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Uplifting Words – Encouraging Things To Say To Someone Going Through Hard Times

Uplifting Words – 10 Encouraging Phrases To Help Someone Through Hard Times

What are truly uplifting words to say to depressed or even depressed people? If you're looking for a clear answer to this question, you've come to the right place!

Are you one of those people who don't necessarily wear their heart on their sleeve? Many of us find it difficult to express our feelings in the right words. But in some situations, we are under pressure to do so. For example, when a colleague suddenly bursts into tears and you want to support her directly. Or when a neighbor tells you about their emotional problems and you feel obliged to support them. What should you say at such moments to provide support? Unfortunately, the decision often falls on the wrong words, which also have the complete opposite effect.

Whether for a colleague, neighbor, partner, best friend or girlfriend - here you will find uplifting phrases for the soul that actually help. I'll also introduce you to the decisive factors for targeted emotional support and some phrases that you should definitely not say. Let's go!

Factors: What is important for emotional support during depression or a difficult phase in life?

How can depressed people be supported?

The modern lifestyle presents us all with numerous challenges. But how can we manage this plethora of tasks without being under chronic stress? Some people manage better than others - but one thing is certain: sooner or later, everyone needs emotional support and comfort. 

The Reasons for example: 

  • Dei unfair criticism from the boss
  • A momentous accident
  • The dispute with the partner
  • A disease (such as Depression)

Whatever the cause of your sadness and depression - whenever you encounter a Help people it helps immensely to be prepared. If this is not the case, you often speak in the moments clichéd or superficial advice that only make things worse. But those who are suffering naturally need neither a lesson nor hackneyed phrases.

Instead, real emotional support requires a Deep solidarity and sincere sympathy. So before you utter one of the uplifting sentences from this article, you should first give your fellow human beings Listen attentively. Find out exactly what the problem or concern is. Just by asking, you immediately show that you are really willing to help. Don't stop asking until you know exactly what the current need is.

However, there is also something Sensitivity requiredSome people need emotional attention, but they are too shy to open up. Have you noticed that the other person is reluctant to share details about their grief? In this case, stop asking and continue with a suitable, uplifting sentence.

NoGo's: Phrases you shouldn't say if you want to build a person up

Whether empty phrases, lack of empathy, negative comparisons, or an accusation instead of sincere advice, are all characteristics of toxic positivity. In almost all cases, they suggest that Negative feelings and negative thoughts not allowed be. But of course they are allowed - you can be sad or depressed!

Before we move on to the really uplifting words, I would therefore like to give you a few examples of counterproductive sentences (and what they trigger) that you should never say to depressed, sad or depressive people:

  • "It doesn't show at all, you're doing really well." (you feel misunderstood or as if you are acting)
  • "Just think positive, you'll be fine!" (it's not that simple - depression, for example, is an illness where you can no longer see the positive)
  • "You just have to want to!" (those who are depressed WILL, but CANNOT - therefore this sentence further intensifies the pain of the condition of those affected)
  • "It's getting good now, it can't be that bad." (you would have stopped being sad long ago if you could - now you lose confidence due to impatience and feelings of guilt)
  • "Just relax." (this sentence, which is actually meant in a positive way, usually has the exact opposite effect)
  • "And what about XY? She's much worse and she's not even complaining." (just because others may be worse off doesn't automatically mean you're better off)

Tip: Can you think of any other sentences that are unfortunately anything but uplifting and energizing? Then please write me a comment under this blog post.

Help: 10 uplifting phrases for the soul that really help depressed people

Finding the right words to help depressed people

What can be done to provide emotional support for depressed people? One A hug is definitely one of the positive measureswhich almost always have an uplifting effect. Because they make you feel understood, supported and, above all, not alone in sad and perhaps hard times.

You have just heard a few sentences that have the opposite effect. As promised, I would now like to give you some uplifting words that actually have the desired effect and are suitable for an incredible number of situations in life.

1. "I'm here for you."

This simple sentence conveys a multi-layered meaning. First of all, it signals that the person affected is not alone. Furthermore it offers direct and immediate unrestricted assistance.

You are expressing that you want your Time and energy available ask. You also communicate your appreciation for the other person. You are prepared to temporarily put your own needs aside in order to provide support.

2. "We can do this together."

When we suffer, we usually feel cut off from our fellow human beings. Few things are more damaging to a partnership or a close relationship with our fellow human beings than feeling left alone.

