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Protecting the environment in everyday life - 10 tips that really everyone can implement

Protect the environment in everyday life tips

Protecting the environment in everyday life - how can each of us make the world a little bit better every day? Quite simply! I'll take that in advance. And you don't even have to walk around in Birkenstock sandals or make dreadlocks - because protecting the environment isn't just for hippies! Each of us is either part of the Environmental problems of our time or part of their solution. If you want to do a good deed or two for the environment yourself, that's really a great attitude! And implementing it in your everyday life is anything but complicated.

To get you started, in this post I'd like to share 10 simple things you can do to protect the environment every day. Let's go!

Notice: In my head are thousands of tips that I want to give you on the way. But of course I don't want to overload you with info. So here are a few suggestions to get you started - and only if you want, you can click on the related articles to learn more.

10 ultimate tips for environmental protection in everyday life

Protect the environment - pick up trash at Table Mountain

Protecting the environment in everyday life is enormously important. But before I had my hello-wake-up moment a few years ago, I basically didn't think about environmental protection. Today I consciously live much more sustainablywithout totally limiting my quality of life. On the contrary - my quality of life has even increased enormously.

Here you get now 10 tips, with which I also - quite incidentally - started in everyday life to protect our environment and my personal, reduce ecological footprint.

1. pick up garbage

Whether you see trash on the ground on your way to work or while jogging, pick it up every once in a while and throw it in the nearest trash can. That gives a few Karma points And is really super easy to implement on the side in your everyday life. Here are a few articles that will help you implement it:

That's why you're protecting the environment: Plastic waste in nature is a massive environmental problem because products like plastic straws, plastic bottles and plastic bags are not biodegradable. You are protecting the lives of many animals that mistake plastic for food or put themselves in danger by using it as nesting material.

2. save water

By showering instead of taking a bath, you save an enormous amount of water. But make sure you take as short a shower as possible and turn off the faucet when you soap up. You can also collect rainwater for watering your garden to save water directly. You can be particularly water-efficient, however, if you reduce your consumption of beef, for example, or, for example become a vegetarian.

That's why you're protecting the environment: Even here in Germany, but especially in regions of the world that are already dry, the high water consumption is leading to Environmental problem of water scarcity. Just to produce one kilogram of beef, for example, more than 15,000 liters of water are used.₁ Water is a precious and vital commodity, so whether we use it directly or indirectly, we should also use it carefully.

3. eat environmentally friendly

When choosing your food, make sure you have a regional and seasonal purchasing. Apples don't have to be flown in from New Zealand if they grow here. And broccoli, for example, only grows in Germany from June to October. To do this, you need to actively Reduce food waste and avoid resource-intensive foods like beef. Here are some related articles:

That's why you're protecting the environment: A consciously environmentally friendly diet counteracts almost all environmental problems of our time. For example, the transport distance for regional food is shorter and the cultivation also requires fewer resources. By avoiding animal products such as meat, for example, you are counteracting the cruel Factory farming and save (Rain) forests before deforestation. To the latter it comes namely to make room for cow pastures and cultivation areas for feed. A detailed explanation you get in the article Relationship between nutrition and the environment.

4. reduce and change consumption

Buy only things you really need. Live more minimalist and invest your well-earned money in meaningful things that represent a real added value for you and our environment. Make sure that your favorite products are free from palm oil and Microplastics are - this is very easy with the App CodeCheck. and that in the best case plastic-free are.

That's why you're protecting the environment: Natural resources are limited - the overexploitation of nature pollutes the environment. By consciously avoiding products with palm oil, you save the orangutan's habitat - the rainforest - and counteract the environmental problem of species extinction. (see Rainforest is cut down for palm oil)

5. create environment friendly garden

Environmental protection in everyday life - planting a garden

Deadwood, piles of leaves, trees, bushes, wildflowers and a pond? That sounds a lot more natural than a dreary rock garden, doesn't it? Try turning your garden into a paradise this way, instead of a sad stone desert. Here are a few, more in-depth posts:

That's why you're protecting the environment: Animals need food and shelter. A green, vibrant garden with a pond provides them with everything they need. By making your garden a paradise of biodiversity, you are counteracting the Environmental problem of species extinction so even more strongly against. And that you also create a garden paradise for yourself, where you yourself regularly Spend time outside in nature I don't even have to mention it, do I?

