Want to live sustainably and make your entire home more eco-friendly and green? Then you've come to the right place. Have you ever heard the saying "Alone you can not change anything anyway"heard? It usually comes to the lips of pessimists. But every rain starts with a drop - it starts with you. Where, if not at home, do you have all the freedom and opportunity to make a real difference? No one is telling you what to do - you have the freedom of choice and can also become a role model for your children when it comes to sustainability.
So here are some valuable tips for sustainable living that you can apply without much effort. Let's go!
Tip: This is primarily about living. If you are rather looking for an article about sustainable life I have just linked you to the appropriate post.
How can you live more sustainably?
Sustainability works best when you build small habits into your everyday life. This starts in your own home: at every turn, you'll find ways to save energy or avoid using items made of Do without plastic can.
It is small steps that contribute to the common good and are good for the environment in the long run. Fortunately, the ecological footprint by consciously doing without certain things. Many of us are not big on recycling and think nothing of throwing used items in the trash. Yet many of these items can be either recycle or repurpose. Initially, sustainability requires a radical rethink and, above all, the Questioning one's own consumer behavior. Bis es dann irgendwann zur entspannten Routine wird. 🙂
6 valuable tips for sustainable living
Now I don't want to beat around the bush too much. Here are some tips for sustainable living that you can take directly to heart and develop further.
1. buy secondhand furniture or build it yourself

New furniture is expensive and consumes valuable resources. By this I mean not only the building material, but also all the packaging waste. An excellent alternative are Secondhand furniture. On online platforms like eBay or at flea markets you can get hold of real bargains that are in no way inferior to new furniture. Used furniture is often more beautiful than new furniture and gives every apartment a very special flair. Here, too, you should pay attention to high-quality materials.
And if, like me, you're into crafting, you can get yourself also build your furniture yourself, just like I did in the DIY Furniture Blog pretend. Want an example? No problem - this dining table from old oak planks I built myself.
2. Homemade is well done
Many items can be made yourself from a few materials or old items. For example, Christmas tree decorations come to mind, which are usually quite expensive and anything but sustainable. Yet it is quite easy to make decorative items yourself. Even Cleaning products can be made from just a few ingredients: As a rule, vinegar, citric acid, baking soda and soda are quite sufficient - and you can even avoid waste from harmful microplastics.
Here are a few more examples:
3. save power
Hopefully, you turn off the desk lamp in the study before you cook dinner. But there are many people who are not so serious about saving electricity and simply leave the light on even though they are not in the room. Sensors are recommended for particularly absent-minded individuals. Standby mode is also a trap, because electrical appliances consume energy even then. That's why it's worth investing in a Power strip so that you can turn off several devices at the same time.
Electricity consumption can also be reduced during washing and even cooking. Thanks to today's powerful detergents, it is completely unnecessary to wash at 60° C - 30 to 40° C is enough. Those who like to drink coffee or tea should definitely use a kettle, as heating on the stove consumes more electricity.
Learn more in my detailed Article with valuable power saving tips.
4. give preference to sustainably produced items
When buying new furniture and other furnishings, be sure to look at the Manufacturing process and the Materials used pay attention. Many retailers now offer furniture made from recycled materials. You should absolutely avoid furniture that is made from Tropical woods exist. These wood species are often obtained illegally - and the clearing of entire forests is a driving factor of the global warming.
Tip: More about the environmental problem of Deforestation of the rainforests you can read in the linked article.
5. Do without plastic

Plastic is one of the biggest polluters. It is not without reason that several U.S. cities have imposed a plastic bag ban. In Europe, there are now many grocery stores that do not use plastic at all in their packaging. In everyday life, the use of plastic can be limited in a number of ways. Instead of turning to plastic containers, you can simply use Glass containers or other natural materials. The same applies to textiles: Choose curtains and bed linen made of pure organic cotton without synthetic fibers.
Here are some related articles for you:
6. The sustainable garden
Growing your own vegetables or fruits is a special pleasure and can be done even on a balcony. Here, too, you can follow a few guidelines to grow your own Make vegetable garden as sustainable as possible. You can use for watering your plants for example Collect rainwater. Who has a garden, creates a compost. Sustainable planters made from recycled materials are also an absolute highlight.
Just let your inspiration run wild, make your garden a bird paradise und lausche dem beruhigenden Vogelgezwitscher aus der Hängematte. 🙂
Why sustainability concerns us all
Just as each of us contributes to climate change, each of us can also counteract it. However, this requires Changes in everyday behavior required. Although in big cities many people do without a car and prefer to use public transport, much more can be done. The most important changes start in the Household. Most people even find it quite easy to save electricity, as this has a positive effect on the wallet at the end of the month. However, it's a different story with recycling or DIY. Here, a certain level of commitment is required, which not all of us are willing or able to muster. It is important to take small steps and not to take on too much right away.
Tip: For that extra shot of motivation for the Environmental protection in everyday lifeyou should definitely read my article about the greatest environmental problems of our time view
There is something liberating about living sustainably!

Yes, honestly! It makes me happier to know that my personal living style is fair and honest, and - as best as it can be - doesn't work at the expense of our environment or other living creatures. I hope that these tips for sustainable living will help you to valuable suggestionshow you can do something in everyday life Good for the environment can do. You can adapt the tips to your individual situation to make maximum use of them. Recycle, conserve resources and save electricity - these points can be easily implemented in everyday life.
Environmentally friendly alternatives can be found for almost every living situation and are often much cheaper than conventional solutions. Sustainable living is above all a way of life and a philosophy that allows you to make life on this planet more beautiful and worth living for people and also animals.
Do you have any questions or tips for sustainable living? Then always share them in the comments.
Stay sustainable,

PS: Want some more inspiration for improvement potential at home? No problem! Check out the post about the biggest environmental sins in everyday life inside!