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Welcome to the Society Blog from CareElite! Here, as you might expect, you'll learn everything you need to know about our society and the basic rights of human beings. Enjoy the blog!

Why is a blog about society and human rights so important?

This blog is especially close to my heart! Especially because it enriches our life together so incredibly, if we eliminate social injustices. I hate injustices! To be honest, and I want to contribute every day to steadily dismantle them. From World hungerwhich, if everyone got their act together, we could end in a few years, to racism, sexism, and Speciesism.

Of course, they will not disappear overnight. Habits and different ideals prevent that. But many are closely related to each other. This blog about society and human rights is meant to create a good basis. A good basis to deal with each other peacefully, humanely and sustainably - and to preserve our planet for future generations.

This is why I am a blogger for human rights

Even though at first glance this society blog doesn't fit directly into the topics of sustainability and environmental protection, I think it creates a healthy breeding ground for all the things I plan to do with CareElite. I want to move our society towards a sustainable way of life - and that can only happen if the concerns around one's basic needs, such as constant access to food and water or one's own safety, are always satisfied. Only then is it possible to think about developing personally and living more sustainably.

For this reason, I blog about human rights and for the preservation of human dignity. But now have fun with the blog!

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Sustainable Gastronomy – 15 Eco-Friendly Ideas & Best Practices To Enhance Sustainability In Restaurants

What can sustainable gastronomy look like in practice? And what can catering businesses do to become more environmentally friendly? If you're looking for answers to these questions, you've come to the right place!