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Getting kids outside - 17 tips for parents to get kids out in the fresh air

Attract children outside

How can you get kids outside and out in the fresh air more often? I grew up in the village and spent basically every free minute outside during my childhood. We played soccer with the other children, built caves in the forest or bathed in the river. There were countless opportunities to do something in the great outdoors - to exaggerate, we were really only in the house to eat and sleep.

But digital media now also offer countless opportunities for entertainment. Many children spend most of their free time indoors on a PC, smartphone, TV, console or tablet. In moderation, this is harmless - but regular media consumption for hours on end can lead to developmental disorders, concentration difficulties or aggressive social behavior, for example.₁ There is simply a lack of oxygen and exercise.

Here I would like to give you some valuable tips to get your kids outside more often in the fresh air and to strengthen their environmental awareness.

In advance you can find here already a Table of contents about the contribution:

  1. Read books about nature adventures together
  2. As parents do not stand stubbornly at the edge of the playground
  3. Start going out together in early childhood
  4. Create a wild garden as close to nature as possible
  5. Make trips to corners with wild nature
  6. Play with animals and observe them
  7. Ride a bike, sled, inline skates or skateboard
  8. Collect chestnuts and acorns
  9. Tinkering with natural materials
  10. Build soapbox and participate in competitions
  11. Allow contact with other adults
  12. Participate in actions of wildlife schools and forest kindergartens
  13. Limit your children's media time and show them alternatives
  14. Turn off music & radio while driving
  15. Organize scavenger hunt
  16. Consciously schedule slots for outdoor time together
  17. Be curious yourself

17 Tips and Ideas - How to get kids outside in nature more often?

Time spent in the fresh air accustoms your children to temperature changes, strengthens the immune system, and also prevents diseases and allergies. In addition, when children spend time in the sun, it is also a preventive measure to prevent a possible lack of Vitamin D. Not to forget that playing in nature trains stamina, motor skills, agility and balance and makes kids more efficient. Finally, time spent in the fresh air forms the basis for a natural, healthy life.

Therefore, use the following tips and ideas so that your child enjoys more often outdoors in the health promoting nature busy. You will quickly discover that the foundation for this is laid at a very young age. Let's go!

Notice: I've written you another separate post about how to Getting children excited about environmental protection and sustainability can. The main focus here is on how you can get children outside more often in the fresh air of nature.

1. reading books about nature adventures together

Two girls reading books in the fresh air

We all know how important reading books is. If you want to get your kids excited about the environment and nature, you should get their Imagination and inner imagination by exciting stories. For example, I have always been fascinated by the story of the shipwrecked sailor... Robinson Crusoe inspired.

2. as parents, do not stand stubbornly at the edge of the playground

When you go to the playground with your offspring, you as a parent should also play along and not just stand on the sidelines and watch. This gives your child the opportunity to show you something he/she is proud of or something he/she particularly enjoys. The more beautiful the memories and moments, the more likely your child will want to go there again.

3. start going out together at an early age

Already in infancy you should always take your offspring with you on Walks in nature and get them used to the fresh air. As soon as it goes, you can use toys, such as a Take ball to it, so you can play together on the grass and develop your child's motor skills.

The more often it finds this time enjoyable, the more likely it will enjoy spending time outside in later years.

4. create a wild garden as close to nature as possible.

Time spent in nature gives children a zest for life. All the nicer when this happens right outside the front door in your own, Garden as sustainable as possible is possible! The more natural and alive it is, the more there is to discover there. Children already enjoy pond pumps, stones and clouds - but if your Garden also still bird friendly is, all the better!

If you have desire and place, you can there also still Grow vegetables - that was definitely always really fun for me as a kid. You can also start a competition with the siblings: for example, "who grows the biggest pumpkin" or something similar.

5. make trips to corners with the wildest possible nature.

Neither in the garden, nor in nature everything must always be perfect and orderly! Children must also be wild at times and be able to take some risks, to have extraordinary experiences and learning effects for life.

That's why it's worth taking trips into the wild, where there are discover new things that are fun. Often, an old fallow land with different plants and insect species is enough to ignite enthusiasm. This works especially well in the spring, when the wildflowers bloom on every corner and the animals come out of their winter holes. Thus also the Environmental awareness strengthened.

6. play with animals and observe them

Animals are vitalizing and relaxing companions for children. Make sure your kids see animals regularly or interact with them directly. I personally think that zoo visits are no longer in keeping with the times. Instead offer Animal friendly alternatives for zoos an. For example, visit a one Life yard, on which rescued animals are housed. Farm vacation or the visit of a Sanctuary for wild animals also offer themselves so that children can develop compassion for the animals. Personally, I have also always been enthusiastic about simply Watching wild animals from the high seat.

Tip: It's also nice to grow up with a pet. Try to avoid animals from breeding and instead rescue, for example, a dog from the animal protection or the shelter. But there are really countless ways to Help animals in everyday life.

