plastic reduction and more environmentally friendly Laws, regulations and prohibitions make strong. In this way, you yourself lay the foundation for a plastic-free social coexistence.
97. sign and share signature campaigns.
By Start online petitionssign them and share them with other people, you can Generate attention for grievances around the topic of plastic. Many successful signature campaigns prove that it can work!
Tip: Support values, sustainable petitions (also on the subject of waste avoidance) can be found in the linked overview.
98. draw attention to manufacturer:inside.
Contact manufacturers to inform them about plastic alternatives and to promote the Promote change to more environmentally friendly packaging. With the App Replace Plastic this even works quite automatically without a call, e-mail or letter.
99. invest in zero waste projects.
Your receipt is a ballot for products you'd like to have. It's similar with Cash investments or crowdfunding campaigns. To promote plastic-free innovation, you should support the companies and projects that champion positive change.
100. share these tips with other people.
My final tip for living plastic-free is to share this list of elaborately compiled tips with other people. For example, get your family excited about sustainability or share the following link of this blog article on the internet with those it might interest or help further. Thank you for your support!
Step by step into life without plastic
Now you know why it is desirable to live as plastic-free as possible - and with which means you can achieve this goal. "WITHOUT plastic" and "plasticFREE" are terms that can seem very challenging and maybe even impossible - but every little step along the way counts. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Nothing has to be perfect - especially not from one day to the next. Just take your time and use the tips and tricks from this article to develop yourself step by step. For even more tips and ideas, feel free to check out my Book "Plastic-free for beginners to buy. If you like, get it here*.
"The world changes by your example, not by your opinion."
Paulo Coelho (more at Zero Waste Quotes)
I really hope that I could make you aware with this article that each of us can make a real difference and live significantly more plastic-free with simple means. Do you have any questions, suggestions or further tips? Then feel free to write me a comment!
Stay clean,

PS: If you like, feel free to check out my next article on the Save paper read through, learn how to Avoid microplastics or learn how wonderfully upcycle old packaging let
₁ Statista GmbH: Development of per capita consumption of plastic packaging in Germany in selected years from 1991 to 2020 (as of September 2022), available at [14.04.2023].
₂ NABU: Plastic waste and its consequences, available at [14.04.2023]
₃ German Institute for Economic Research e.V. (DIW Berlin): On the road to climate neutrality: plastic recycling must become more of a focus (as at 30.06.2021), available at [14.04.2023]
₄ WELT: Bisphenol A gets directly into the blood via the mouth (14.06.2013), available at [14.04.2023]
₅ Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV): Environmentally friendly and healthy diapers, available at [14.04.2023]
You're really brilliant, Christoph! What an article! Thank you very much 🙂
I would be interested to know how long it took you. That's a lot of tips!
Love greetings
Hey Samira, thank you!
The contribution has grown more and more over time. That's why I can't say for sure 😉
Many greetings
Thanks for the tips Christoph,has helped us a lot with our project (for school)
You stay clean too friend 😉
Hey Azra! I'm so happy, hope it went well! I will! 😉
Greetings, Christoph
A very great post! I am impressed by these many tips. Most of the tips are really simple and you see a sense behind it - I must definitely try!
I am for the first time on this homepage and am really excited! Thank you!
Super written and informative article :-). In this blog I will still read properly
Great tips, you can learn something for life.
Anyone can implement sustainable measures, it just needs the tips that you get thanks to such sites to hand.
Hey Philipp! Thanks for your feedback. Information is everything - I'm glad I was able to help you 🙂
Many greetings
At this point a big praise for the very interesting blog article.
Hello Lukas! Thank you for the laurels!
Best regards,
Hello Christoph,
I have now read a lot on your website. First of all, I have to say that your layout is nice and clear and your writing style is very pleasant to read!
You give comprehensive tips to avoid plastic as much as possible, it is noticeable you have really dealt with the issue and now I also have the need to live even more environmentally friendly! Today I will immediately try a few of your DIY recipes (detergent, dishwashing liquid, etc.), I'm excited! My goal is to say goodbye to plastic step-by-step starting today and convince my family and friends to do the same. THANK YOU for your helpful tips, all the best!
Hello Marlene! Thank you for your great feedback and I'm glad you like the site. Have fun with the further implementation of your more sustainable everyday life 🙂
Best regards
I think it makes no sense to throw away plastic items, such as kitchen utensils, as long as they are not broken. Finally, production and transport also pollutes the environment and costs resources.
Best regards
Hi Kerstin! I see exactly like you - use up until the items no longer work - then replace more environmentally friendly / healthier.
Many greetings
Great post and very helpful. I have already implemented one part but there is still so much to do 😉
Hi Ano! Great, thanks for your feedback and your positive attitude! You can implement so many things... always step by step 🙂
Best regards
Hello Christoph!
These tips are suuuper! Thanks for this!
I start IMMEDIATELY to ban plastic from my life - unfortunately much too late, but better now than never!
Kind regards,
Hello Helene! Thank you for your feedback - it's great that you're changing your habits a bit 🙂 Good luck - just take it step by step.
Best regards
Hello Christoph,
my kids have been pushing me to reduce our carbon footprint together, so of course I stumbled upon the topic of plastic-free living.
Many of your tips are great, thank you very much. I will try myself through the homemade cleaning and cosmetic products. We also take every day a little thing that we can change, so none of the family is overwhelmed.
