How can you actually lose weight in a healthy way? If you would like to lose a few pounds - in a healthy and long-term way - then you've come to the right place. Every one of us has or knows those phases in which we eat too much sweet stuff and at the same time exercise far too little. Our body is simply supplied with more energy than it actually needs - and it converts this into body fat. The result is an undesirable increase in weight. So how do you lose the excess kilos? In any case, a crash diet is not the right solution, as it can have serious consequences for our organism.
In this article I would like to give you now 10 valuable tips to hand, with which you can lose weight much easier and much healthier! Without counting calories, without renunciation - quite simply, through a healthy measure!
Here is another short Overview for you:
- Choose the right food
- Schedule everyday exercise
- Stick to the shopping list
- Discard habits
- Balancing the mineral salt balance
- Eat regularly and slowly
- Vegan diet
- Exercise
- Sufficient sleep
- Drink plenty of fluids
10 tips to lose weight healthy in the long term
An important principle of healthy weight loss is to be aware at all times of the causes of your own excess weight. Wrong diet, uncontrolled "binge eating", lack of physical exercise, stress... usually it is a combination of all these things. An early childhood diet from the parental home can also be the cause. The fact is: just as for a more sustainable life is also a change in your own everyday life is necessaryto lose weight in a healthy way.
Now I would like to give you some useful tips on the way, so that the healthy weight loss also works successfully!

The basis for losing weight naturally is our diet. Who should lose weight, drives well with it, especially on Vegetables, Legumes, Rice, Pasta and Fruit - that is, high-fiber, nutrient-rich and filling foods. Cook fresh, low-fat, high-protein, high-fiber - and cook for yourself!
The usual fatty and sweet Pappenheimer, such as chips, cakes, chocolate bars or even cheese, sausage and chips, on the other hand, should be eliminated from the menu and only be the absolute exception. Losing weight is always a fight against your own habits. But if you really want to reach the goal (your desired weight), then you can do it.
Tip: Sugar is added to a lot of the convenience foods in the supermarket. I have a Sugar Free Challenge and deliberately avoided such products for a month. Feel free to check out the linked post to see what happened!
2. consciously plan more everyday movement
Sufficient exercise is another key to losing weight at a healthy rate and converting fat into muscle. So consciously plan everyday exercise for yourself! 10,000 steps a day is what it should be. You can measure this with an app, for example. 30 minutes of exercise are the absolute minimum - for this you should drop everything else if you want to stay healthy in the long term. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride your bike to work - and do everyday things yourself instead of getting technical help.
And if you more time outside in nature your stress levels will also drop, so you'll have fewer cravings for sweets or other calorie bombs.
3. strictly adhere to shopping list
A crucial tip for healthy weight loss is, never go shopping hungry! Really never! Because otherwise suddenly all the sweet things end up in the shopping basket, which have conjured up your seemingly too high weight on the ribs. Stay strong and stick to your shopping list. The easier it will be for you, you not to be seduced by your habits or advertising tricks.
4. discard problematic habits
When do you reach for sweets? And what "activities" keep you from moving? In the end, it's the answers to these questions that will help you identify culprits and create solutions. For example, do you grab the chip bag when you're bored or stressed? Great! Then find something new to do (learn a new language, for example or operate Plogging) to balance!
Whatever you feel like doing, do it if it helps you reach your desired weight.
Tip: It falls to us humans extremely difficult to break out of habits. In the linked article, you'll learn even more about how long-term change works with a high degree of certainty from a psychological perspective.
5. mineral salt balance balancing
Our body needs minerals, which are absorbed through food and ensure that we feel fit and healthy. But sometimes the body can absorb the minerals, but not use them optimally. The result: the mineral balance gets out of whack. According to Dr. Schuessler* is a particularly gentle method the mineral salt therapy with Schuessler salts.
6. eat regularly and SLOWLY
You know that cravings are your worst enemy? Then just eat regularly and never skip a meal! This routine automatically ensures that such "food attacks" become quite unlikely. And if it should be a snack, then just cut yourself an apple!
But eat not only regularly, but also slower in principle. What's the point? Your feeling of fullness often doesn't set in until after 20 minutes₁ - time in which you like to eat more than is necessary. That's what makes it so hard to stop when you're actually already full.
Tip: Perhaps also the Intermittent fasting something for you! Your day is divided into two phases: an eating phase and a fasting phase.
7. vegan diet
The high proportion of Whole grain products, Legumes as well as Vegetables and Fruit makes the plant-based, vegan diet so helpful in losing weight! There are also animal ingredients in many sweetssuch as gelatine or whole milk powder, which you can use in this way for health, ethical and also ecological reasons (see why live vegan?) can handle.
Good to know: Veganism and the plant-based diet are not the same thing! While "plantbased" is a form of nutrition, veganism is a philosophy of life against animal cruelty and the exploitation of animals for food, entertainment, experiments, clothing and other things of everyday human life. You can learn more about it at "Difference between vegan and vegetable„.

Losing weight without sports and exercise is not much fun and not exactly healthy - let's be honest! Is it perhaps a Overcoming for you to put on your sports shoes and go outside? Especially in winter? Then just do sports at your home! I train myself almost exclusively with my own body weight. Freeletics, yoga... these sports are ideal to drop a few kilos and to create a good balance to the stressful everyday life. You don't need more than a mat!
Tip: Look you with pleasure in the Sustainability Shop Sports Category around. There you will find environmentally friendly sports equipment for your workout! How about for example Push up grips wood?
9. get enough sleep
You want to lose weight naturally? Then you should ensure a healthy and sufficient sleep! Especially the Sleep duration and the Sleep intensity are important for weight loss success. For example, healthy sleep inhibits the stress hormone cortisol and the "ravenous hunger hormone" ghrelin. And it promotes the production of the satiety hormone leptin.₂
In the article "Tips for better sleep" you will learn how you can implement this basis for healthy weight loss incredibly easy!
10. take plenty of liquid
Drink plenty of waterWater is an important basis for a successful workout and a fast recovery of your muscles. Even without sports, the German Nutrition Society recommends drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day. With sports it is even 2 to 2.5 liters in the end.₃
However, avoid sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks! Instead, spice up your water with a sprig of mint or a lemon, or make yourself a tea.
Not yet motivated enough to lose weight? At motivational quotes I have compiled a whole list of sayings that will push your motivation immeasurably!
Lose weight healthily? No problem!
Losing weight is also possible without crash diets and daily visits to the gym. I hope that I could show you that with these tips and help you to drop excess pounds in a natural, healthy way!
Finally, I would like to give you one piece of advice: do not constantly stand on the scale and count your calories. The training success often shows up only a few days later, so you would only demotivate yourself unnecessarily. Rather, compare a before and after photo in similar lighting conditions after 2 to 3 months. This is fun!
Do you have questions or more tips for healthy weight loss? Then feel free to write me a comment!
Stay healthy,

PS: Now you know how to lose weight in a healthy way. Maybe you are also interested in how you Quit smoking very easily can! Please have a look at the linked article.
₁ A. Franck: This is what has to happen for us to be full (as of 20.02.2020), available at [18.02.2021].
₂ A. Schmidt: Healthy and sustainable weight loss: 12 tips that are better than any diet (as of: 08.01.2021), available at [18.02.2021].
₃ German Nutrition Society: Not only in summer: it's best to drink water (as of 13.06.2018), available at [18.02.2021].