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Sustainable Easter Celebration โ€“ 14 Tips For An Eco-Friendly Easter Time

Celebrate sustainable Easter - This is how it works

How to celebrate Easter in a sustainable way? Easter is considered a celebration of hope, resurrection, love and joy. But unfortunately, it is not for all people and animals - and usually not for the environment either. Fortunately, from Easter bonfires to Easter gifts for children, Easter roasts to Easter decorations, there is a lot of potential in terms of sustainability that we can exploit together.

In this article, I would now like to introduce you to valuable tips with which your family Easter celebration can become even greener. With sustainable eggs, fair gifts and a vegan Easter lamb. Have fun with the implementation!

14 wonderful tips for truly sustainable Easter!

To also celebrate Easter with your sustainable lifestyle to agree, you really have many possibilities open! Especially when it comes to packaging waste, the origin of Easter eggs and also the festive meal.

Easter is just around the corner! Let's together make this time resource-conserving, with as little waste as possible and, above all, cheerful to create! Here I present you now, as promised, the most valuable tips for a truly sustainable Easter.

1. Build Easter nest from natural material

Sustainable Easter nest with plush bunnies

From seaweed, wood, straw, paper or Moss and shrubs from the forest, you can make unique Easter nests with your children. Nests made of natural materials are always more beautiful and also more environmentally friendly than their counterpart made of Plastic.

Also from an old Cardboard or egg carton can alternatively conjure up a stable base for your creative nest. A little painted with watercolor - and ready! A truly natural, sustainable alternative to the plastic nest at Easter.

2. use animal friendly alternative for easter eggs

Since we humans like to eat and paint real chicken eggs at Easter, it is for many chickens and their chicks, unfortunately, not exactly a feast of joy. The laying hens in the resource-intensive Factory farming usually live in narrow, dark halls - a nightmare for the animals.

The female chicks blossom the same fate - the male chicks experience the "luck of life" due to the Chick Shredding unfortunately only a few seconds. Because since they no economic value for the industry have, they will gassed after her birth or shredded. Brutal - and all that just for an egg, which is one of the most cholesterol-rich foods in the world. No child in the world would want to deal with this if they knew about the background of the industry.

Egg, egg, egg... but fortunately, switching to sustainable, more animal-friendly alternatives is really straightforward! Eggs from wood, paper, clay, porcelain or even avocado pits (keyword waste avoidance) offer themselves.

Extremely useful as an alternative for real chicken eggs are also long-lasting, Used decorative eggs second hand. Just check out your local thrift store or eBay classifieds. If you handle it well, you can then every year at Easter Get it out of your boxes and reuse it.

Tip: If you want to know more about the background of the egg industry, feel free to check out the article "Why do vegans not eat eggs?" an.

3. Paint easter eggs sustainably

The reusable, animal-friendly eggs can be wonderfully with finger paint (is available here*) paint. Among other things, it consists of organic corn starch, sea salt, purified chalk and clays, is water-soluble, easy to spread, dilute and mix. In addition, it is used after Nature Care Product Standard organic made in Germany.

Tip: Also for cooking and baking on Easter there are some foods that can be used as vegan egg substitute own. In the linked article you will learn how easy it is!

4. offer fair and animal-friendly sweets

Vegan sweets for Easter
For Easter there are now many fair and vegan sweets | Found at*

Unfortunately, only the fewest, classic chocolate Easter bunnies are organic and fairly produced and ecologically packaged. Conventional palm oil from plantations is often used - child labor is also not uncommon in the supply chain.

Therefore, lay your painted eggs for example with delicious, vegan organic chocolate (is available here*), a few organic cookies and other, animal- and environmentally friendly treats, in your homemade Easter nests.

Alternatively, you can whip up some sweets of your own out of a hat! Here are a few Recipes and ideas for inspiration:

5. pile up easter fire green cut only on easter day

The Easter fire has a long tradition. However, those who want to spend Easter in a sustainable way find themselves in an inner conflict. Because on the one hand the Fine dust values at an alarming level - and on the other hand, in the weeks leading up to Easter, many Animals in the green cuttings of the Easter fire who are then badly surprised by the fire.

So if you want to be a part of the Easter bonfire and contribute to the greenwashing, you should take this bring to the fireplace only on the day of the fire.

6. Cooking alternative to roast rabbit

The Easter bunny and the real easter lamb themselves, unfortunately, have no special reason for joy during the Easter holidays. On the contrary, in many families they end up in the oven or as a roast on the dining table. To be honest, this does not fit at all with the feast of hope, resurrection, love and joy, does it?

Fortunately, there are plant-based alternatives that taste at least as good and, in my personal experience, even better. At embedded video you will find already a manual including Recipe for an extremely delicious vegan "false rabbit" with spinach potatoes. Just give it a try! I'm sure your whole family will love it.

But of course there are dozens more on the Internet. more great recipe ideas! Here are a few suggestions:

Tip: By the way, Lent before Easter can be used very well for a vegan trial month (comparable to the Veganuary), which you can follow through until the breaking of the fast after Easter Mass. This is a wonderful way to get a taste of environmentally friendly, purely plant-based nutrition.

