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Vegan Documentaries – 17 Films You Need To Watch

The Best Vegan Documentaries And Films

Are you looking for vegan documentaries and movies that can convince yourself or friends about veganism and a plant-based diet? I think that's great! After all, veganism and also vegetarianism are powerful weapons for solving ethical, health and ecological problems of our time.

Cruelty to animals and Factory farming could be curbed - and both our environment and our health would benefit. But to permanently change habits like regular meat consumption, you need the necessary inspiration and motivation - precisely through vegan films.

Therefore, I present you now the most effective documentaries to vegan:in or even To become vegetarian:in - and to remain so permanently. One of them flipped the switch on me immediately, so that I've been living vegan ever since. Of course, the films also help to fundamentally question one's own consumer behavior.

Here is already a short overview for you:

  1. Cowspiracy
  2. Dominion
  3. What The Health
  4. Earthlings
  5. The Game Changer
  6. Before The Flood
  7. Food, Inc.
  8. Hope For All
  9. Seaspiracy
  10. More Than Honey
  11. Land of Hope and Glory
  12. Sea The Truth
  13. Blackfish
  14. Fork instead of scalpel
  15. We Feed the World
  16. The system milk
  17. Live and Let Live

Notice: I'll also show you where to find each film. Some of the vegan documentaries you can even watch directly in this post, because they are freely available on YouTube and embedded here.

Vegan documentaries and films that everyone should have seen

Maybe you've already made yourself comfortable on the couch. But before you digress out of old habit to a soppy love story or an exciting action thriller, I'd rather give you my recommendations for the best vegan documentaries. Because real feelings can develop in them, too. Let's go!

1. cowspiracy (2014)

Truths are uncovered in this film. For example, the extreme effects of industrial livestock farming on our earth. Uncomfortable questions for environmental protection organizations and uncertain answers make you as a viewer:question your own diet. In the documentary, however, you will also be given numerous sustainable alternatives to the Protect the environment in everyday life.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, Netflix or maxdome.

2. dominion (2018)

Want more vegan documentaries? No problem! I am writing these lines shortly after watching this documentary about factory farming. And I have yet to see another film that has woken me up so much.

He shows step by step, how we humans treat the animals on this earth and what we exploit them for. From cows to chickens, horses, minks and turkeys. The pictures of the cruelty to animals are fierce - but will make you eat at least less meat, but probably never again, or consume animal products.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example, here directly via the embedded YouTube video. You can also see the film and reactions to it at Dominion film see

3. what The Health (2017)

A film for veganism - and about the emergence of typical, diet-related diseases of civilization our time. This documentary will help you understand the interplay of genetic predisposition, environmental factors and your personal lifestyle.

Here, too, food corporations and especially those in charge of the pharmaceutical industry are asked uncomfortable questions. This is a documentary that will help you change your diet, especially your from the health point of view, to question.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, Netflix or maxdome.

4. earthlings (2005)

The film is primarily about the increasing consumption of meat and the associated animal husbandry. Anyone who watches this vegan documentary quickly realizes how much animals are regarded by us humans more as raw materials than as living beings.

On display are stark images of animals being exploited by us in every way - for entertainment, for sport, for science, for our food. An absolute Classic among documentaries for vegans and vegetarians.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example here directly via the embedded YouTube video (German) or also in English language at Vimeo.

5. the game changers (2019)

"How can you be as strong as an ox without eating meat?" Patrik Baboumian was asked. "Have you ever seen an ox eat meat? replied the strongman.

A cool Quote about veganism and at the same time only one of many good arguments, which are called in this documentation. The film shows above all that the renunciation of meat is not unmanly and that you can Achieve peak athletic performance even without animal nutrients can.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example, at Netflix and iTunes or at Amazon on DVD*.

6. before the flood (2017)

Joining the ranks of the best, vegan docs is "Before The Flood" - a film all about the aftermath of the Climate change shoots. Actors In it, Leonardo DiCaprio shows what responsibility we humans have for our planet and what each individual can do.

In the documentary conducts, among others, interviews with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. The main point is to Politics in the fight for environmental protection and to dissuade them from preferring to act in a profit-oriented manner and according to personal interests.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, iTunes or maxdome.

7. food inc. (2008)

This vegan documentary is also primarily about our consumer behavior. The film shows the Consumer deceptive and cruel practices of the food industrywhere profit comes first and health, environment and ethics pretty much last.

It is scary what Power of a few corporations over our daily consumer behavior have. An absolutely recommendable documentary for vegans and vegetarians, because it brings light into the darkness.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, Google Play or maxdome.

8. seaspiracy (2021)

In this vegan documentary, filmmaker and simultaneously protagonist Ali Tabrizi presents his research on the Consequences of human behavior for the sea and its inhabitants from plastic waste to overfishing and illegal fishing.

The film impressively shows the Abysses of industrial fishing - and thereby underlines the risk that Ali took for his research. Definitely a vegan documentary that should make each of us think.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example, on Netflix.

9. Hope For All (2016)

Want to know more vegan documentaries? The film "Hope For All" explains the Connection between the western diet and today's diseases of civilization.

More and more people, eat more and more animals. In the documentary you see memorable images from animal husbandry and also solutions for a healthy and animal friendly everyday life. In any case, I was carried away by the film because it is tremendously human.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, iTunes or maxdome.

