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Inner Turmoil – How To Understand And Overcome Inner Conflicts

Inner Turmoil – 10 Ways To Understand And Overcome Inner Conflicts

How can you combat and eliminate inner restlessness? If you're looking for a clear answer to this question, you've come to the right place. Do you probably often feel stressed, have the feeling that your thoughts are spinning and find yourself pacing restlessly? Then you may be suffering from inner restlessness.

This condition is often caused by too much stress and can ultimately manifest itself in a wide variety of symptoms. Typical symptoms include nervousness, palpitations and sleep disorders. A possible lack of sleep increases the physical and mental stress even further, so that those affected often find themselves in a vicious circle. Fortunately, however, it is possible to break out of it again and treat the tense condition naturally.

So in this article, I'm going to give you some valuable tips to help you combat your inner restlessness and finally find peace again. Let's go!

You can find a brief overview here in advance:

  1. Take more time for yourself
  2. Make sure you get enough sleep
  3. Practice mindfulness
  4. Move more
  5. Spend a lot of time in the fresh air
  6. Relax with yoga
  7. Use progressive muscle relaxation
  8. Try meditation
  9. Listen to relaxing music
  10. Set on classic home remedies

Notice: This article is not a substitute for medical advice, but merely provides general information on combating anxiety. Please consult your doctor if you feel unwell in order to prevent health problems with medical care.

Causes: How does inner restlessness arise?

First things first: the mysterious nervousness can be treated! But if you want to solve problems, you should definitely address their cause. So: where does inner restlessness come from in the first place?

It often arises during acute stresswhich is triggered, for example, by an exam situation, relationship problems or a busy schedule. But excessive Consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol and nicotine can be a reason for restlessness.

These and Other common causes I have listed them for you here:

  • Acute stress
  • Excessive consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Menopause
  • Depressive moods up to and including depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Medication side effects

10 tips: What to do against inner restlessness?

Find time for yourself and get rid of inner turmoil

Now that we know the most common causes of nervousness and the queasy feeling, we can take a closer look at actively treating it. Incorporate the following tips and ideas into your daily routine, to make rest and relaxation an integral part of your life.

1. take more time for yourself

To eliminate inner restlessness and become more relaxed, you need to allow yourself to calm down in between and find time for your hobbies. To do this, it is important to consciously Me-Time, so Time for yourself, to be scheduled.

For example, take time to read a good bookCook yourself a delicious meal, plant a flower bed, or sit down in the evening and paint a picture. You can also draw yourself a warm bath or take a a soothing massage treat yourself.

Meeting friends can also be me-time. You don't necessarily have to spend it alone - especially if your inner restlessness is possibly triggered by a feeling of loneliness.

The main thing is that you enjoy your daily time out. It should be the mental regeneration serve and A firmly planned, everyday short vacation for the soul be. 😉

Tip: Also make sure you have a healthy, balanced relationship between work and free time. You can use the Tips for the optimal work-life balance.

2. make sure you get enough sleep

Inner restlessness often makes it difficult to fall asleep. Maybe sometimes you even lie awake all night. That is why it is important to find the best Create the conditions for restful sleep and your Furnish bedroom healthy.

Here are a few ideas for better sleep: Go to bed on time and practice a meaningful Sleep hygiene. This means, for example, that you don't eat anything heavy or fatty in the evening and don't drink alcohol. Also avoid watching TV or looking at a bright smartphone screen in the last hour before going to bed.

Sleep means rest - and rest means rest for body and mind. Making sure you get enough sleep is therefore definitely one of the most important and promising tips against inner restlessness.

Tip: How you can use your Bedroom also still sustainably designedI will explain in another blog post. Have a look there too!

3. practice mindfulness

Our modern world is full of Stimuli that bombard you every day. Last but not least, the regular consumption of short content in the social media is a great danger in this respect. So nowadays it is no longer really surprisingthat one is often or permanently tense.

If you want to combat inner restlessness, you should mindful lifestyle and incorporate targeted mindfulness exercises into everyday life in order to withdraw a little from the many influences from all sides. Just concentrate on one thing at a time - and block out everything else. This puts you back in touch with yourself and your sensations, so that you are better able to calm yourself down.

4. move more 

Stress is a survival mechanismthat prepares your body to flee or fight. If you are under acute stress, for example, it can help if you run a lap (or Plogging) or go to the Fitness training spent.