However, I do have one small criticism: I find the links to online portals such as Amazon not very effective, since the elimination of plastic should not be bought by the poor carbon footprint of transport via parcel services.
It's nice that there are people like you who share good ideas and inspire others.
I look forward to reading more of the articles.
Hi Dörle! Thanks for your great feedback - I fully understand your point of criticism and am currently in the process of revising all posts accordingly. Unfortunately, this will take some time. Thanks for your patience and the tip 🙂
Many greetings
Hello Christoph,
thanks for your detailed tips. As always top!
Hey Schriftle! Thanks for your feedback - always great to hear!
Best regards
Hello Christoph, I like your page very much. There are now stainless steel salad spinners from Emsa and Gefu.
I have already discovered natural branding for food at Netto.
Hi Sarah! Great, thanks for your tips 🙂 I'll add them here as soon as I can.
Best regards
Plastic is harmful
Hi Djorjo,
depends, of course, on what you do with it. But it is definitely harmful in the environment!
I recommend you to read the articles about the Plastic advantages and the The disadvantages of plastic - what speaks against the plastic.
Best regards,
Hello Christoph,
thank you for your detailed tips.
A note on the subject of coffee capsules. The drugstore DM offers compostable capsules. These can be found on the coffee shelf in packs of 10 in different varieties, such as Lungo, Espresso, moreover in different flavors and strengths. The packaging is made of paper and the capsules (Nespresso-compatible) can simply be thrown into the compost after use; there they dissolve. Delicious and significantly cheaper.
Thank you and best regards,
Hi Marie! Great, thanks for your tip. Have you tried composting yet? If the capsules decompose really quickly, then that's really a great alternative.
Best regards
Yes, you can already see this after use. As soon as they have been used, they start to soften and "dissolve" in the machine's collection container or in the waste garbage can. Of course, the principle is still more complex to produce than ordinary bean packs, but it is a viable alternative for all capsule users 😉
Hello Christoph,
nice article on plastic-free living. But just for inspiration;
Garbage can man / woman also when walking in our latitudes super collect ? Works almost always. Unfortunately.
Hi Acini! Absolutely right 🙂
You are also all welcome to join our worldwide CleanUp group on Facebook come. There, people from all over the world show pictures and dates of their clean-up actions in the fight against plastic waste.
Kind regards,
Thank you for this very informative article.
I live almost completely Plsatikfrei and am very happy with the movement towards plastic-free. For some time I have been using natural cosmetics from Bea Nature. the jars are made of glass and the lid of bamboo wood. The products are the hammer. But
Is bamboo sustainable? That's what I keep asking myself? Wouldn't it make more sense to use wood from the region instead of from far away?
Hi Muntschi! I'm super happy of course 🙂
Yes, that's always such a crux. Bamboo grows up to a meter a day, so it is of course super sustainable in itself. A beech tree grows in Germany, but nowhere near as fast as bamboo. The life cycle assessment of the respective product ultimately provides information about which is more sustainable.
LG Christoph
Hello Christoph,
Thank you for this valuable and detailed article. The topic of plastic has been on my wife's and my mind for quite some time. We are always grateful for new suggestions and tips on how to avoid plastic. In everyday life, this is sometimes not so easy, but we try hard and are confident that more and more people will consciously do without plastic.
Many greetings
Moin Tobias, thank you for your feedback and your positive attitude. Keep up the good work, we all change something together in any case!
Many greetings
Hello 🙂
The entry is really worth reading, yet I find it remarkable how quickly one is always referred to online stores, especially Amazon.
We help us all avoid plastic and accept transport routes for convenience? PLASTIC-FREE is also garbage-free!
And is bamboo in my toothbrush "responsibly" produced in China (how is that) better?
I deal with this topic every day in a very practical and not only theoretical way - and I am open to views and thought-provoking ideas!
Nevertheless, I think that the online shopping balance does not help us out of our misery. Furthermore, I think it makes sense to point out that alternative products are regional and definitely handmade. There are so many handmade and regional cosmetic products that I don't need French soap or soap from India.
With the own production of the products it goes further, to order each ingredient individually does not make the balance better!
I think this is worth considering -
Have a good evening.
Hi! I see like you, but I also see that for ideal-sustainable behavior of our society must also go through a certain development. We can't roll over our society plastic-free, vegan, regional, short transport routes and other things all at once. It won't work. I am glad that the vegan lifestyle is becoming established and that plastic-free living has also become more than just a trend.
In practice, it looks like this: I now include more and more local suppliers in the posts and also try to promote goods produced by hand more 🙂
Thank you for your critical words, because that's the only way we can all move forward together.
Come well into a successful new year,
Your Christoph
Good day
I love this overview!
Unfortunately, I can not quite make friends with 2 things (menstrual alternatives and garbage bags). But bsw cloth handkerchiefs are much better than paper towels, because there the nose is not so quickly sore.and a salad spinner without plastic could be the: "Kochling salad spinner stainless steel".
Hi Vanessa, thanks for your feedback! I'll even work through them again in a few days and update the overview 🙂
Yes, it's all a matter of getting used to it, and it's really strong if you were able to implement a large part of it.
Happy plastic-free 2019 to you and thanks for the tip,
Hello, the 13th day of my plastic fast brings me to this site and I am very happy to learn so much more environmentally friendly. Thank you for the varied and good information.
I am happy to tell you about my first successes: I have replaced recycled paper handkerchiefs with cotton handkerchiefs. The kitchen roll made of rec. paper has also been replaced by simple, washable dishcloths.