10. more than honey (2012)

This film is all about bee mortality and the value of the bee to life on earth. As a viewer, you quickly understand here how much our food situation depends significantly on them.

It also quickly becomes clear that their existence is threatened by antibiotics, monocultures and pesticides. In any case, this is a vegan documentary that will open your eyes.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, TVNOW or maxdome.

11. land of hope and glory (2017)

A film in which animal rights activist Ed Winters shows how disgustingly and brutally we humans treat animals. In doing so, the film merely presents the absolutely most common priculture practices in the United Kingdom. before.

You see, for example, how the Chick Shredding (i.e. the deliberate killing of male chicks) is carried out. Absolutely scary but extremely enlightening. For me, this is one of the best vegan documentaries.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example here directly via the embedded YouTube video. (German subtitles possible)

12 Sea The Truth (2014)

Sea The Truth" is primarily about the environmental problem of destruction or the Overfishing of the seas. I realized within a few minutes already how blatant the Consequences of the unfortunately still practiced trawling for our environment and to what extent the fishing industry is important for the species extinction is jointly responsible.

A film that makes you question not only - but especially - your consumption of marine animals. I know some people who became vegan at the latest when the credits of the documentary ran.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example, here directly via the embedded YouTube video.

13 Blackfish (2014)

An absolutely captivating film that captures the Life of the orca Tilikum in the SeaWorld theme park. Pretty quickly you become aware of the physical and psychological consequences of captivity for the whale.

After watching the documentary, you definitely have a few more reasons to get to get involved in animal welfare and to avoid dolphinariums or other theme parks with animals.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, Netflix or Rakuten TV.

14. fork instead of scalpel (2012)

Here, everything revolves around the connection between a diet rich in meat and dairy products and today's diseases of civilization, such as Diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular disease.

During the film, you as the viewer realize pretty quickly, how beneficial the meat-free vegetarian or vegan diet is for our health after all. And that the many diseases should not even exist. Absolutely recommendable!

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example about Amazon on DVD* or on Netflix, iTunes or Rakuten TV.

15. we feed the world (2005)

The film plunges into the Consequences of the globalization of food production. It deals mainly with the massive waste of food in our western society and the destruction of natural habitats of animals.

It quickly becomes clear that this is a problem that consumers and producers must solve together. A somewhat older, but highly recommended documentary that will definitely bring you closer to veganism.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, TVNOW or iTunes.

16. the milk system - the exploitation of dairy cows

This film quickly made me aware, how exploitative and brutal the dairy industry actually is - and how many lives are lost as a result.

One learns about the development of a system that turned cows into high-performance machines. But the film also clarifies the solutions! Absolutely recommendable! Also because the viewers become clear the motives for switching to animal and environmentally friendly, plant-based alternatives.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, Netflix or maxdome.

17. live and let live (2013)

Definitely a vegan documentary that unequivocally illuminates the fact that Animals are emotional beings. The impressive film revolves around our relationship with animals and the reasons for the purely plant-based diet.

Thereby he comes completely Without blatant images from factory farming. I still remember exactly how thoughtful it made me nevertheless.

Where can you watch this vegan documentary? For example with Amazon*, Videoload or maxdome.

Frequently asked questions about veganism

Why are documentaries so important for veganism?

Because they help to create awareness for the suffering of animals and thus lay the foundation for the personal decision to an animal-friendly, vegan lifestyle. Documentaries enable viewers to better put themselves in the shoes of cows, pigs, chickens and other exploited animals.

For what reasons do most people live vegan?

Most people live vegan for ethical reasons, that is, for the animals. They do not want animals to be exploited for human food, entertainment, clothing or even for experiments. Many people also have ecological or health motives for choosing a vegan lifestyle.

Why is vegan so much in vogue?

Since most people go vegan for ethical, environmental, or health reasons, veganism is more of a permanent, societal value shift than a short- or medium-term trend.

Tell a friend about vegan documentaries and films for education

Recommend documentaries for vegans and vegetarians

I don't think you can watch all these films and documentaries and not feel sympathy for the animals. I am even extremely ashamed of what we humans have done to other living creatures. Accordingly, my motivation was almost unlimited.

"Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends."

George Bernard Shaw

Nevertheless, in my opinion, no one has to feel bad if he or she has consumed quite a lot of meat so far. You simply didn't know many of the backgrounds beforehand. After the films, however, you know them. I advise you to transform the possible bad conscience into the necessary energy to Getting started with vegan and animal-free healthy eating. to find.

By the way, if you don't have that much time for a 2-hour documentary right now, I can also recommend the following vegan YouTuber whose work I appreciate very much:

  • Earthling Ed (Animal rights activist who leads street debates and has a life farm).
  • Nico Rittenau (scientific discussion of plant-based nutrition).
  • Joey Carbstrong (Animal rights activist who leads heated street debates).

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Can you think of other vegan documentaries? Then just write me a comment with your recommendation.

Be always kind to animals,

PS: In my Nutrition blog you get even more inspiration for a sustainable way of eating. Just learn a little more every day. Also my contribution about the Reasons for a vegan lifestyle should help you. Have fun!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.