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Kitchen without plastic - 16 ideas for plastic-free kitchen

Tips for the Zero Waste Kitchen without Plastic

Looking for the best tips for a plastic-free kitchen? Then you've come to the right place! I do without as much plastic (waste) as possible in the kitchen - whether with the food itself, as well as with the kitchen utensils, cutting boards and items for storage.

In this article I will give you my best tips for a plastic-free kitchen. You will quickly realize that this project is not that complicated.

17 tips for a kitchen as plastic-free as possible

The tips will help you get closer to a zero waste kitchen. You shouldn't just throw everything away and replace it, but rather use many things for as long as possible until they eventually die. This way, you'll give your plastic kitchen utensil as long a life as possible before it can be recycled. Got it? Then let's get started!

1. use wax paper instead of cling film

Wax paper is the ideal replacement for the classic plastic cling film. Because it can be reused on the one hand and is made from natural material. I myself use Organic cotton freshness wipes and vegetable wax (you can get here*), but there are also classic Beeswax wipes. (e.g. here*)

Either way they make Food longer shelf life and avoid huge amounts of disposable waste. Storage with the wipes works perfectly and is an important part of the kitchen without plastic.

Tip: You can get your Oilcloth even do yourself! How this works you can read in the linked article.

2. wooden cutting boards prefer

Wooden cutting boards for plastic free kitchen

Do you still have plastic breakfast boards in your kitchen? And your cutting boards are not plastic-free either? On the way to your plastic-free kitchen you should replace them. As sustainable and eternally reusable material are suitable for Cutting boards wood, stone and also pressed rice husks. They all make a visual impact and really last an eternity.

3. make dishwashing liquid itself

Dishwashing liquid bottles make regularly plastic waste in the kitchen - often the dishwashing liquid itself is also with chemical ingredients compiled. In the article Make dishwashing liquid yourselfYou'll learn step by step how easy it is to make your own dishwashing liquid. All you need is the wonder weapon Baking soda and natural plant soap.

Just as well works the DIY dishwashing liquid also from ivy leaves. How easy you can make it, you will also learn in the linked post.

4. tap water from glass or stainless steel bottle drink

My glass or stainless steel water bottle is the most important part of the Zero Waste Basic Equipment. Not only because the drinking bottles do not use plastic, but also because the Tap water tastes better, is cheaper and without lugging water boxes directly in the apartment.

Tip: I can give you these Stainless steel drinking bottle* or these Soulbottle glass bottle* recommend!

5. get plastic free juicers

We had a plastic juicer at home for a long time for lemons and other citrus fruits. When the broke, we are then directly on a Wood juicer switched. A cool accessory in the kitchen without plastic that really lasts forever.

6. stainless steel straws OR GLASS

Plastic free steel straws for reuse

Plastic straws are particularly easy to avoid. There are hardly any disposable products for which there are so many plastic-free alternatives. Simply use reusable Stainless steel strawsglass or bamboo wood for your plastic-free kitchen. Or do without straws altogether, of course that works too ๐Ÿ˜‰.

7. say byebye to coffee capes

Every year, we Germans consume About two billion plastic coffee capsules and thus produce around 4000 tons of plastic waste.โ‚ Instead, treat yourself to a roasted coffee from paper packaging. You can filter it with stainless steel reusable coffee filters, to avoid further waste.

8. use cloth towels instead of paper towels

Let's face it: many people use classic kitchen paper for every little stain in the kitchen. Even if the kitchen paper itself is made from sustainable material, it is now once wrapped in plastic. For a plastic-free kitchen, simply switch to reusable cloth towels and wash them regularly. This will save plastic and paper waste and Conserves natural resources.

9. plastic free canning jars use for storage

Zero Waste is a real lifestyle. Representative of this, in my opinion, are the Preserving jars, which can be used both wonderfully to aesthetic storage as well as to the Grocery shopping (for example, in the unpacked store) are suitable. The next step to the kitchen without plastic!

10. natural garbage bag instead of plastic bag

Even the garbage bag for your waste does not have to be made of plastic. There are now countless biodegradable garbage bags - in the recycling process, however, they can still cause problems. In a kitchen that is as plastic-free as possible, you can therefore also get your Fold garbage bags from old newspaper yourself or line your trash can with cardboard paper.

11. wooden dishwashing brushes

Plastic free wooden dish brushes

Plastic dishwashing brushes are certainly very cheap, but can be wonderfully replaced with a plastic-free alternative after they become unusable the next time. Sink brushes from wood I can recommend to you! They make visually something, last at least as long - and also the In most cases, bristles are made of fibers., a vegetable fiber.

12. grow your own herbs

If you're looking at herbs in a Plastic box or in a plastic foil you end up with a lot of plastic waste again. The herbs are also used up quickly. Why do you plant the Herbs not simply themselves in the kitchen or in the garden on? Because this is also part of the kitchen without plastic and allows you to become a little more plastic-free again.

13. stainless steel can instead of plastic can

If you're preparing a lunch for work, don't put it in a plastic can, but instead use a Stainless steel lunch box use. It is just as tight, lasts a long time and does not smell. This stainless steel box* is the perfect plastic-free alternative for on the go.