The four words mentioned break this isolation. The sentence shows Helpfulness, one of the most positive character traits from us humans, which is really appreciated. The person affected knows immediately that he or she now has outside help and is not on their own.

3. "You are so precious to me, no matter what mood you're in."

We all know that sometimes our feelings can overwhelm us - sometimes even to the point of feeling worthless. This comforting sentence emphasizes in such moments a Unconditional appreciation and acceptancewhich is completely independent of your current emotional state. Especially if you are looking for uplifting words for people with depression, you should use it.

4. "You are allowed to be like this."

In difficult situations, we are often our own harshest critics. These uplifting words take the sting out of self-criticism and relieve those affected. With this sentence, you convey the pleasant feeling of unrestricted acceptance. It's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry. You can simply be exactly how you feel at that moment.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses and should not have to justify ourselves to ourselves. These words form the basis for the person in need to be able to justify themselves. Self accepted and can also give themselves a hug later on.

5. "Take the time you need."

When depressed, give time as uplifting words from partner and friends

In our hectic times we are all trimmed to function. This phrase is so good for stressed or sad people, because it takes away and emphasizes the hectic and stress, that you get all the time in the world, to recover.

The uplifting words convey patience and the message that we all have the right to deal with our feelings. And that it's completely okay if we allow ourselves to do so. Taking time for ourselves, to process emotions and challenges in peace.

6. "It won't stay that way forever!"

When the world seems gray in gray or we have to digest bad news, this "perseverance slogan" definitely gives us a boost. Hope.

It opens up a new perspective in cases of depression or depression. new perspective without judging. This is immensely important. Because uplifting words and sentences should never call into question the difficult emotional state of the person suffering.

7. "What can I do for you?"

This question shows a willingness to help and is perfect for people who are not looking for advice, but simply need a sympathetic ear. If you're not sure how you can provide emotional support, this question is a real lifeline anyway. By asking what you can do, you are in the right place. never wrong.

Because the person in need knows that you care and are there - and that your signaled closeness helps. So listen to the answer and do what you can to help. And if it's "just" a hug, then hug.

8. "You are much more than this disease."

Chronic diseases are usually associated with associated with complaints that greatly reduce the quality of life can. This often leads to depression and feelings of anxiety. In addition, chronically ill people often feel reduced to their illness.

By making them aware that the illness is only a small part of the wonderful human beingwhich they are, this usually opens up a completely new perspective on things for depressed people. The sentence strengthens self-esteem and can push the door to healing wide open.

9. "You're allowed to cry. Let it out."

Many people turn away in embarrassment when tears flow. They subconsciously have the feeling that crying is not allowed or could be considered weak. However, with this sentence you emphasize, that your counterpart can be with you exactly as he/she feels at the moment - and that he/she does not have to pretend.

This can make a suffering person feel incredibly relieved, as you are showing understanding and your unreserved, tangible compassion - and confirming that Vulnerability something perfectly human is.

10. "You are good the way you are!"

Building up depressed people with the right words and phrases

Self-doubt is often the root of depressing feelings. Hearing that you are good the way you are is there Balm for the soul. With these uplifting words, you promote the positive affirmation and self-acceptance of your counterpart without superfluous trappings.

Simple, concise sentences often work much better than a rambling, lengthy explanation, as the Entertainment focused on the essentials. In this way, you can have a quick and immediate beneficial effect on depressed people.

Always find the right, uplifting words

You may have noticed that all of these example sentences focus on a compassionate attitude. Besides the Compassion but also the feelings of the Helpfulness, acceptance, loyalty and appreciation a crucial role in giving strength to others.

I really hope that I have been able to convey to you with these sentences what is really good for depressed people. And that in the future much easier to find the right words for exactly what you want to express.

"The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks and trying to benefit the other, always using friendly and sincere words."

Marcus Tullius Cicero (more at Helpfulness Quotes)

Basically, no one needs to become a philosopher or a trained psychologist to be able to address their fellow human beings with truly uplifting words. Sometimes even a wordless hug helps effectively in the process of providing comfort.

Do you have any questions, suggestions or other phrases that can help in sad phases of life, depression or depression? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay supportive,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Being restless at the core is usually a harbinger of more serious, mental illness. What you can do in general against inner restlessness I'll explain how you can do this in the linked blog post.

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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