Television & Video
- 1,2 or 3 (ZDF): Sand and beach and plastic waste
- ZDF: plan b: Putting an end to plastic - rethinking packaging
- zibb (RBB): Live plastic-free and declare war on waste
- NTV: "Now most are waking up"
- WELT / N24: EU to ban numerous single-use plastic products
- Watchbooks: Christoph Schulz "Plastic-free for beginners" Trailer
- Konkret (ORF): Living plastic-free - what everyone can do
- Handelsblatt: "Plastic-free living is sexy"
- Allgemeine Zeitung Uelzen: Fighters against plastic waste
- Plastic waste in the sea - step by step to waste-free oceans
- GMX: Plastic waste in the sea: step by step to waste-free oceans
- re:BLOG: Plastic-free online store - Interview with Christoph Schulz
- Stern: From one who frees the oceans from plastic waste
- Gala: These foods harm the climate
- BILD: A week without plastic - Is that possible?
- OTTO ReBlog: Plastic-free online store - Interview with Christoph Schulz
- Nordsee-Zeitung: "Everyone wants to make the world a little better"
- Stadtlichter: On the way to plastic-free living
- KRONE: For climate protection: live greener and save money!
- Greenya: Interview with the beach rescuer
- EVE: It needs the truth moment
- idealo: Sustainable travel - Is it possible? Interview with Christoph from CareElite
- Stuttgarter Zeitung: These foods are climate killers
- BARRIO: Sustainable living - We talk to author Christoph Schulz
- Slowly Veggie: Environmentally conscious living made easy
- NEW LIFE Magazin: Bloggers make a strong case
- futurenow: Sustainability for beginners (Issue 04/21)
- FOGS Magazin: Plastic-free for beginners - Author Christoph Schulz reveals in an interview how everyone can succeed
- Luzerner Zeitung: Sustainable living in everyday life: with these tips it works
- Tag24: Living plastic-free - This Berliner shows how it's done
- SUPERillu: Small steps for the environment (Issue 22/2021)
- Oltner Tagblatt: Sustainable living in everyday life: with these tips it works
- Berliner Zeitung: In Sri Lanka, he experienced the plastic shock - and is now doing a lot better
- PASCH: Living meatless - plant-based diet
- AstroTV: Lighter living - Time for me - Sustainability
- FernUniversität Hagen: Christoph Schulz - The search for the meaning of life
- fit Reisen: Living more sustainably: Interview with Christoph Schulz from CareElite
- Huffingtonpost: In action against plastic waste
- Tagblatt: Sustainable living in everyday life: with these tips it works
- FOCUS: After garbage shock on vacation - Christoph tells how he has been living plastic-free for the last 2 years
Guest contributions
- XING: Why I declared war on plastic waste in the sea
- tbd*: 10 Lifehacks for a life without plastic
- OceanCare: How to organize your own CleanUp on the beach
- BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN: 10 valuable tips for a plastic-free life
- Stylight: With these 10 tips you avoid plastic from now on
- MONDBERGE MAGAZIN: Essay - Trapped in plastic
- Tchibo: Plastic waste in the environment - And what you can do about it
- codecheck: 10 tips for a plastic-free kitchen
- Urlaubsguru: Collect garbage on vacation?
- Slow Magazine: How does garbage-free living work?
- Marktschwärmer: This is how it really works - plastic-free shopping
- Volle Kanne (ZDF): In an article about plastic waste on the beaches
- NDR: In a post about plastic-free living
- Wochenblatt Reporter: News from the Waghäusel City Library
- Eschborner Stadtmagazin: Cooking for the climate - How to eat sustainably and environmentally aware
- Businessinsider: For a better world: 5 books guaranteed to open your eyes
Radio & Podcasts
- SPIEGEL: "My life feels better because I'm not leaving a huge trail of garbage".
- Deutschlandfunk: Plastic-free - Christoph makes clean
- Radio Sputnik: Fighters against plastic waste
- DASDING (SWR): Are zoos still up to date?
- Der Standard: Let's live without plastic! Okay, but how?
- RadioTon: Christoph Schulz in action against plastic waste
- RBB 88.8: How Christoph cleans up with CareElite
- Radio Magic City Six: About the book "Sustainable Living - The Challenge
- SWR1: Study Environmental Awareness 2021
- Radio rs2: Plastic-free living in Berlin - is that possible?
- RBB Inforadio: Environmental entrepreneur Christoph Schulz - Plastic-free as an ecological movement
- Bayerischer Rundfunk: Interview of the day - Have you mastered the art of listening?
- Facebook: Digital Durchstarten in Berlin
- Klimawerkstatt: How to live plastic-free?
- FOR München: Outdoor, photo and travel fair
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