Every day I dedicate myself to one object in particular and look for alternatives. So far, I have already been able to change or improve a few things.
Hi Marianne! Thank you for your feedback, I'm very happy about that 🙂
Keep it up, you can be proud of it!
Stay clean,
Dear Christoph,
a clear article with many good tips.
But how do recommended buys on Amazon fit in? The shopping giant is anything but sustainable.
Please research this if not known.
Love greetings
Hi Sandra! Thanks for your comment! The links are from my early days. In the meantime I have many other partners and will soon take the time to distribute everything fairly 🙂 In the store I am already in the process of naming several suppliers for all products. Thank you for your understanding.
Stay clean,
Hello Christoph,
I think your worm bin is great and would like to use one at home. However, I have read that the worms prefer a temperature of 10 degrees. But in the kitchen it has more, in the basement in winter less. Also, paradoxically, in the countryside you get a smaller supply of organic food, so even the scraps are sprayed. Are they still accepted by the worms?
Warm regards,
Renate Bahmann
Hi Renate! Thanks for your comment.
So I think they can manage that! There is a very specific temperature in the box, which you can also influence. But please ask again at, they are absolute worm box experts 🙂
Have fun and success,
Plastic-free chewing gum: True Gum, available at Dm.
Very good, thank you! 🙂
Greeting Christoph
Hello, the plastic-free shopping is still a bit difficult for do you do it for example with spices????
Hi Anna! Thanks for your comment 🙂
So you can buy plastic-free spices in the unpackaged store. Ankerkraut spices are also available in jars online and offline. Spices are also available at the weekly market 🙂
Stay clean,
Hello Christoph,
super page, super collection. If possible, but forward directly to the page of the providers of various products and not to Amazon. Since I do not buy and then always have to look for myself where I get, for example, the bamboo cloths. Kind regards
Hi Friederike! Thanks for your feedback! I'm currently in the process of integrating many other stores, unfortunately everything is super time-consuming but I'll be further along by the end of the year 🙂
Many greetings from CleanUp in South Africa,
You can also store bread in a so-called Roman pot. There are plenty of them in second-hand stores and flea markets.
Hi Oliver! Very good tip, thank you 🙂
Stay clean,
Hello Christoph,
first of all I would like to say, you have made a great blog here. Through my membership in a plastic-free group on fb I have been made aware of your page. Simply great.
I've been bothered by all the packaging waste for a long time, and I've always been a bit keen to put a stop to it all in my household. But it is not as easy to do as thought. But many of your tips and tricks can be implemented super. I'm just starting out, but with your support and the suggestions from my group, I'm getting a little bit closer to plastic-free every day.
Greetings Conny
Hi Conny, thank you for your lovely comment!
Exactly, develop step by step 🙂
Together, we all continue to learn from each other and get a little closer to "plastic-free" status!
Stay clean,
Wow, very interesting tips here. I've also been trying to reduce plastic since the beginning of the year, but I'm still at the very beginning. Thank you for all the links to where I can get something, that makes things a lot easier 🙂
Love greetings
Hi Sandrinchen!
Thank you for your feedback, I hope it helps you. Please don't try to implement everything at once, but proceed with caution 🙂
Get a water bottle instead of plastic bottles, a jute bag instead of a plastic bag... that way you can get off to a good start and then gradually develop further. That way, you'll stay motivated and won't be overwhelmed by all the information 🙂
Have fun and stay clean,
Hello Christoph.
What products do you use to style your hair?
Haven't found any alternatives yet.
I like to use wax and hairspray.
About tips I would be very grateful
Love Patrick
Hi Paddy 😉
So far actually nothing, through this shampoo get you hair by itself a right good hold. But I can only speak for myself.
@all: Do others have any other tips? 🙂
Stay clean,
Hello Christian,
I once heard that writing long articles about this on the internet does nothing for environmental protection. You might as well build houses out of plastic (to store it so that it can no longer be consumed).
That would be really environmentally friendly!
Also, use tetrapacks instead of glass bottles to save sand. Sand is a very scarce raw material.
I hope I could help you to reach your environmental goals.
Warm regards,
Your Max
Hello Max!
The things you hear 😉 Take it further, I'm curious.
Stay clean,
Hello Christoph
First of all, thanks for the tips, but there are two things I would like to note. Firstly, if you are serious about protecting the environment you should avoid Amazon and these compostable garbage bags are unfortunately only half as great as they look. The environmental balance by production and consumption of food (corn) is already bad, plus they do not really rot when they get into nature.
Hello Kurt!
Thanks for your comment. I am currently optimizing the links and have also entered into new partnerships with local businesses. Fortunately, I was able to finance the project very quickly through Amazon, because you should know that I pay for everything myself 🙂
Thanks also for the tip about the bin liners, you're right of course. Some of the content is also a bit older. I will take the time to check all the points again to see if there is a more sustainable way. After all, we are all learning more every day and new alternatives are emerging 🙂
Stay clean,
Hello Christoph,
nice idea and also stimulation for others to think about their plastic consumption.
Among other things, I would reconsider the "eco makeup pads". Because the ones given in your link are made of microfiber, thus derived from petroleum, and nothing more than plastic / microplastic.
I'd use reusable cotton ones or cut my own pads from old cotton garments, sew them on and you're done.
