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In our plastic-free online store you can buy products without plastic and find more and more plastic-free products that you can integrate into your life. For the maintenance of this store I am also a little dependent on your help. For example, if a price is not up to date, or you discover an article with some plastic in the list of products without plastic, then let me know. Otherwise, I wish you a lot of fun in the store, which will make your life easier without plastic.

Plastic-free - Life without plastic - Online Shop

Unfortunately, plastic-free products are harder to find than you might think. But why are plastic-free products so hard to find? There are several related reasons: Plastic can be found both in the product packaging, in the product itself, or even in the inserts that accompany the delivery in a wide variety of forms. Although the plastic is often directly visible, more and more often plastic components are not visible to the human eye. This is the case, for example, when cosmetic products are manufactured with microplastic components. It is particularly important to use cosmetics or shower gel without plastic, because these microscopic components cannot be stopped in sewage treatment plants. In this way, the plastic eventually ends up in the sea, where it is eaten by marine animals and enters the food chain.

But it is best to read this article on the topic Bio-accumulation - Plastic in the food chain through. In any case, it is therefore important to shop plastic-free and to take a special look at the ingredients of the products that you put in your shopping basket every day or order online. With this small online store for shopping without plastic, I would like to lay an important foundation for plastic-free life and do what everyone who has understood the danger of plastic should do: Make other people aware of plastic-free living and make plastic-free shopping easier. Because the main reason for the plastic craze with over 300 million tons of plastic produced annually, in my opinion, is the ignorance and convenience of the broad population class.

Buy products without plastic online

Toothbrushes without plastic? Lunch boxes without plastic? A drinking bottle without plastic? Sanitary towels without plastic? Where can I buy these plastic-free products online? Have you asked yourself these questions? Scroll up a little bit and I hope, your searched product without plastic is already there. If your searched product is still missing in our store, please let me know via the contact form. I want to make it as easy as possible for all visitors in this plastic-free store and remove all barriers.

There are so many products without plastic, they just need to be bundled in one store. Since plastic can be found in so many different forms and also as microplastics in products, a simple glance at the product is usually not enough.

Especially when it comes to the topic of BPA-free (bisphenol A free) products, everyone should have realized the seriousness of the situation. Phthalates (plasticizers) affect hormones and genetic material and can significantly impair human development. Therefore, please pay special attention to BPA-free products when shopping in our online store. There are also plastic-free toilet paper, plastic-free toys and plastic-free straws. The selection of plastic-free products is large and will be gradually added to this online store.

As already mentioned, I also need your help. Get in touch if one of the actually plastic-free products should have a plastic component.

Plastic free store to store online without plastic

With this plastic free store for online shopping I want to give you an overview of the plastic free world on the internet. I'll pick out plastic-free items and make them available to you here in the store. You are also welcome to recommend me plastic-free products that are still missing in this store. Together we can combine our attitudes in this store and make the world a bit more plastic-free and better.

In this plastic-free store you can find natural products in biodegradable packaging without plastic. Although it is admittedly difficult to find a plastic-free online store and plastic-free products in general these days, there are a few really cool companies, manufacturers and suppliers that produce plastic-free products.

In this store you will find all products without plastic, from the natural air freshener with bamboo activated carbon, the plastic-free fruit and vegetable bag to the bamboo toothbrush with natural bristles. The online store connects all products on the topic of "shopping without plastic" and gives you an overview of the plastic-free world.

Why the plastic-free store is so important

For me, living without plastic has become a real challenge and therefore a passion. Anyone who understands the impact plastic has on the environment and our health will certainly think the same as I do. On the one hand, I produce plastic-free products myself, on the other hand, I am always excited about third-party products without plastic, which is why I would like to collect them together here in the plastic-free store.

The plastic toothbrush, the shampoo with microplastic or the classic, the plastic bag. If you are environmentally conscious, you no longer use these items and look for plastic-free alternatives. I hope that together we can reach many people and also convince them. The invention of plastic has paved many ways, but it is time to use the alternatives that have emerged today to relieve our environment and our health.

Use the plastic-free store to further realize your own attitude. If you want to learn how easy it actually is to live plastic-free, then read the article Plastic-free - Life without plastic in everyday life by.

If you don't live plastic-free or plastic-poor yet, now is the time to deal with the plastic problem. I would like to give you the plastic-free guide, write me here, to which e-mail I should send you the guide. I am glad that you have landed here in the plastic-free store and that you are dealing with the topic "shopping without plastic".