You want to make cards sustainable? Whether invitation or gift - whether wedding, birthday, baptism or mourning - here you are in any case at the right address. Nothing is more boring than a gift or invitation card of the brand "cheap mass-produced goods", which disappears immediately one day after the special day already in the trash can or some dusty drawer. Better are cards that stand out from the crowd and are gladly kept by the recipient.
In this article I'll show you how to upgrade sustainable cards and make them special. Sustainable because it's made of ecological materials and sustainable because it brings lasting joy. Let's do it!
In advance you can find here already a Overview about the contribution:
- Prefer cards made from certified recycled paper
- Put them in an ecological envelope
- Use a vegetable glue
- Use biodegradable decoration
- Make sure that your card will give pleasure for a long time
1. material
You can use sustainable cards basically do it yourself, buy in the drugstore or she you in copy stores and Have custom printed with online suppliers.
Make sure that the material is made of paper that is as sustainable as possible. Recycled paper and cardboard are great for crafting. If you're using new cardboard or paper, also keep an eye out to make sure it's recycled paper. Environmentally friendly paper that is not associated with the Deforestation of rainforests stands, you can see above all in Ecopaper eco-label like "The Blue Angel, "UWS Paper", "Ecopa plus" and last but not least on "FSC Seal" recognize.
It is also important for the environmental balance and sustainability of your card that the used Printing inks based on renewable raw materials and are free from chemistry.
Tip: Try to make as little trash as possible and existing, natural resources to reuse as much as possible.
2. envelope

Of course, the recommendations just mentioned also apply to the envelope of your sustainable card. Prefer recycled paper made entirely of natural material - without plastic windows, of course. And again, pay attention to the most important environmental seals for ecological paper. Then come up with a nice, fitting saying for the envelope and finally garnish the envelope with some decoration.
Tip: Look you with pleasure in the Quotes blog of CareElite. There you will find for example effective sayings about love and the best Friendship Quotes.
3. glue
To attach decorations or glue your gift card envelope more securely, you'll also need glue. I was surprised myself. But you really only need Flour, water, a bowl and a screw jarto make your own all-natural glue. Simply stir together flour and water in equal proportions until you have a firm, uniform mixture. That's all!
Alternatively, however, there is also vegetable glue without toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde and VOCs to buy in the trade. Of course, he brings it too.
4. deco

Now it's time to spice up the outside and inside of your gift card! How about decorating the natural envelope with Pine cone, a small Eucalyptus branch or one, two Foliage sticker?
From the inside offers plastic free self punched confetti on. All you need are dry leaves. With a Punch pliers or a Hole punch you can simply punch holes in them until you have countless little confetti together. Together with the card into the envelope, ready!
5. emotions
Now the most beautiful card, the most natural envelope, the most ecological glue (you can't even see it) and the top-matched decoration are of no use, if the content of the card is inappropriate and it ends up in the trash after a few days. Now it's up to you to be creative and a good judge of character so that the gift card brings so much joy to the recipient that he/she will be happy to keep it.
Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit einem tollen, persönlichen Schreiben inklusive eines Gutscheins? Im Web findest du definitiv großartige Gutschein-Ideen, falls deine Kreativität eingerostet ist. So find the right words and additions, to round out your sustainable card.
Tip: How you Wrap gifts as plastic-free as possibleYou can find out more in the linked article!
Design sustainable cards yourself - it's easy!

Now you have the most important tips for truly eco-friendly, unique gift cards at hand. The sustainable cards themselves should be delivered to the recipients in person and preferably during a short bike ride, if the distance allows it. So the natural material on the envelope is not lost and you can at the same time still your Reduce ecological footprint. Außerdem wird die persönliche Übergabe sicherlich auch für Freude beim Empfänger sorgen. 😉
I hope you can use these tips for eco-friendly cards. Can you think of any other ideas for sustainable gift and invitation cards that are missing here? Then I'm already looking forward to your comment.
Stay sustainable,

PS.: Do you feel like more sustainable do-it-yourself ideas? Then be sure to check out my homemade dining table from old oak planks on. Have fun!