7. ride a bike, sled, inline skates or skateboard

Children with skateboards in the fresh air

If you want to get your kids outside, be active with them more often. Ride bike, inline skates, skateboard or sled! Does what season and environment so give. This is fun, connects parents and child - and last but not least provides fresh air and proper exercise.

8. collect chestnuts and acorns

Autumn is coming? Then you can go with your children to collect acorns and chestnuts. But make sure that you do not collect too many fruits, as the forest needs their seeds to regenerate naturally. Ideally, trees that are not in the forest, but scattered along roadsides or in the village.

Forestry offices, game parks or forestry enclosures can usually always use the tree fruits. Deer and roe deer are particularly fond of horse chestnuts. But it's always best to ask beforehand. Your offspring may even be able to earn a few euros in pocket money.

Tip: Chestnuts can also be used to make a Make detergent yourself. You can find out how to do this in the linked article! By the way, the same applies to Ivy from which you can make dishwashing liquid itself.

9. craft with natural material

In school, this creativity is encouraged in isolated cases - but the wild thinking and curious trial and error, children usually learn at home with their parents.

Now you may have some Chestnuts and acorns collected. A few Branches, leaves and pine cones and you could make something cool out of it together. What, for example? You can make little hedgehogs out of pine cones - and great figures out of chestnuts and toothpicks, for example!

Tip: You can also use natural materials to Wrap gifts plastic free. Just try it out.

10. build soapbox and participate in competitions

Of course, you can also buy a soapbox. But you will arouse particular enthusiasm in your child if you build it together and take part in a competition at school or in your region, for example. This promotes the manual skills of your offspring and will increase their interest in trying such things out in the fresh air on a regular basis. But don't forget the brake pedal!

11. allow contact with other adults

Of course, you have to be careful and watch with whom your offspring makes contact - but there are not only freaks in this world! The children need adult role modelsthat they can look up to. And that doesn't have to be exclusively their own parents. So allow your children to have contact with other adults so that they can develop their full potential.

12. participate in actions of wilderness schools and forest kindergartens

Attract children outside through actions

Wilderness camps, wilderness schools, Nature trails, campfires and exciting stories - there, children can not only experience and learn a lot, but also meet like-minded people and build friendships. Just let your kids have these experiences and decide for themselves whether they want to do it more often. It's guaranteed to be adventurous and educational - and maybe you'll be able to get your kids outside in the fresh air more often.

13. limit the media time of your children and show alternatives

Whether your child is already spending hours in front of the screen every day or screen time is currently gradually increasing, you'll do well with a clear limit on media use. To be on the safe side, some devices you should not even bring into the house. Personally, I also learned a lot from computer games - but I was basically on the devices far too often, because of course the games are also addictive.

There should be a Be a natural part of leisure time, spending time outside the door. Because this time is crucial for our health and personal development. So ideally, you can make outdoor activities much more fun for your child than indoor alternatives.

Tip: You, too, should learn to control your Reduce screen time. You can find out how this works really well in the linked article.

14. turn off music & radio when driving a car

Do you often travel by car with your children? For example, when traveling or on the way to school? Then turn off the radio, screens and all distracting technical devices so that your kids can look out the window, where there is always plenty to see and discover. Especially in the morning hours many wild animals on the way and also the morning dew or cloudy sky give quite a bit!

15. organize scavenger hunt

The next Children's birthday is already in sight? Then organize an exciting scavenger hunt. The kids can solve riddles and explore their surroundings. Turn it into a competition and reward your child and friends with creative prizes.

16. consciously schedule slots for outdoor time together.

Many of us are absolutely busy in our everyday lives and hardly have any free time. But no one will bring back the moments you spend with your children when it's too late. That's why you should block out certain periods of time each week for activities with your offspring. Use the time to do something together in the fresh air. And don't stress yourself out too much! Remember: Adventures begin where plans end!

17. be curious yourself!

Be curious yourself to attract children outside

As a parent, you yourself must model curiosity and enthusiasm for the world around you - your child will follow suit as he or she takes cues from those closest to him or her. Try to encourage your Leaving out prior knowledge and your own experience and explore nature together with your offspring in a questioning and unprejudiced way. Above all, try to spend as little time as possible indoors in front of screens if you want to get your children outside!

Get kids outside in the fresh air and increase their environmental awareness!

Being out in nature is a natural, human need - it is the Foundation for a healthy life. Accordingly, to protect the health of our children and also to protect our own health, we are obliged to spend more time in the green.

At this point I would like to show you the Book "How children grow today" by Herbert Renz-Polster and Gerald Hüthe. In it everything revolves around the Connections between child development and time in nature. I am sure it will help you complementary to this article. Here you get it*.

I hope I was able to help you get your child outdoors more often in the future. Do you have any questions, suggestions or other tips you'd like to share? Then just write me a comment under this article.

Stay environmentally conscious,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Look you with pleasure still something in the Sustainability Blog around. There, for example, you will learn about 10 things that Adults learn from children can. Have fun!


Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.