You want steady stay up to date, was meine Arbeit mit CareElite und die Themen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit betrifft – und zusätzlich noch von Discount codes at partner stores and other benefits? Then simply subscribe to my free monthly newsletter now.
Deine Vorteile im Ãœberblick:
- 1x a month, free of charge and instructive
- Regular Discount codes für nachhaltige Online-Shops
- Tips & Inspiration from the CareElite Community
- E-books and tips for a sustainable life
- And much more!
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Free newsletter for all who want to make a difference
This newsletter is for everyone who wants to actively contribute to the Preserve the planet for us and our children's and grandchildren's generations to be able to. I work daily with full commitment for it and take the time once a month to summarize all the news and tips & tricks for a most environmentally friendly and sustainable life of our society for you.
In this way, we can continually develop together and the greatest environmental problems of our timesuch as deforestation of the rainforests, climate change, factory farming, overfishing of the oceans or plastic waste in the environment.

Frequently asked questions about the newsletter
I often hear questions about the newsletter. If you have a question on your mind right now, you can answer it with the help of the following FAQ's perhaps already answer directly yourself:
What can I expect from the newsletter?
At the beginning of the month you will receive a clear mail from me, which contains sustainable tips & tricks as well as the most important news from the field of environmental protection and sustainability.
Your advantages still at a glance:
- 1x a month
- Free of charge and instructive
- Everything important in one clear e-mail
- Regular Discount codes for sustainable stores
- Tips & Inspiration from the CareElite Community
- Free E-books and tips for a sustainable life
- And much more!
What exactly is the newsletter about?
Basically, as always with CareElite, the newsletter is about tips & tricks for living as sustainably as possible. In this newsletter, I give you once a month an overview of the following, matching topics:
- Blog posts of the month
- News around my work
- Quote of the month
- Deal of the month
- Products of the month
- Free e-books für eine nachhaltige Lebensweise
This is the core of the newsletter, which may be expanded to include other important topics.
How often is the newsletter sent?
I send the newsletter once a month. I always try to send it on the first days of the new month to your registered email address.
Can I unsubscribe at any time?
Yes, in every email you have the chance to unsubscribe from my mailing list, should the topics of environmental protection and sustainability be uninteresting to you.
Does the newsletter cost anything?
No. The newsletter is absolutely free for you. With the tips from the emails and the discount codes for sustainable online stores, you can even save money sustainably.
What are you going to do now?
Now you've learned pretty much everything you need to know about my free newsletter. If you like, you can subscribe to it now- or feel free to check out my blog posts and books. Either way, thanks for being there!