6. driving environmentally conscious

If a car trip can't be avoided by walking, taking the train or public transportation, drive ahead. Check your tire pressure and carpool. Use the airstream instead of the air conditioner. Reduce unnecessary ballast and thus the weight of your car. You can get more tips in the detailed article about sustainable driving.

That's why you're protecting the environment: Internal combustion engines emit CO2 out. A greenhouse gas that in turn increases the environmental problem of climate change. In addition, by not using your car, you save the limited resource of petroleum.

7. use green electricity save electricity

If you don't already have green electricity, switch to a green electricity provider. It takes no more than five minutes. But you should also save electricity. For example, by streaming a little less Netflix, turning off the lights when not in use, or letting hot meals cool down before putting them in the fridge.

That's why you're protecting the environment: Electricity from nuclear power is dangerous - and lignite-fired power plants are overexploiting nature. And we use them even though renewable energies are available. If your electricity comes from renewable, infinitely available sources such as wind, solar or hydropower, you are protecting the environment.

8. travel environmentally friendly

If possible, avoid the plane and go on vacation by train. There are great destinations in Europe, too - you don't have to fly halfway around the world to get away from it all. You don't have to give up flying altogether. But consider whether your travel purpose (e.g., relaxation or adventure) might not be fulfilled without an expensive flight. Here are some, further contributions:

That's why you're protecting the environment: Through environmentally friendly travel you ensure, for example, that fewer greenhouse gases are released into our environment and the global warming strengthen.

9. environmentally friendly ventilation

Do not leave your window permanently tilted, but rather practice shock ventilation for a few minutes. It is better to open the window only for a short time but wide and let plenty of fresh air flow in.

That's why you're protecting the environment: If the window is permanently tilted, heat is constantly escaping from your home, which not only costs money, but also - for the production of thermal energy - natural resources.

10. avoid garbage

The Zero Waste Lifestyle is now an integral part of our society and aims to ensure that at some point we no longer produce any waste at all. But there is still a long way to go, step by step. For example, use a reusable Stainless steel drinking bottle and tap water instead of always buying overpriced mineral water from a plastic bottle. Or buy fruit and vegetables loose with a Fruit and vegetable net instead of in the free, thin plastic bags. In the article Zero Waste for Beginners you will get some more tips for the start.

That's why you're protecting the environment: Waste in the environment is a massive challenge for our global society - and at the same time it is a natural resource. With basic rules such as "repair", "reuse" or "do it yourself" - quantities of waste, but also new purchases and unnecessary costs can be avoided. But it is also about being a role model for others with one's own behavior.

Tip: Maybe my Book plastic free for beginners something for you. It comes to you without the plastic wrap that is often common with books 🙂

Protecting the environment in everyday life is easy!

Saving the environment in everyday life - Here's how

Isn't that right? Everyone can make a small contribution in their everyday lives and protect the environment. This is neither "totally eco" nor "unmanly" or whatever other meaningless arguments are used to avoid responsibility. Environmental protection in everyday life is human and shows above all that you think in the long term and not only in the short term. I hope that you can take a lot of inspiration for good deeds for the environment from this post.

How do you protect the environment? And what tips do you have for those who want to change their behavior in everyday life? Just write a comment below this post.

Stay clean,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Take a look at my blog about sustainable living. There you will learn, for example, how you can also as a "poor" student quite simply live environmentally friendly simply by following your heart.


₁ Federal Environment Agency (2017): Hidden water (as of 22.03.2017). [09.08.2019].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.