Notice: However, please replace your old lunch box only when it has become absolutely unusable. So you use the natural resources, which were necessary for the production of the lunch box, still as long as possible.

14. natural fiber tea towels

Tea towels, napkins and dishcloths are often wrapped in plastic or are themselves made of plastic fibers. Reusable Cloths from linen or other natural fabrics belong in every kitchen without plastic. You can even make them yourself from old T-shirts or tablecloths - maybe a cool Idea for your next sustainable DIY project? ๐Ÿ™‚

15. wooden kitchen utensils

Kitchen gadgets made of wood instead of plastic

Plastic kitchen gadgets have had their day. Why don't you switch to plastic-free Bamboo wood kitchen utensils um? Also Pots, pans, boxes and other items from the kitchen now manage without plastic, are eternally reusable and live - at least in my experience - significantly longer.

Tip: I even have our Dining table homemade from old oak planks. Feel free to look at the construction process and all the important tips about it.

16. also good for sustainable cuisine

With the tips I've given you so far, you're well on your way to a plastic-free kitchen. However, in order to make it even more sustainable, I would now like to give you a few tips along the way:

  • Don't waste food: In Germany, we are among the leaders in food waste because everything seems to be available in unlimited quantities and is affordable. Therefore, try targeted, Reduce food waste.
  • Reduce your water consumption: Particularly in the kitchen hides great potential for save water in the household and to value the natural resource of water.
  • Kitchen made of sustainable material: Even the furniture in your kitchen can be environmentally friendly. From the origin of the wood from regional forests to the pollutant-free paint. In this post you will learn more about it.
  • Prefer hand-operated kitchen appliances: To also save energy in your plastic-free kitchen, you should use kitchen appliances that don't require electricity and can be used manually. For example such a stainless steel whisk* or the already mentioned Wood juicer*.

Kitchen without plastic? No problem!

There is hardly any other area in our household with as much zero-waste potential as the kitchen! I hope that my tips will help you to a plastic-free kitchen. But please don't stress! The change really doesn't have to happen from one day to the next, but step by step. Just replace plastic items little by little as soon as they break or you feel like it.

I'd love to hear from you in the comments with your personal experiences, your questions and possible, further ideas for a plastic-free kitchen!

Stay clean,

Living plastic-free - Less plastic waste in the environment

PS.: If you already design your kitchen without plastic, you should also definitely read the article Plastic free living - tips & tricks read through. There you will find all my tips for living without plastic at a glance. Have fun!

โ‚ B. Nicolai: We produce 4000 tons of coffee capsule waste (as of 08.01.2014), available at [09.11.2021].

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

* Links with asterisks are so-called affiliate links. If you click on it and buy something, you automatically and actively support my work with, because I get a small share of the sales revenue - and of course the product price does not change. Thank you for your support and best regards, Christoph!

Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

30 thoughts on “Kรผche ohne Plastik – 16 Ideen fรผr die plastikfreie Kรผche”

  1. That's all great, but some of it is really difficult or even impossible to implement. Especially with children.

    1. Moin Marcel! Es ist nicht einfach, dass stimmt. Aber du musst ja auch nicht alles auf einmal umsetzen ๐Ÿ™‚
      Don't be put off by the terms ZERO waste and plastic FREE, think of it as a long term goal and just learn step by step how to avoid waste.
      Stay clean,

  2. Hello Christoph,
    quite good tips, although I already implement most of it. By the way, you mentioned to replace plastic only when it breaks, which of course makes sense in my eyes. Super find I also that you learn immediately where you can buy the alternatives.
    Many thanks

    1. Hello Ulrike! Thank you for your feedback and your positive attitude.
      Keep up the good work,

  3. Good morning!
    A super collection, I must say, even if in places not new (the topic is increasingly taken up in blogs, etc.).
    I'll add my two cents on several points at this point:
    1. organic waste bags are not allowed in my organic waste garbage can (determined by the landlords). Therefore I use newspaper. Years ago, I bought a "latticed" organic bin and put two layers of newspaper in it - it works great. Especially since it saves money, because everyone actually gets newspapers at home.
    2. even though I myself have the same bamboo cookware as in the picture, I am not proud of it. Of course, bamboo grows fast (compared to other woods), but it is also very often glued. I could not say, for example, if bamboo items are one piece, because as a plant they are not very thick and especially sometimes hollow. With me, in any case, they had an unpleasant taste for a very long time (sauce, etc. to taste over it). Therefore, I avoided it at some point from food to put in my mouth. Long story short: rather take other woods.
    But I don't think it's really "right" to banish all plastic from your household, i.e. throw it away, because of the changeover. Nevertheless, it is more ecological to dispose of these items only when they break or something similar. Plastic is very durable (e.g. as a lunch box).
    Best regards

    1. Hi Monika! Thanks for your comment, I agree with you on all points.
      Jetzt muss ich noch einmal durch meinen Artikel gehen, ob ich da irgendwo wirklich erwรคhnt habe, alle Plastiksachen wegzuschmeiรŸen ๐Ÿ˜‰ Das soll natรผrlich nicht sein. Tupperdosen z.B. lassen sich noch ewig weiterverwenden und das ist auch in Ordnung.
      Many greetings,

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