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CareElite Community

The issue of plastic waste in the environment, the plastic free lifestyle and naturally conscious consumption are things that you can only really make a difference with in a growing community of convinced environmentally conscious people. Because in order to Goal of CareElite To reach and sensitize all people to the issue of plastic waste in the environment, each and every one of us must pass on this attitude. Individually, none of us can make a difference with the issue of plastic waste, but together in the community, the plastic waste problem will get the attention it needs from society and politics. I am glad that you are part of it. Here I would like to introduce you to the CareElite community in detail and hope that you will join us everywhere, share your personal experiences and learn from others. The more we are, the higher the attention to the problem is Plastic waste in the environment.

CareElite Facebook page

Support our joint project with a Like of the Facebook page CareElite - Be Natural Change. By doing so, you not only promote awareness of the project, but also get discounted products and valuable content on the topic of plastic waste in the environment, as well as plastic-free living provided. Again, feel free to contact me if you have any questions about plastic waste in the environment, plastic-free products, or any other topic. Thank you in advance for your Like, which costs nothing and yet has a high value for the common goal.

Go to Facebook page CareElite - Be Natural Change

Facebook group CareElite Connect

Environmental protection project CareElite Zero Waste Community

Come join our Facebook group Zero Waste, Plastic-Free and Natural Living (CareElite Connect)learn where and how you can do without plastic and share your experiences with the community. Every question is worth asking. Together in the community you can also share your own experiences and tricks for living without plastic and learn from the experiences of others. In this group the Zero Waste Lifestyle (that is, life without garbage) lived.

Go to Facebook group Zero Waste, Plastic-Free and Natural Living (CareElite Connect)

Facebook group CareElite CleanUps

CareElite Environmental Protection Project Plastic Waste

Here belongs every environmentally conscious person who is not too shy to collect the plastic waste on the beaches or in the environment. In addition to living plastic-free, it is especially important to eliminate the existing plastic waste in the environment. With this group, any member anywhere in the world can easily and quickly create a plastic waste or Organize Beach CleanUp. It's fun in a group and brings like-minded people together. Sometimes I organize my CleanUps in advance, but often I just start and people join in and help. It's just important to take the step and start doing something against plastic waste, then others will take notice. Come to the Facebook group and regularly support the elimination of plastic waste in the environment.

Go to the Facebook group Nature & Beach CleanUp Group Worldwide (CareElite CleanUps)

YouTube channel

Pictures and videos convey passion and commitment more quickly. But don't expect too much from the channel yet, it will only be expanded in the future. With YouTube, we can reach many people around the world in a very short time. Through the videos, I can take you to the most beautiful places on this earth and show you what my CleanUps look like. Again, the more we are, the higher the awareness of the issue of plastic waste in the environment. Just follow the YouTube channel of CareElite to get to know me personally and also my work on the CareElite project better.

To the YouTube channel of CareElite

Instagram channel

On my Instagram channel I share the best moments of my travels and my work for environmental protection around the world. This is about my life as an environmentalist and entrepreneur, and of course, traveling to the places in this world that have a particularly big problem with plastic waste. Here I just share everything that I think is worth sharing 🙂 .

To my Instagram Channel

Pinterest channel

Pinterest CareElite

On Pinterest, I share with you on my pinboard "Plastikfrei / Plastic Free" all the important things that come my way in my work. Among them are not only my own contributions, but also everything that others do against excessive plastic waste. Here you can pick up a lot of tips & tricks for plastic-free living, which you can imitate directly. Just follow CareElite on Pinterest.

Go to the CareElite Pinterest channel

Free E-Book & Free Email Series

As a welcome gift, I'm giving you my free e-books. For the perfect start into a plastic-free and basically sustainable lifestyle. If you like, you'll also receive a valuable weekly email (email series) on the topic. And don't worry: you can unsubscribe at any time and I promise to keep your data confidential.

PS: Wenn du mehr über mich persönlich erfahren möchtest, I introduce myself here once again in more detail. Otherwise, you can now feel free to explore a bit in the Sustainability Blog look around.

19 thoughts on “CareElite Community”

  1. Michelle from Grzymala

    Hey dear Careelite team,

    can you tell me how many filaments one of your bamboo toothbrushes has?

    Kind regards,
    Michelle from Grzymala

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, I'm really out of my depth. I will pass the question on to my manufacturer.

      Many greetings,

  2. Michael Kasimatis, I agree with your comment. In the 1950s there was no
    Plastic and people lived too. Back then you had paper bags in which you could put your
    We packaged our purchases (sugar, flour, etc.). In addition, we knitted or crocheted from wool colorful net bags, with which we went shopping. Everyone wanted to have the most beautiful and largest. Anything goes, with a little good will and a little less convenience and more environmental awareness.
    Thank you for this site and that there are other people with me who fight for the environment!

    1. Hello Rosel, Hello Michael,

      I can only agree with both of you! That we all work together to do something against plastic waste is shown quite well by an example:

      In the past there were wooden toothbrushes. Then for a long time there was nothing but plasitkzahnbürsten. But today, more and more people are turning to wooden toothbrushes again. That's just cool, but only the introduction to the age that follows the plastic age 🙂 Whatever what may be called then, it is lived in any case more natural and conscious.

      Many greetings

  3. First of all, thank you for your commitment and for your ideas. I hope that many people will join and above all that you will do something practical, even if I am not confident that the pollution will be reduced by voluntary plastic renunciation. For this, man is too comfortable and too much involved in today's way of life. What would really help, in my opinion, is a radical, immediate ban on as many plastic items as possible and, in the future, ALL plastic items. People 100 years ago also lived plastic-free. Sounds very utopian now, but I think it is all a matter of habit. In addition, we must start with school education and that already in pre-school. Governments must be put under pressure, and environmental offenders, whether individuals or companies, must be severely punished.

      1. Hi Michael! Who lives like this nowadays? I have a normal apartment, without rock walls 😉

        And how would you solve the problem, other than getting consumers, manufacturers and politicians to rethink? I look forward to your answer - then we can finally tackle the problem.

        Stay clean,

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