7. Spend Good Friday without fish dish

On the fast days, Christ:in was forbidden to eat meat derived from animals of heaven and earth. But although Fish is also meat, the consumption of fish was allowed, as it was a Symbol of the Christian faith is. And that is why even today Christians eat at the Good Friday before Easter traditionally a fish dish.

But the Overfishing of the seas, one of the largest Environmental problems of our time, does not come by chance. Moreover, fish, like rabbits, rabbits and we humans are also, sentient, emotional and extremely intelligent creatureswho do not want to die.

In the meantime there are fortunately vegan smoked salmon and tuna, as well as fish sticks and dozens of other plant-based alternatives. Here you will find a selection of the most delicious substitutes for classic fish*..

Also with carrots, by the way, salmon can be imitated surprisingly well in terms of appearance and taste. So maybe for the Feast of Hope you can also make friends with a, somewhat unusual, but all the more animal-friendly meal.

Tip: Also in response to the question "Why don't vegans eat fish?"I give you a detailed answer in the linked article.

8. Reduce food waste

For sustainable Easter, it is important to find your personal Consciously reduce food waste. Buy only as much as you really need (also applies to gifts!) and recycle leftovers meaningful.

In addition, for your cakes and meals you should Prefer food from the region, which has its season at Easter time. Also with this you lower your ecological footprint - and supports the producers in your immediate environment.

9. Participate in the Easter march

The traditional Easter march has above all pacifist motives. In the form of a demonstration, the Peace Movement expressed in Germany. Of course, this fits in wonderfully with a fair and sustainable Easter. So feel free to take part in the Easter march in your area to set an example.

10. Distribute environmentally friendly gifts

If you want to celebrate Easter in a sustainable way, then of course you can't miss out on the gifts. Fortunately, there are environmentally friendly gift ideas like sand on the sea - and for every age of child!

Starting from the ecological Wooden toys, about the already mentioned vegan chocolate bunny, up to sustainable cuddly toys. There you can just let your creativity run wild or directly in the sustainable gift store from CareElite look around.

Tip: In keeping with this, feel free to check out my article about how to Gifts packed plastic-free and environmentally friendly.

11. Vegan easter lamb and animal friendly cake baking

The "sponge Easter lamb" also has a long tradition for Easter. So that no animal has to suffer for its ingredients, you can also make it quite simply. Bake on a vegetable basis. All you need is flour, ground hazelnuts, vegetable margarine, soy milk, baking powder, a little vanilla sugar, salt and sugar. You can get the quantities and detailed instructions from in this recipe.

Of course, you can also bake other delicious cakes and pies. Also for this I have you a few wonderful recipes picked out:

12. use and make ecological Easter decorations

Celebrate Easter sustainably - decoration

Eggs, bunnies, felt flowers, nests and other Easter decoration items you can either make yourself from ecological materials or buy in the craft store.

Ideally, it was then fair, sustainable and maybe even produced by hand. Also like to tinker together with your children, to make Easter a truly sustainable celebration of the family.

Also, I advise you to use the Table decoration as waste-free as possible. For example, use washable Cloth napkins and generally avoid disposable products.

Tip: Even more Zero Waste Tips you get in the linked blog article. Feel free to get some inspiration there.

12. avoid car trips as much as possible

In the Easter period we like to visit our loved ones! Try to reach your family and friends by train, bus or bicycle.

And if a car ride is unavoidable, you can always rely on my Tips for sustainable driving fall back on. For example, form a Carpool or use Carpooling.

13. ring in the garden season full of life

In the spring, at Easter time, nature comes back to life. This gives you the perfect opportunity to spend the days off outside in the fresh air to spend and the balcony or the Design garden sustainably.

See for example indigenous plants and offers insects and birds a wide range of Food supply (e.g. fruit trees or wildflowers) as well as Shelter (e.g. dead wood, hedges or piles of leaves). Also, when gardening, use manual labor instead of loud, air-polluting machines.

14. taking walks with your loved ones in nature

If you're spending Easter with your family or friends a Take a walk, you should make sure to use the Not to endanger flora and fauna. For example, choose paths and destinations that are not so crowded. Also, follow the local rules at all times and take any trash home with you.

Celebrate a sustainable Easter? No problem!

Spend environmentally friendly Easter

It's really not difficult to spend Easter in the fairest and most environmentally friendly way possible. Now you have the most valuable tips at hand. Use them to make your Easter days a little more sustainable step by step and implement many creative ideas.

This will please not only your children and grandchildren, but also our planet and the creatures that live on it together with us.

Do you have any questions, suggestions or further tips for a sustainable Easter? Then feel free to write me a comment!

Stay sustainable and enjoy the Easter season,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Also about sustainable Christmas I have compiled a detailed article for you. Even if a little time will pass until then, you can still get inspired in the linked article.

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

1 thought on “Ostern nachhaltig feiern โ€“ 14 Tipps fรผr ein umweltfreundliches Osterfest”

  1. Ulrich Dittmann

    Inconceivable the slaughter of animals at Easter. Roast lamb and eggs squeezed from chickens.
    This makes a person whose sense of ethics is not yet overgrown with calluses lose his appetite.

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