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Dry strawberries and make them last longer

Dry strawberries and make them last longer

You want Dry strawberries and preserve them as long as possible? Many of us would love to eat strawberries all year round, myself included. Unfortunately, the strawberry season is quite short, especially if you prefer regional products.

Since the jam is not quite as healthy due to the high sugar content, I'll show you another idea today to make strawberries last longer - drying strawberries or drying strawberries. Have fun!

Strawberries are very healthy

Strawberries drying preparation
Berries are generally very healthy and the strawberry is no exception. What's in strawberries? Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges and also have a high content of folic acid and iron. In addition, strawberries are rich in the trace elements potassium, calcium and magnesium. Strawberries lose not only their freshness during transport, but also vitamins and aroma. Therefore, it is advisable to eat more regional strawberries.

Since strawberries are healthy, you should eat your fill of them during the strawberry season. And if you still crave for strawberries after the strawberry season, then drying strawberries helps to preserve strawberries.

Extend strawberry season and preserve strawberries

Have you ever eaten dried strawberries? The dried fruits taste totally intense sweet and sour, almost like candy. Drying strawberries is ideal to get an even more intense flavor. With the dried strawberries you can replace candy, ideal for a healthy Food. Dried strawberries are ideal as a homemade muesli topping, in soy yogurt, as decoration for desserts or even salads and of course just as a snack in between.

Especially if you have your own garden (article recommendation: Bee friendly garden), the strawberries drying is just right for you. When so many strawberries are ripe at once again, you can harvest them all. You can eat part of them and dry the rest. This way you can easily preserve strawberries. (Article recommendation: Making food last longer)

Instead of relying on fruit with long shipping distances, you can simply eat seasonally and regionally when you dry strawberries. For me, drying strawberries is a great way to extend the strawberry season.

Tip: In the contributions "Vegetarianism Statistics." and "Veganism Statistics" you will find facts and figures about vegan-vegetarian nutrition and its impact.

Drying strawberries - this is how

Drying strawberries preparation
First, of course, you should wash the strawberries. Then remove the stalk and cut the strawberries into slices about 5 mm wide. Then spread the strawberries on the tray of the dehydrator. Set the dehydrator to 60 degrees and dehydrate the strawberries for about 5-6 hours. After that, the strawberries should be nice and crispy.

Alternatively, the strawberries should also dry in the oven. Set your oven to 60 degrees, spread the strawberries on the baking tray and put them in the oven. So that the moisture can escape, you should leave the door of the oven open a crack, for example, with a wooden spoon stuck in the door. However, I have only tried drying strawberries with my dehydrator and cannot tell you exactly how long it takes to dry strawberries in the oven.
Drying strawberries before drying

Is it worthwhile for me to purchase a dehydrator?

Personally, I really enjoy it, Making things yourself and I like to try out new recipes. If you also value healthy foods, then gentle processing with a dehydrator is a great alternative. Here are some alternative uses for a dehydrator.
Just have a look at my contributions to

I can really recommend the BioChef Arizona. I have the device now about a year. So far I have had no problems with the dehydrator and everything I have tried has worked. I have the eight-bay version. The BioChef Arizona you get here*.
Drying strawberries in the dehydrator

Tip: eat the larger pieces first

Sometimes it happens to me that some pieces are not yet completely dried. Either you leave these pieces a little longer in the dehydrator or you just eat these pieces first.

Tip: Cooking jam with dried strawberries

If you make jam, try it with dried strawberries. Since the dried strawberries are more flavorful than regular strawberries, you should need fewer strawberries for the same amount of jam. Or you can use the same amount of strawberries and the jam might taste even more intense.

I have not tried this yet. However, I've been working as a cocktail mixer for a while now, and it's often recommended that homemade syrups be made with dried fruit to reduce the amount of product used. I think it should work with jam as well. If any of you have tried this, feel free to leave me a comment!

Drying strawberries is great!

Strawberries drying on rack in dehydrator
Preserving strawberries is quite simple if you want to dry and dry strawberries. The strawberries get an even more intense flavor due to the loss of water during drying, so the sweet and sour notes become even stronger. Because of the sustainability, I find that drying strawberries is an ingenious alternative to preserve your own ecological footprint to reduce the size and Reduce food waste. So you can easily eat seasonal and regional strawberries.
The dried strawberries are also really versatile. I especially like to eat the dried strawberries as a homemade muesli topping to my Buckwheat muesli recipe.

And now have fun trying it out! If you have questions, suggestions and your own experiences to share, I look forward to your comment under this article.

All the best,

Julian from CareElite

PS.: In the article Vegan lifestyle I explain my best tips for starting vegan life. Have fun!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Julian Hölzer

Julian Hölzer

Hi, my name is Julian and I am a trained vegan nutritionist. In 2016 I started to get involved with veganism and quickly learned how big an impact our diet has on the environment and how diverse plant-based diets can be. That's why I want to inspire you to get involved with veganism too.

4 thoughts on “Erdbeeren trocknen und länger haltbar machen”

  1. Hey Julian, have read with interest your gedörte strawberries, will try it i.d. season in the oven times.,have a question, in what it is stored and how long is it durable??? mfg Inge

    1. Hello Inge,
      Thank you for your interest! Personally, I always store the dried strawberries in open(!) preserving jars, so that if there is any residual moisture in the strawberries, no mold will form. The shelf life is significantly influenced by the residual moisture in the strawberries. If you dry them in the oven, the strawberries will easily keep for 2-3 weeks (but like me, you've probably already eaten them:) ). If you don't get them really dry, I would use them up within a week, but that shouldn't be a problem either 🙂
      Love, Julian

  2. Hey. That you can make more jam from dried fruit than from fresh unfortunately makes no sense at all. Home-cooked jam consists of fresh fruit with a little (really disappearing little) sugar and lemon juice. If one would mix dried fruits with sugar and lemon juice one would have a rather firm mass. Which would not have anything to do with jam. If you add water, you could possibly create something similar to jam. I think but that would not really taste like jam. The whole procedure doesn't really make sense ecologically. Then I would first dry the water from the fruit in the Dörautomat out (and spend energy for it) to add it later when cooking jam again.
    This may well work for syrup, because liquid is added anyway and you also want to have a liquid end product. This is not the case with jam, which should be spreadable and that should not work with added water.
    Greetings Christine

    1. Hi Christine,
      thanks for your comment 🙂
      I have the jam cooking - as said / written - not yet tried myself, so that was just an idea. Of course, for a jam-like consistency, you would then have to add a small amount of water to the dried fruit again. That's how it works with syrups, too. Because of the more intense flavor of the dried fruit, you can effectively minimize the use of goods when making syrups this way, and I could imagine that this could also work when cooking jam.
      At the end of the day, of course, I can only speculate whether the process works until I or someone else tries it for themselves and reports back. In principle, it would be similar to syrup production, but with less water. Ecologically, the process could make sense (emphasis on could) if you use fewer strawberries, since making strawberries is more energy intensive than drying them. Here it would depend on how large the saving would be. Of course, this is all speculative.
      However, since I have never tried the whole thing myself, I have explicitly written that I have no experience with it and know the procedure only from the field of syrup production.
      Maybe I'll manage next year times to try the whole thing and then I report times and will update the post here. So I leave it at my idea, which of course should not be a tutorial.
      Love and all the best,

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