Many greetings, Mimi
Hi Miriam, thanks for your comment! I'll check that out straight away 🙂
Many greetings
Hello Christoph,
i think it's good that you list things to avoid plastic, but....
Honestly, many alternatives that are given, for example, the homemade toothpaste (by the way, fluoride is especially important for children's teeth, it hardens the enamel. They should not eat it, of course, but doing without it can quickly lead to tooth loss and more likely to tooth decay, because the teeth are not hard enough to resist acids and bacteria) are made of various exotic materials, which are in principle luxury goods. Coconut oil, bamboo-based materials, Aleppo soap and other 'exotic things' have flown around the world so that we can live our plastic-free standard of living here - that's insane! What do you think would happen if everyone did that? Oil consumption is only 4% chemicals debt - nearly 50% are for energy supply. How can you even think of flying or driving on vacation if you live plastic-free (besides petroleum-based fuel, a large part of the car parts are made of plastic)? If these were also made of steel, the car would have a weight problem or would swallow even more fuel. A car made of glass? Super one sits in a cutting machine)?
I also think it is important to live low plastic, but REPLACEMENT especially for every little thing (like a toothbrush that you use forever and can recycle) is a strategy that only leads to higher transportation costs and lack of other resources. Even our much touted wood as a sustainable material takes 10 -20 years to grow and so could not meet the needs of many people at all. Even the fast growing bamboo could not - and it has to be imported.
In general, the belief that steel-based containers are ecologically better I do not understand - it takes so much energy to process steel and whether the iron released into the food, which is what steel is made of, is so much better than plastic is a moot point. Even the tap water that comes out of copper pipes here in Germany - copper ions are what women with IUDs use for contraception - need I say more?
We can't escape poisoning, and if it's not plastic, it's something else. Restricted consumption, that's the answer. But no one wants to hear that - everyone wants to brush their teeth, everyone wants to shower every day, use deodorant, everyone wants to eat not only one kind of fruit or two kinds of vegetables, which are in season and grown regionally, but also wants to eat a flying mango, drink milk even if the cows can't give milk all the time, eat eggs even if the chicken becomes a laying machine.
Nothing is ecologically clean - and an 'I will try' also only leads to the illusion that you are doing it correctly.
Articles on how to avoid plastic are great, but then coming up with alternatives that may make even less ecological sense is counterproductive!
Hi Steffi,
thank you for your detailed comment and thank you for your feedback. In order:
First: You can't make everything 100% sustainable, because things that are hyped are eventually no longer sustainable. That's why a sustainable life also involves constant change.
On plastic in general: plastic-free doesn't mean that you should live plastic-free overnight, but that it should be a goal to get there. This also means that we will eventually find a good natural alternative that offers us the many advantages of plastic. Such as easy transportation, flexible moldability, and a cheap material. It has to make sense, but I want to work with the whole Zero Waste Movement look for alternatives. We're not naive, we just want to improve the world together. 😉 And it's precisely discussions like these that help us all to take a closer look.
Please continue to be so committed and supportive in our Zero Waste Community on Facebook.
Many greetings,
Thank you so much for all these great ideas! Some time ago I also started to fight the plastic waste. But that is unfortunately not so easy (in the supermarket next door there are hardly any vegetables that are not wrapped).
But what bothers me a bit in all these tips is the message to replace everything made of plastic fix with other products. That is exactly what must not happen now. If everyone now throws away their lunch boxes and dishwashing brushes, even though they are still good, this is exactly the plastic waste that will later float in the ocean. The motto is to (re)use everything that is still good as long as possible and not just to constantly buy new things.
Even substitute products are not perfect in every respect (e.g. where does all the bamboo come from? certainly not from the farmer next door) and products made of metal can probably not shine with the super CO2 footprint.
we should not simply consume substitutes but limit our consumption and only buy what we really need, repair things, repurpose them or even pass them on to others.
Maybe you can emphasize that a little more 🙂
Kind regards,
Hi Anne. Thanks for your comment, I totally agree with you.
Some of the paragraphs are a bit older, I've also learned more and more and am now taking the time to go through the article again in full 🙂
Stay clean,
I avoid plastic, where it goes ... already my grandfather found at the end of 60s J. the plastic mania no longer "normal". Constantly you got bags in the hand pressed - with advertising on it! and each sausage / cheese slice was separated with a plastic sheet ... all abnormal and not necessary. My grandpa was apparently the first eco, green (without him knowing what that was). An environmentalist and animal rights activist he certainly was. He lived what we have lost and must rediscover today: the right way to deal with nature.
But how do you convince the population, which has completely lost track of the flood of different packaging materials and apparently also lost the desire to separate them?
When I look into our garbage container, I feel a cold horror ... no separation, everything in, no matter how, just gone.
Hello Francis,
thank you for your comment! I think from your grandpa we can all learn a lot, because he has the problem with the Plastic understood from the very beginning. For as many advantages as plastic brings, today we are fighting especially against the negative consequences, the Plastic waste in the environment.
Also with the Waste separation you are absolutely right. There needs to be tougher action. The current rule is: out of sight, out of mind.
Let's continue to make a difference together.
Stay clean,
Lots of great tips you've put together here - thanks for that!
However, I am a little bothered by the image that is used above the entry. It gives the impression that all these products are "plastic-free", which unfortunately is probably not true. Most freezer cartons are - similar to Tetrapaks - made of composite material, i.e. paper on the outside and foil on the inside. To test, you can tear the freezer carton a bit, then you can usually see the wafer-thin film on the inside well. Unfortunately, I have also noticed something similar with apparent "paper packaging" for baking powder, pudding powder, soda and baking soda. Packaging made of composite materials is unfortunately not biodegradable and therefore belongs in the yellow bag and not in the waste paper.
