What can each of us do to combat air pollution? If you're looking for an answer to this question, you've come to the right place! We are all jointly responsible for the Environmental problem of air pollution, which also has the climate change accelerated.
We blithely blow fine dust, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air that we inevitably breathe in. Regardless of whether the motivation is environmental protection or Long term health is - each of us can also be part of the solution to constant, unwanted, daily "passive smoking".
In this article, I would therefore like to show you what you can do to combat air pollution in the future. Use the tips to make a real difference for a cleaner environment. Let's go!
Benefits: Why should we fight air pollution and improve air quality?

For a healthy dose of motivation, I would like to give you a brief the most important motives and reasons to actively ensure better air quality:
- Stay healthy: Air pollution alone significantly shortens a person's global life expectancy. This is mainly because the risk of diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and asthma increases. An air-friendly lifestyle can counteract this risk.
- Protect the environment: Whether CO2, particulate matter or methane - countless substances in the air have an impact on the climate and pollute ecosystems, animals and plants. High air quality, on the other hand, helps to climate change and the Stop species extinction.
- Improve the quality of life in the city: Very few of us like living in an environment with poor air quality. Active countermeasures, however, increase the attractiveness of city districts and public squares, parks and streets.
10 tips: What can I do about air pollution?
The number of people suffering from respiratory diseases is increasing dramatically, especially in urban areas. EEA estimates According to the study, in 2021 in Europe alone at least 253,000 people due to particulate matter concentrations above the WHO guideline value.
Even though the environmental problem of air pollution rather insidiously and almost unnoticed damagesof course we want to solve it! So the question can only be: What can each and every one of us do to combat air pollution?
Here are the promised tips and answersthat you can use to turn yourself from a problem into a solution!
1. reduce (your) car trips

Let's start with the most obvious. Passenger cars cause 60.6 percent of all CO2 emissions from road traffic in Europe.1 Anyone who regularly drives a car (or more precisely Petrol or diesel) inevitably contributes to this worrying figure.
So if you want to minimize your personal air pollution, switch to more environmentally friendly means of transport, such as the Railroadpublic transportation and the Bike whenever possible. Many people even manage to completely living without a car.
And if a car trip cannot be avoided, there are ways and means, to drive sustainably by car. For example, by creating a Carpool with work colleagues and thus also reduce other people's car journeys. But also by reducing the weight in the car or turning it off when the car is stationary.
Another sensible alternative is to switch to the Electric carthat is already environmentally friendly from production to disposal - and is becoming even more environmentally friendly thanks to the increasing proportion of renewable energies in the electricity mix.
Good to know: By the way Microplastics from tire abrasion by definition as particulate matter. How you Avoid microplastics in everyday life I'll show you how in the linked blog article.
2. produce less waste and separate it properly
Around 40 percent of all global waste is incinerated in waste incineration plants or open fires. Among other things, this Fine dust, Mercury and harmful hydrocarbons released.2
The reduction of your personal waste volume and the proper waste separationSo, logically, they help to reduce air pollution, as fewer pollutants are released into the air. What can you do? For example, avoid plastic waste by switching to reusable Reusable alternatives (e.g. glass straws, is available here*) and buy as little packaging as possible.
Tip: You are welcome to in the article about the Zero Waste Lifestyle and the plastic free lifestyle inspire.
3. generate energy and heat sustainably
Around 84 percent of German greenhouse gas emissions are energy-related and due to the conversion of energy sources into electricity and heat.3 Nuclear energy and lignite-fired power plants are particularly emission-intensive in this respect. Fuels such as natural gas, on the other hand, have lower emissions.
But the most sustainable solution at the moment is definitely the Power generation through renewable energies and the Heat generation with geothermal energy. A Switch to a green electricity provider* and converting your home heating system to geothermal energy are definitely worthwhile.
Good to know: Also Light pollution The excessive use of artificial light sources is a massive environmental problem that is linked to high energy consumption. I explain exactly what is behind this in the linked article.
4. save electricity and heat
What is the point of environmentally friendly electricity and heat generation if too much of it is wasted? That's why another important tip in the fight against air pollution is to consciously use heat energy and Save electricity.
You can already minimize your electricity consumption, for example, by using warm Cool meals outside the refrigerator, not in it can. And you can save heating energy by investing in modern window systems or a stronger Thermal insulation of your house.
5. go on vacation in Europe
A flight to Tenerife on vacation has a similar impact on the global climate as a whole year of driving.4 But not only the Greenhouse gas emissions at high altitudes, but also the Noise emissions are a problem. So what can each of us do about it?
Less and also fly more consciously for example! Not least the Corona pandemic has taught usthat many business appointments can be handled very well digitally and that you can also take wonderful vacations in Germany and other European countries. Without an airplane. And at the same time this sustainable behavior also saves you money for the expensive airline tickets.
Good to know: Cruise ships emit exhaust gases such as particulate matter, soot, nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. According to NABU, shipping is even the Main cause of air pollution in Europe. So of course you should also avoid cruises if you want to do something about the environmental problem.
6. celebrate new year's eve without rockets and firecrackers

