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Vegetarian statistics

Vegetarianism statistics, facts, figures and studies 2022/2023

Are you looking for meaningful Vegetarianism statistics or simply facts and figures about vegetarian nutrition? Then you've come to the right place! Many people choose not to eat meat for a variety of reasons. Vegetarianism, for example, offers enormous potential to help the climate changeone of the largest Environmental problems of our time, to counteract.

In this article, I would like to give you the most important facts and figures about a vegetarian diet.

Here is another short Table of contents about the statistics article for you:

  1. Vegetarian
  2. Consumption
  3. Reasons
  4. Studies
  5. Forecasts
  6. Closing words

Notice: This statistics contribution is part of the Nutrition blogs. Browse through the blog a little more and learn, for example, how to easily become a vegetarian simply by following your heart.

Statistics and facts about vegetarians

Statistics and facts about vegetarians

First of all, I would like to give you the most important figures about people who eat a vegetarian diet. Here are some very informative statistics on vegetarians:

How many vegetarians are there actually?

  • In Germany: Around 9.3 million people in Germany already follow a meat-free diet. This includes an estimated 8 million vegetarians and around 1.3 million vegans.₁
  • Potential: Around 42 million people in Germany describe themselves as flexitarians or part-time vegetarians.₂
  • Worldwide: The global number of vegetarians and vegans is estimated at 1 billion.₃

What distinguishes vegetarians?

  • Age: Among 18 to 29-year-olds, around 9.2 percent of women and 5.0 percent of men eat a vegetarian diet.₄
  • Education: With increasing education, a higher proportion of people usually eat a vegetarian diet.₅

Vegetarianism Facts and figures on consumption

Facts and statistics about vegetarianism

Here are some statistics that convey how in demand vegetarian meals now are in our society:

  • Courts: Every third dish served in Germany is vegetarian.₆
  • Restaurants: In 2016, there were already 616 purely vegetarian restaurants in Germany's large and medium-sized cities. In 2015 there were 317 and in 2013 only 214.₇

Vegetarian statistics on the reasons for giving up meat

Frequent motives for a vegetarian diet are, for example, animal welfare, the World hunger and the Water shortageclimate and environmental protection, allergies or health problems. Some valuable facts and figures about the reasons for vegetarianism can be derived from this:

How many animals are killed for nothing every year?

  • Food waste: Every year, 356 million kilograms of meat are simply thrown away in Germany. This means that 45 million chickens, 4 million pigs and 200,000 cattle die for nothing.₈

How much water is used to produce 1 kilogram of beef?

  • Water consumption: 15,000 liters of water are needed to produce one kilogram of beef. For example, for watering troughs, cleaning stables or growing animal feed.₉ See also Environmental problem of water scarcity.

What vegetarian facts are there about raising cattle?

  • Cattle breeding: Today, around one billion cows graze on the world's green pastures.₁₀ Cattle emit large quantities of methane on these pastures. This gas is around 25 times more harmful to the climate than the CO2.₁₁ With 180 million animals, Brazil breeds the world's largest herd of cattle.
  • Cattle feed cultivation: Around 61.8 percent of arable land in Germany is used to grow animal feed. We only consume 21 percent of the harvest directly ourselves.₁₂
  • Deforestation: The Amazon rainforest in particular is being cut down for pasture - 100,000 km² from 1996 to 2006 alone.₁₃ More at Factory farming.
  • emissions: According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), livestock farming is responsible for around 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.₁₄ Becoming a vegetarian is therefore one of the best things you can do. Climate protection tips for everyday life.

What other facts are important for vegetarians?

  • Fishing: Every year, we catch around 90 million tons of fish from the oceans worldwide.₁₅ For more information, you can take a look at the article with the Statistics on overfishing in the oceans.
  • Fish as feed: In fact, around 40 percent of the fish caught worldwide are fed back to livestock.₁₆
  • Health: According to a scientific study, vegetarians (and vegans) have a 22 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease compared to meat eaters.₁₇

Meaningful studies on vegetarianism

Vegetarian studies numbers facts statistics

Here you can find some scientific studies on vegetarianism:

Notice: I have put together some more statistics articles on environmental topics that you can use to educate our society. For example, take a look at the article on Plastic waste facts and figures or via Climate change statistics over.

Forecasts about vegetarianism

Here are some scientific predictions or assessments of the vegetarian diet that I don't want to withhold from you. If everyone on earth were to adopt a vegetarian diet from now on...

  • ... then there would be around 33 million square kilometers of land available. That is a larger area than the African continent.₁₈
  • ... we could reduce the greenhouse gases emitted by humans by 15 percent.₁₉

Question: Do you know any other statistics or facts about vegetarianism that should not be missing here? Then please write me a comment.

Educating people about vegetarianism with statistics

Vegetarianism studies forecasts and statistics

I hope you were able to make some sense of the data on vegetarian nutrition. Becoming a vegetarian is an important step towards a healthy lifestyle. more sustainable life. On the one hand, you reduce your indirect water consumption immensely. On the other hand all animal welfare organizations - because you avoid a lot of animal suffering.

Do you have any questions or suggestions about the statistics on vegetarianism? Then please leave a comment.

Stay sustainable,

Living plastic-free - Less plastic waste in the environment

PS: Are you also interested in the vegan diet? Then be sure to take a look at the detailed Statistics article about veganism in.

If you use any of the vegetarianism statistics from this post, please cite the following source. Thank you for your support!

₁,₃ ProVeg e.V. (2019): Vegan trend: Facts and figures on the veggie market (as at: 11.01.2019), available at [25.10.2019].

₂,₆ REWE Markt GmbH: Veggie-boom: The facts and figures on vegetarian nutrition are green, available at [25.10.2019].

₄,₅ G. Mensink, C. Barbosa, A. Brettschneider; Robert Koch Institute (2016): Prevalence of vegetarian diets in Germany.

₇ Statista GmbH: Number of vegetarian restaurants in large and medium-sized cities in Germany from 2013 to 2016 (as at: 20.11.2016), available at [07.11.2019].

₈ Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln: Tons of food in the bin? That sucks! [07.10.2019].

₉ Federal Environment Agency (2017): Hidden water (as of 22.03.2017). [09.08.2019].

₁₀ Statista GmbH: Cattle population worldwide in the years 1990 to 2019 (in millions of animals) (as of 24.05.2019). [09.08.2019].

₁₁ Federal Environment Agency (2019): Greenhouse gases (as of 06.06.2019). [09.08.2019].

₁₂ Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft e. V.: Are the animals eating our grain? (as of July 2016).[09.08.2019].

₁₃ Umwelthelden e. V. (2015): Meat and soy: Why factory farming threatens the rainforest (as at: 23.05.2015), available at [25.10.2019].

₁₄ Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations (FAO, 2014): Tackling climate change through livestock (as at: 21.10.2014). [09.08.2019].

₁₅ Greenpeace e. V.: The hunt for the last fish. [09.08.2019].

₁₆ Simply Conscious Living: Did you know that 90 percent of the soy grown worldwide, 50 percent of the grain and 40 percent of the fish caught are fed to farm animals?ährung-ressourcenverbrauch/tierfutterverbrauch. [09.08.2019].

₁₇ T. Tong, P. Appleby, A. Perez-Cornago; BMJ (2019): Risks of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over 18 years of follow-up: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study, available at [24.10.2019].

₁₈,₁₉ Sieling, B.; Axel Springer SE: This is what would happen if we all stopped eating meat immediately, available at [07.11.2019].

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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