Hi Wind Sea! Thanks for the feedback and the hint, a very good point!
I'm sure you're alluding to the fish burgers. I will check that with my next purchase. But it's great that many manufacturers, together with the WWF, do without the usual and unnecessary plastic film.
I'm happy if you continue to do so and also point out errors in the blog 🙂
Stay clean,
I have also been trying to reduce my plastic consumption for some time. Thanks for the great tips. You can already save quite a bit of plastic by shopping more consciously!
Many greetings from
Hi Margit! Thanks for your feedback and have fun with the implementation!
Kind regards,
The idea is great. However, with many of the alternatives, the costs are prohibitive for pensioners and other welfare recipients. Alone the garbage bags 40 pieces for 22 euros. plastic-free is probably only what for better earners.
Hi Tamara, thanks for your comment!
I think plastic-free is not just for high earners. You can, for example, use your Folding garbage bags from newspaper. If you have plastic garbage bags, try to use them as long as possible (i.e. fill them up to the top) to make it worthwhile. If you basically consume more environmentally conscious, you will also have more money left over. For sure.
Many greetings and have a nice Wednesday,
I have a funny question - has anyone tried washing the floss (natural floss)?
Hi Eva!
Unfortunately not, can anyone help? 😉
Many greetings,
Hi Christoph, could you please delete my surname? I typed it in by mistake 😀 I don't want my full name on the internet... THANK YOU and best regards, Annette
Hi Annette,
sure, it's done. 😉
Many greetings,
Hello Christoph,
That's a great article you've written! I'm going to implement some of the ideas. Living plastic-free in one fell swoop is not feasible... but consciously changing your consumption bit by bit is a great and achievable thing! For example, I've started to change my bathroom to bamboo toothbrushes, wooden ear sticks and bar soaps (instead of shampoos, shower gels and hand soap from plastic bottles) from -> They have all kinds of handmade soaps, the best I've ever seen 😉 In the kitchen, I now have a toaster from Vintage and a kettle from Kitchenaid - both made from stainless steel. They look classy, sustainable and durable!
For shopping, I always take my own egg box in the shopping basket and always have a shopping bag in my handbag (for spontaneous purchases)... Here is still an increase possible... Drinks, milk in glass bottles, etc..
Lunch boxes will soon also be replaced with stainless steel boxes. I have already replaced lunch bottles with glass bottles. Most glass bottles have a fabric/felt cover on the outside, so they are also suitable for children.
Now I wish you much success with your projects and I look forward to new articles from you!
Hi Annette,
thank you for your feedback and your experiences and tips for a plastic-free life 🙂
Keep up the good work and best regards,
Dear Christoph,
Thank you very much for your great tips. Some things were not yet clear to me and I am very grateful for one or the other hint, which I will now also implement. Plastic prevention should be a school subject all over the world. be
Many greetings
Hi Carmen, thank you for your lovely comment.
I agree with you. In the article 10 reasons for environmental protection at school you can learn more about it.
Keep up the good work 🙂
Many greetings, Christoph
A great post. I will definitely recommend it to others.
It's just unfortunate to see that even in the organic market, a lot of things are wrapped in plastic. We buy milk, yogurt and cream in jars. Fruit and vegetables loose in nets we bring ourselves. Bread in a cotton bag. I thought we were already paying close attention to plastic waste, but this post sheds so much light on areas you weren't so aware of before. At least not to me - e.g. toothbrush.
I will try the recipe for my own toothpaste right away.
It's a shame how much we have mutated into a throwaway society. I don't exclude myself from that. But the way I see it, it's not just up to each individual to change things, but also up to politics, and especially up to the EU. There are simply too many loopholes in the law that allow industry to act as it currently does.
Perhaps one more tip that has not been mentioned in the article so far: solidarity farming. Here there is also no packaging waste and the grown, organic food comes directly from the region according to season.
If the leap to community-supported agriculture is too big for you, you can also purchase regional organic boxes, which are delivered by cargo bikes, among other things. 😉 The seasonal organic food from the region comes loose in a deposit box.
Hi MiPo! Thank you for your nice comment and feedback. I see it the same way as you do, that's why it's important to educate and put pressure on politics and business.
Thanks also for the tip about solidarity farming, I will add that to the plastic-free article.
Many greetings,
Great overview! Thank you! I also know a nice sustainable online store called Bewusst & Schön. There's cute drawstring bags, homemade decor & cool put together ZeroWaste starter packs. I can only recommend. The packages are old boxes that have already been used and padded with old newspaper. I find super!
Many greetings,
Hello Christoph,
Your tips and suggestions are great, but what bothers me is that your product links all go to Amazon. We all know by now that Amazon is anything but environmentally friendly, already alone by the many individually shipped packages. Sure, the link to Amazon makes sense, because there really almost everything is to get, but important is always the reference to look first locally. There are now health food stores, Bio-Company, natural department stores and co throughout Germany. And if you can't find what you're looking for there, it's also worth taking a look at mail-order companies like Waschbär and co......
Best regards,
Hi Nina, sorry for my late feedback to your lovely comment.
I can fully understand your objection, but of course I also have to keep my costs above water through the product referrals. I am gradually incorporating other stores into the blog and will not exclusively recommend Amazon products.