The Fine dust pollution in Germany is higher on New Year's Day than at any other time of the year. However, rockets and firecrackers not only blow noisy pollutants into the air, they also end up as Waste in nature. So you could hardly harm the environment more.
If you want to do something about air pollution, then you should visit the next Turn of the year rather consciously sustainable. For example with a vegan New Year's Eve dinner and the subsequent visit to a public light show.
7. reduce your meat consumption
Speaking of vegan! With a share of around 45 percent, agriculture, especially the Factory farmingas the main cause of particulate matter pollution in Germany.5 About 15 percent of all people worldwide greenhouse gases are attributable to livestock farming. That is as much as is emitted by all ships, airplanes, trucks and cars combined.6
Alongside animal suffering, this is one of the main reasons, why i live vegan and simple completely renounce animal foods and consumer goods.
You believe that extremely difficult would you stop eating meat and other animal products, such as eggs or cow's milk, in the future?
Then here are some further articleswhich should make your decision much easier:
- The best documentaries about factory farming and veganism
- Stop drinking cow's milk - Why?
- Reasons to stop eating eggs
- Tips for the start into vegan life
Documentary Tip: At first I was a vegetarian for environmental reasons. Since I have been the Dominion film (documentary about factory farming), I am however Vegan for the animals. I have seen and internalized the suffering of animals. It doesn't fit with my moral values. And that's why it's really been extremely easy for me to do without animal products since then.
8. stop smoking
Air pollution in cities is said to cost around three years of life. Smoking probably adds another two years to that.7 Smokers also cause increased particulate matter pollution in their surroundings - and not only put a strain on their own health, but alsobut also those of their friends, family members and colleagues, all of whom smoke passively. Is it worth it?
If you're going to smoke, at least smoke alone Outside in the "fresh air". For health and ecological reasons you should better directly stop smoking.
Tip: Cigarette butts harm the environment immensely. To do something about it, you should such a pocket ashtray* if smoking cessation is not an option for you.
9. start and support online petitions
You want to do something against air pollution? Then you can also Start or support online petitionsthat are related grievance.
For example, start or share a digital signature campaign for Speed limits, Driving bans or a Car-free city center. If you have other Convince people If you can join the petition, you can really make a difference and increase the pressure on politicians.
10. avoid air polluted environments
You now know how to minimize air pollution. But what can you actually do, to not constantly inhale the polluted air? I was inspired by the video embedded above, which I recommend you watch.
To avoid higher levels of pollutants in the air, you can, for example, use the the following tips:
- Use side roads (especially if you are traveling with children).
- Avoid rush hour for own activities (e.g. when you go jogging)
- Spend more time in green parks (in urban areas)
- Walking on the sidewalk outside
Can you think of other tips to minimize or avoid air pollution? Then write me as always happy to a comment under this post.
We can all actively do something about air pollution!
Driving less, flying less, eating less meat - that sounds a lot like giving up. But don't worry! All these things can also be replace in a simple way. Ultimately, this also opens up new doors - for example to the extremely diverse, climate-friendly, vegan cuisine.
"Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and nature are in fact plans to protect man."
Stewart Udall, American politician (more at Environmental protection quotes)
I hope that this article has given you lots of tips on how to reduce your personal contribution to air pollution (in cities). Share the post with pleasure with the people who should also know these tips.
Do you have any questions, suggestions or other ideas for improving air quality? Then simply write a comment below this article.
Stay clean,

PS: Feel free to take a look at the Environmental protection blog around! There you will also find out, for example, what you can do against overfishing of the oceans.
- European Parliament: CO2 emissions from cars - facts and figures (as at 15.02.2023), available at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/de/article/20190313STO31218/co2-emissionen-von-pkw-zahlen-und-fakten-infografik. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
- Konradin Medien GmbH; natur.de: Luftverschmutzung durch Müllverbrennung schlimmer als gedacht (as of 28.08.2014), available at https://www.wissenschaft.de/erde-umwelt/luftverschmutzung-durch-muellverbrennung-schlimmer-als-gedacht. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
- Federal Environment Agency: Energy-related emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants (as at 19.01.2024), available at https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/daten/energie/energiebedingte-emissionen. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
- Germanwatch e.V.: Flying is the most climate-damaging way to get around, available at https://www.germanwatch.org/sites/default/files/publication/3156.pdf. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
- German Medical Association: Factory farming main cause of particulate matter (as at: 17.01.2019), available at https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/100445/Massentierhaltung-Hauptverursacher-fuer-Feinstaub. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
- Federal Environment Agency: Questions and answers on animal husbandry and nutrition (as of 28.06.2023), available at https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/themen/landwirtschaft/landwirtschaft-umweltfreundlich-gestalten/fragen-antworten-zu-tierhaltung-ernaehrung. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
- J. Lelieveld, A. Pozzer, U. Pöschl et al (2020): Loss of life expectancy from air pollution compared to other risk factors: a worldwide perspective, available at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32123898. [29.02.2024]. ↩︎
We have a lot of particulate matter in the basement workshop that I want to filter out. It was very helpful to read here that high electricity and heat consumption can lead to increased air pollution. Hopefully I can find a fine dust filter that can clean my polluted air.
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