But a good balance does not always have to be sports. Also Gardening or a extended Walk at a fast pace are good for your body and help you to combat your inner restlessness. However, for this to work in the long term, it is very important that the Exercise a scheduled part of your everyday life is.

5. spend a lot of time in the fresh air

Yoga and the fresh air help against restlessness

Fresh air and sunshine awaken the spirits and have in combination with movement a stress-relieving effect. Especially healing is the stay in natureSurrounded by green trees or endless meadows and valleys, you automatically disconnect a little from your stressful everyday life, so that many problems fade into the background for a moment and you can relax.

Tip: Have you ever heard of the Forest bathing heard? Just lie down in the forest and enjoy the moment. The green of the trees, the chirping of the birds and the scent of the damp ground appeal to your natural senses and, as experience has shown, provide absolute relaxation. Just give it a try.

6. relax during yoga

Want to combat inner restlessness? Then do yoga! Yoga has many advantages and is, among other things, a very popular method of stress reduction. The Combination of physical activity and breathing exercises gives you a better feeling for your body. You immerse yourself completely in the various exercises and can relieve accumulated tension.

At the same time, the sport can also be unpleasant, release muscular tensionthat cause you pain in everyday life. So you can improve your Reduce stress levels even further.

7. use progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation goes back to the physiologist Edmund Jacobson. He discovered that repeated strong tensing of certain muscle groups contributes to their relaxation. You can also use this phenomenon to get rid of tension and eliminate your mental stress.

The progressive muscle relaxation you can easily do it yourself at home. Sit in a chair or lie down comfortably, then tense certain parts of your muscles and then relax again. You will quickly feel a difference.

8. try meditation

Constantly circling thoughts are one of many symptoms of inner turmoil, which may also sometimes burden you to the point of feeling sad and crying. The But you can stop the carousel of thoughts in your head - especially through meditation.

Simply take a few minutes every day for meditation exercises and focus entirely on yourself and your body. If you are an absolute beginner, you can, for example, do a Guided meditation in the form of an audio book or a YouTube video.

Tip: Dream journeys also have a similar effect. These are stories and ideas that transport you to another world and allow you to slowly doze off or even fall asleep. This is my absolute recommendation for finding more inner peace.

9. listen to relaxing music

Stop inner restlessness by listening to music

You want become more calm and relaxed? In fact, the Music has a relaxing and restorative effect on body and mind impact. Pieces by Bach or Mozart are supposed to lower blood pressure, for example. Basically, however, you can simply listen to the music genres and artists that are relaxing for you.

Conversely, you should of course also avoid stimulating musicwhen you're not dancing to it and getting your body moving. Of course, this also has a stress-relieving effect. 

10. rely on classic home remedies to calm down

You can treat inner restlessness, nervousness, discomfort and unpleasant tingling sensations in the body with a few home remedies Provide targeted support. Here are some natural remedies for calming that have been passed down from generation to generation:

  • Herbal tea: Soothing herbal teas can have relaxing and sleep-promoting properties. Try chamomile, lavender and passion flower, for example.
  • Essential oilsCalming fragrances (e.g. lavender and bergamot) can help to relieve your stress. Simply add a few drops to your bath water or pillow for the full effect.
  • Rubbing for back and feetHave your back and feet rubbed and massaged with essential oils or antispasmodic lotions. This can relieve tension and help you achieve a calm state of mind.
  • Calf wrapThis is a tried and tested healing method that is particularly helpful for inner restlessness and sleep disorders. A damp, cool towel around the calves has a really calming and relaxing effect.

Can you think of any other natural home remedies for inner restlessness? Then I look forward to your ideas and tips in the comments column!

Fighting inner restlessness, made easy!

Find inner peace and relaxation

The above tips are helpful tools, that you can use to bring more calm and relaxing moments into your everyday life. The more calmly you go through life, the less prone you are to inner turmoil.

"Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity."

Thich Nhat Hanh (more at Serenity Quotes)

However, if you suffer from severe sleep disorders despite all these measures, have problems interacting with other people and feel a high level of stress, you should contact the Don't shy away from the doctors you trust. Sometimes the inner restlessness also has physical triggers - and sometimes talking to a therapist helps you to recognize and let go of stress factors in your life.

I really hope that I could help you with this article. Do you have any questions, suggestions or other tips against inner restlessness that are particularly helpful in your experience? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay rested, calm and healthy,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Feel free to look further in the Blog for mental health around. The next thing you'll find out there, for example, is how to give more respectn can and Why helping others makes us so happy. Have fun!

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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