To explain this briefly from a blogger's point of view: Amazon has a great-functioning affiliate program, while the mass of beautiful environmental stores is unfortunately totally behind. I white partners of our site but also again and again to point out and try to accelerate this. Since I am currently still dependent on the income from product recommendations, you can currently also find Amazon articles in the blog.
I use the income to finance all the texts for the education against plastic waste and also the many CleanUp actions on the beaches.
I am also giving my all to launch my own online store this year, where CareElite products will then be shipped directly from me.
I hope I was able to clarify your concern at least a bit and I appreciate your comment.
You still a nice week and many greetings
Hello Christoph,
thank you so much for your effort!!!
I would have a few additions:
The reference to garbage bags made of corn starch is unfortunately not always practical: if the organic waste collected in them is to be processed by the city, these bags hinder this processing. They do not decompose in the time and under the temperature conditions, but cause additional costs, since one must fish them out again and/or they block the machines. It is best to collect the organic waste in a container and clean it at intervals.
Residual waste: if you have used up your own plastic bags, you can ask second-hand stores if they have any left. There are usually so many donations that plastic bags must be disposed of, especially for clothing donations.
Replace aluminum foil: my grandma just took plates to cover! We do not need anything extra!
Replace salad spinner: simply use a kitchen towel, it will still be moist enough afterwards to keep unused lettuce fresh in the refrigerator. This way of keeping fresh applies to many vegetables and is very easy to implement. No one needs the Biofreshsonstwas compartments in the refrigerator, if he knows old methods.
Your map of unpackaged shopping options needs an update 🙂 Many stores have been added in the last two years and more are waiting in the wings. If you need information, write to me.
Many greetings!
If you ever want to include a book link, why not use
Hi Tanja! Thanks for your great tips on plastic-free living! I'll work them into the article bit by bit 🙂
Many greetings,
The metal cans quickly get dents and with bad luck they then no longer close well. And usually (or always?) The lid is not connected to the can, on the playground really stupid with two parts, the Kids sit mostly yes not at the table to eat.
I wonder with these bamboo cans how it looks with pollutants that can possibly dissolve as with plastic. There are also coffee mugs to go what happens when something hot comes in there, in terms of pollutants?
Hi Anja! So I have not seen that at all, good point!
Yes, it is certainly not healthy.
Many greetings, Christoph
Hello Christoph,
Have you looked at lunch boxes made from bamboo fiber and cornstarch?
The metal ones are often impractical for the kids.
Your ideas and buying suggestions are great ?
Hi Anja! Of course, I also like to include as plastic-free alternatives. Why do you find the stainless steel cans unsuitable?
Many greetings,
Hello Christoph!
Wow, great article, so detailed!
We are trying our hand at zero waste living despite having a baby and there is still an alternative to cotton diapers: No diapers at all. Works great! Just google diaper-free, in case you're wondering now. There's so much stupid stuff in the baby world: plastic baby spoons, for example. That's basically n teaspoon. And people then BUY that!
LG Anne
Hello Anne!
That's great! Could you contribute an article on diaper-free? Is a real added value for all (expectant) parents.
Best regards,
Hello Christoph .
I find your block very stimulating . Will take some examples .
I would be happy if you indirectly would not make so much advertising for Amazon. There are certainly other alternative providers.
Have fun with the "plastic-free life".
Hi Edi, thanks for your lovely comment! Of course, I also include other providers. Continue to have fun and best regards,
Good list, I would have a few more ideas:
- Hemp string, for the garden (to tie up)
- I have not yet found a completely plastic-free kettle, but the Ottoni is at least plastic-free inside (plasticizer!), just read the reviews on Amazon.
- Toaster: unfortunately also not complete but largely plastic-free are the toasters from Dualit, and they have screws so that you can at least repair them.
In general, I think there is only one way to get rid of plastic waste in the sea and in the environment: we have to somehow turn it into a resource, so that it becomes valuable and is no longer thrown away but collected. I imagine some kind of invention, a small furnace for home use that burns plastic without polluting it, or a machine that makes building blocks out of pressed plastic with which you can build simple houses. Something like that. In many countries this could work well. Who knows a rich person who would sponsor an invention contest?
I also like the possibility of writing to manufacturers, many things could be packaged differently or sold in larger containers.
Since you can also look and join with neighbors and then buy bulk quantities and / or products for commercial consumers (which is also much cheaper than the single household quantities). Gibts of Sonett e.g. in the 10 Kg Pack.
Thanks for the website and please keep it up.
Moin Michael! Thanks for your many ideas! I add everything little by little.
In this way, we reduce the waste that is generated. Now that China no longer accepts our waste, hopefully politics will also support these values.
I work with a Balinese man who has developed a recycling system. He pays people to bring the garbage to him. That is already such an approach, which I find great. Because this way there is no more garbage on the ground for the people, but cash money.
I'll keep you posted.
Best regards
As for the kettle: since we got an induction stove, we've gone back to using a classic tea kettle. It's just as fast, or even faster. Ours has a little bit of plastic on the handle so that you can touch the thing, but you can certainly do that without it.
Hi! A really great tip, thank you! 🙂
Stay clean,
Hello Christoph,
I also just came across the xing post today. Better late than never...
Since I saw the film "The Clean Bin Project" years ago, I have been optimizing my life in the direction of waste-free and thus low plastic. It's not always (easy), sometimes only the sales clerks and bystanders, e.g. at the ice cream parlor, got me thinking.
