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Second Hand Benefits – 10 Reasons To Buy Used Goods More Often

Second Hand Advantages - Why to buy used products?

Want to learn about real second hand benefits and why you should prefer second hand goods in the future? Then you've come to the right place!

Admittedly, the image of worn items of clothing or scratched smartphones may still be a little dusty - but more and more people are consciously choosing them for very good reasons. Above all, to draw a line under our Disposable society to pull.

In this article I would like to show you why second hand is so great and why you should also buy used consumer goods in the future and avoid sparkling new goods as much as possible. Let's go!

1. Second hand is more sustainable

Why buy used goods like records?

Let's start with the obvious: buying things used is good for the environment. For one, because you get the product you want without having to pay for it. natural resources have to be consumed. On the other hand, because neither new packaging waste nor a pollutant-rich and climate-polluting production are necessary.

Less waste, less resource consumption, less pollution. By giving existing items a second chance, appreciating, repairing, and upgrading them, you can increase your Making everyday life even more sustainable.

2. Second hand is always available

Whether in the Second-hand store, flea market or on the InternetThere are now so many places to go for really cool, second-hand items! Just stroll through the flea market on a Sunday or get some inspiration directly in the store.

And if you like it convenient, then click through the lines on the various platforms for Second-hand productswhich I have summarized for you in the conclusion. Either way, this is Offer today simply bigger than ever!

3. Second hand is cheaper

For that, to avoid the new purchase, there is of course also the financial argument. Second-hand clothes, furniture or books are simply sooo much cheaper - and that's one of the main reasons why you should save money through a sustainable lifestyle can!

For the price of a new sweater, you can usually get two or three pieces of clothing in a second-hand store. Usually even top brands that others pay a lot of money for. Makes you think, doesn't it? 😉

4. Second hand promotes social exchange

Communication with other people is also an important pillar of sustainable action. Last but not least with the neighbors!

Because this way Transport routes for new orders are avoided and items are also shared. In the best case, you can exchange things you no longer like for something else. Because what one person no longer likes can trigger pure joy in the other.

Either way, Second Hand connects people together. Simply because you share the same attitude towards the conservation of natural resources - and because you can therefore get into conversation much more quickly and easily.

5. Second hand is more individual

Skateboards at the flea market

One of many second hand advantages is also the uniqueness of used goods. Mass-produced goods are out - finally, it has to be said.

Because for example the Fast Fashion is for so many Environmental problems of our time responsible and, last but not least, it also puts a strain on the health of the people who sew these garments together on the cheap.

Second-hand goods ignore fast-moving trends. It never gets boring in principle - especially if you regularly get hold of one or two unique items.

6. Second hand is more appreciative

Buying a used item means, to show him the value that many other people already do not see. Most of us have lost our appreciation of the contents of our own closet in particular.

But those days will soon be over. Buying second-hand also means buying a Eye for detail and the special - and at the same time live more minimalist and treat what already exists with more respect.

Tip: You want to know more about the Psychology of minimalism experience? Then be sure to check out the linked post!

7. Second hand is high quality

Of course, this advantage of second hand does not apply to every used item. But since stained, holey and strange-smelling garments are usually not offered in the first place, the Probability to get hold of a still functional and beautiful part quite large.

In addition, just older products and goods still have a higher qualityso that a worn sweater, for example, retains its color even after countless washes.

Quality goods are durable - and that is precisely why it can be sold again at second or third hand.

8. Second hand is healthier

Especially Cheap textiles often contain chemicals from the manufacturing process that should never, ever be there. Colorants, Microplastics or impregnating agents, for example.

Especially in children's clothing, such fabrics are quite questionable. With used fabrics, however, they are usually already washed outso that the risk to your own health is significantly reduced.

9. Second hand is diverse

Diversity as an important Second Hand advantage

People used to say that second-hand was too stressful and that you wouldn't find what you were looking for. But at the latest with the well-stocked online providers the meaning of this argument has disappeared.

Whether online or offline, premium brand or noname, books, clothing, furniture, computers or games consoles - the everything is also available second-hand! And it's an incredible amount of fun!

10. Second hand is a statement

"More, faster, cheaper" - that could be the slogan of our throwaway society. Preferring to buy used products in order to save money, protect the environment and its natural resources and simply swim against the tide, on the other hand, is the right thing to do. a real statement that gives you even more personality.

It is a statement that is fun. And at the same time a Signs of positive change to a more sustainable society.

Take advantage of second hand products!

That's clear! You can't always find the item of clothing you want in exactly the right size. And sometimes the smell or damage of a used product exceeds your personal pain threshold.

But as a rule, second hand offers so An incredible number of financial, ecological, stylish and social benefitswhich maneuver the few disadvantages into the shadows.

"Be yourself the change you wish to see in this world."

Mahatma Gandhi (more at Environmental protection quotes)

Finally, I would like to give you here some Recommended contact points for second-hand goods on the Internet:

I hope that I could make you aware of the most important advantages with this article. Do you have any questions, tips or your own experiences with buying second-hand goods that you would like to share? Then feel free to write me a comment.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Do you think that the constant Consumption of new goods makes happy? In the linked article I show you why the opposite is to be expected.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.