Some commentators complained about the replacement of existing plastic utensils from the kitchen. If you don't want to wait until they become unusable, you can get rid of them at flea markets, via the sell, swap and give away pages of social media or free-your-stuff to enthusiastic users. The people are not (yet) converted, but they do not buy (for now) newly produced plastic things.
Love greetings Britta
Hi Britta! Thanks for your nice feedback! I am exactly your opinion, but still have adjusted the text passages. If you also don't like the melted plastic on kitchen gadgets, you can sell it at the flea market, as you said.
Have a great new year,
Greeting Christoph
Thank you so much for this really great article!
My husband and I have been trying hard for some time to avoid unnecessary waste and have been quite successful. The production of cosmetics and cleaning products, as well as the upcycling of clothing and other items have thus developed into a real hobby and it gives me real pleasure to experiment creatively.
I find it very admirable how people like you are committed to zero waste and set a great example. Thank you very much for that!
However, I have a small point of criticism, which strikes me in many articles (as well as in yours) over and over again about this topic. It is written very often about the fact that one should ban the plastic, replace, exchange... I am however of the opinion that one should continue to use the things, which are already present in the household and only in the case of a necessary new acquisition should do without the plastic, because otherwise we produce unnecessary garbage again. The Tupperware, which are present with us, come mostly still from the estate of our grandparents and have thus already some decades on the hump, which has no influence on their function. It would be a great pity if these reliable and already existing utensils would become victims of the disposal, although they are perfectly serviceable. I think this is definitely worth considering in order to prevent further waste.
Dear greeting Julia
Hi Julia! Thank you for your great feedback and have a great year 🙂
I agree with you 100%. The text passages are from my early days and I haven't had time to adapt them yet. Of course you shouldn't throw away the plastic things that work. Thanks for your tip, I'll go straight through it 🙂
Best regards
Hello all,
Thank you very much for this exciting and informative article on the subject of plastics. From my point of view, many people throw away broken things much too quickly, often you can still repair the things. The other day I took a broken laundry basket to a specialist for plastic repair and the laundry basket is like new again.
Hello Viktoria! Great, repairing is an important part of the Zero Waste Lifestyle. Keep up the good work 🙂
Many greetings and a successful year for you, greetings Christoph
Hello Christoph,
since a few weeks I try to ban plastic from my household, there your blog gives me a lot of inspiration. Thank you. I attach particular importance to not letting any food come into contact with plastic. My biggest problem is the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a replacement made of glass or stainless steel. Do you have any ideas? If I put each vegetable in its own bowl (covered with homemade oilcloth) I get a real space problem.
Kind regards,
Hi Renate! I wish you a happy new year 🙂
Phew, that's not easy. Can't you "line" the vegetable compartment with a cloth? Or is it basically too small?
Alternatively, try to shop a little more according to need and rather go shopping once more. This way you avoid wasting food and you don't have to buy a bigger fridge.
You are also welcome to post your question again in our Zero Waste Facebook Community put
Great attitude, keep up the good work!
Many greetings
Tap water is a great solution! 🙂 We recommend using a Water filter from AcalaQuell® we use it and are thrilled...
Hello Roi! The honestly does not fit so well with the post,'s there also without plastic?
Best regards,
Thanks for your tips! I usually drink tap water at home. On long-term trips in Asia, however, I quickly face a problem. I would like to reduce the plastic bottle consumption. Do you have a useful tip?
Hi Andreas, thanks for your feedback. Very good! Yes, I have a good tip for you. In many countries (e.g. Indonesia) restaurants and cafes participate in the Refill program. With the app "Refill Bali" you can for example in Bali in many places free of charge your (brought) bottle refill with water. This is a great thing!
Best regards
Hello! There is a great alternative for the brush, which is also vegan, from Kostkamm
Hi Dinah! Thanks for your tip 🙂
LG Christoph
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Hello Christoph,
thank you very much for all the tips.
On the subject of plastic-free shaving, you could still call a classic razor plane. The advantage over a razor here is that such a plane requires less skill and experience than a razor and is therefore a more bloodless affair.
Many greetings
Hello Henning! Thanks for your message and the tip! I'll add the safety razor right away! I'll also add the chapter "Making things yourself without plastic waste" 🙂
Best regards,
Hello Christoph,
there are classic razors! After all, people were shaving before plastic and disposable items were invented.
I only shave dry with a hair clipper, which is made of plastic and consumes electricity, but doesn't make any waste, and when it stops working, I take it to the problem waste collection (you can find out when and where this is in your city's waste calendar).
By the way, you can start collecting garbage even if you don't happen to live near a beach or go on vacation there - the garbage is also blown from the land to the sea.
I live on the outskirts of Cologne and it's unbelievable what's hanging in the bushes on the side of the road here.
When I cleaned up my neighborhood after a smaller carnival parade (you can't get behind the big one in downtown Cologne without machines), by the way, I was only looked at speptically, no one helped me. But I was glad that I didn't have to look at the filthy street for weeks afterwards, because that's how long it took the year before for the street cleaners to remove the remains. And by then, half of it had already gone somewhere else.
In my opinion, there would be no garbage problem at all if everyone would sweep in front of his own front door. And that starts with us, not just in tropical countries!
I really like your commitment, but I wanted to add this!
With kind regards
Hi Jonas! Thanks for your message! Thanks also for the tip, razors are even better. I will add that 🙂
Exactly, everyone has to start with themselves. Anyone who walks through the forest with a bag of garbage will certainly have filled it within half an hour. 32 million tons of plastic waste end up in the environment every year and around 8 million tons go straight into the sea. I don't just go to the beaches to collect it, I also do educational work 🙂 Because the recycling systems in Indonesia and Sri Lanka don't work yet, whereas they do here. Since around 80% of the plastic waste in the sea comes from Southeast Asian countries, I'm starting there.
Super action! Yes, it simply interests only a few. But go on, because you have understood what it's all about.
Thanks for your feedback!
Stay clean,
May I mention your blog in a newspaper article as inspiration for plastic-free living?
LG Ariane
Hi Ariane! Gladly, you can mention my blog in the paper. Feel free to send me a link/picture.
Thanks a lot for your support! LG Christoph
First of all a big praise and a big THANK YOU for your commitment.
I've been trying to avoid plastic waste for about 2 years and have switched to handmade soap (hair and body) and items made of wood and metal.
However, I continue to use the plastic containers I purchased before this time and will continue to do so until they break - only then will I repurchase ecologically.
In my eyes, it would be contrary to your concept to throw away all plastic household goods in order to purchase environmentally friendly items. Unfortunately, your recommendations read as if one should do so.
Nevertheless, keep up the good work and lots of strength and energy for your work!
Hi Aline,
Thank you for your kind comment and the feedback on the project! 🙂 You're absolutely right, because plastic is not fundamentally bad, it only becomes dangerous when it gets into the environment. I'll adjust that in the post.
Many greetings
Unfortunately, the employees at the fresh food counter are not allowed to put anything into the can you brought with you - they can only weigh the items on paper and hand them over to you. The can is not allowed on the other side of the counter for hygiene reasons.
Hi Wolf! Where did you try it? 🙂 It works for me, you just have to be persistent, because as long as your box is on top of the counter and not behind it, they can give you sausage & cheese without packaging. It's possible that some stores won't work even then. But it always works somewhere 🙂 LG Christoph
yes you can hand it over, but the catch is that it is handed over on paper and this paper is then renewed every time because of the hygiene regulations. so it goes in the trash there instead of with me. conclusion: everything stays the same 🙁 🙁 too bad
Hey MYriam,
neneee, then you'd better keep looking 🙂
There are more and more supermarkets that put meat & cheese in cans without packaging.
Stay clean,
Why did I just discover your website today? Great educational work and super tips. I wish everyone would read and internalize this.
On my new blog Hannicoco I present my way to a more sustainable life, I would be happy if I could enrich someone else with it as well 🙂
Love greetings
Hi Johanna! Cool, thanks for the laurels! I wish that too, but I notice that more and more people are dealing with it!
I'll have a look at your blog right away 😉
Many greetings,
Hello Christoph,
here is another tip about brushing your teeth.
After trying different things to brush my teeth, I find this the most practical and effective:
- Wet toothbrush
- Sprinkle baking soda on the bristles
- Add 2 drops of eucaliptus oil
To remove stubborn stains or plaque, I brush my teeth once or twice a week with healing clay and then as described above.
Greetings and continued success, Heiner
Hello Heiner! Super good 🙂 Thank you for your tip, I'd love to try it out too! Baking soda is a real miracle cure and helps enormously to avoid plastic. Best regards, Christoph
Hello Christoph, 🙂
here is another good tip for toothbrush salt from the jar.
Mondversand has such remedies on offer. Johanna Paungger-Poppe is the founder of Mondversand, and I have known her for many years through her books. - Everything (books and store) highly recommended.
I have already bought a number of recommended articles on the basis of your website. - Finally, I wrote you an email about, remember? You had already replied to me 🙂
Your green kitchen helpers have just arrived and are supposed to be on kitchen duty in the trailer ...
All the best for you and continued success.
Hi Gundula! Of course, I'm just talking to Amazon so that we all donate here with every purchase also a part to charitable projects! Mondversand I did not know yet, but I have now also on the screen.
Thanks for your words, I wish you well too and look forward to hearing from you again!
Many greetings, Christoph
There are plastic-free razors at Manufactum, and other great things for plastic-free living.
Hello Christoph,
I am a carpenter and I have the following reference in the section The kitchen without plastic to item 17. cutting board made of bamboo wood:
Bamboo wood cutting boards are an ecological disaster:
- Bamboo does not grow in Europe! It is shipped to Europe from Asia, South Africa, Central and South America.
- Production therefore often takes place in other countries in an uncontrolled manner.
- Bamboo must be glued to become a cutting board. The adhesives are not declared.
Domestic wood species such as oak, maple, poplar, beech and larch. Preferably a board, so not glued and natural untreated!
Just go to the local carpenter, joiner and ask for an unglued oak board. Oak wood has a better antibacterial effect than plastic, metal or glass! (Book Tip: The gentle medicine of trees, Maximilian Moser & Erwin Thoma)
Do not put wooden cutting boards in the dishwasher! Wipe with a damp cloth is enough!
Discoloration on the wood surface is not a defect!
Super side effect: You get to know your carpenter and learn more about wood and its great properties!
Have fun with it!
Hi Peter, thank you for your great input! Some of the tips are "getting on in years" and the article is now so long that I can't always keep everything Up2Date. I just replaced the bamboo cutting boards with oak cutting boards.
Best regards
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