Water is as essential for us as nothing else in the world. We should drink a lot every day Drink waterThis is because our body consists largely of water and we lose about half a liter of water a day through our skin and respiration. Without food, the human body can endure several weeks. However, if we do not drink water, depending on the ambient temperature, activity, state of health, age and many other factors, we cannot even survive for a week. Our body would simply dry out without hydration. Water is the most important means of transport for blood, urine and sweat. Today you will learn what percentage of your body is made up of water and how much water you should drink every day. I also give you 10 good reasons to drink enough water every day and show you how you can easily integrate drinking enough water into your daily routine.
Drink water - Our body consists 65% of water
This fact alone underscores how important it is for us to drink enough water. The average water balance is about 65%, but it differs depending on age. While infants are about 90% of water, older people have a water content of only about 60%. How can this be? As we get older, we lose vitality, as do our cells. Also, as we age, the sensation of thirst diminishes, which is why at older ages we are less aware that we are not drinking enough.
How much water should we drink a day?

Again and again you hear different liter numbers. But how much water should you really take in every day? Doctors recommend drink about 2 - 4 l of water a day. This value must be achieved not only by drinking water: We also take in a large part of our daily fluid requirements through fruit or dairy products, ensuring that our bodies are adequately supplied with water. We have learned that our fluid requirements differ depending on the ambient temperature, activity, state of health or age. People who do a lot of sports sweat and lose a lot of fluid. Therefore, when we are more active, we have a correspondingly significantly increased need for fluids. Water is a true coolant for our body during sporting activity.
Rule of thumb - How much water do I need to drink every day?
There is a good rule of thumb for consuming enough water each day:
"Drink 30-40 ml of water per kg of your body weight every day."
You weigh about 50 kg = Drink 2 liters of water per day
You weigh about 75 kg = Drink 2.5 - 3 liters of water per day
You weigh about 100 kg = drink 3.5 - 4 liters of water per day
In order to reach the respective number of liters of water, fresh fruit, which also contains water, helps of course. If you do a lot of sports, your water requirement will naturally increase and you should drink even more water. Your body will thank you for it. At the bottom of this article, I'll show you how to make drinking water every day easy.
Drinking enough water is important

Nowadays, a real nutrition hype has broken out in our society. Many people pay special attention to what they eat. This is a good thing, but our drinking habits are often forgotten, because most people drink too little during the day. Everyone knows the feeling of being thirsty. But this feeling should not arise in the first place, because it means that you already have a fluid deficit. By the way, alcoholic beverages like beer, extract more fluid from the body than the beer puts into our bodies. It is optimal to drink pure water, which can directly support your metabolism.
10 reasons to drink plenty of water every day
Drink about 2 - 4 liters of water a day as just described and your body will thank you. I would like to give you these 10 good reasons to really follow through with this daily "ritual". Water is essential for our lives like nothing else in the world, so use the following motivating reasons to drink enough water every day:
1. water keeps your skin young
Drinking plenty of water every day is the solution to many problems. So also for facial wrinkles or similar skin complaints. If you drink enough water every day, your skin will become much firmer and smoother, because the skin cells are sufficiently supplied with liquid. Drink 2 - 4 liters of water daily and your skin will thank you and prevent blemishes, dry skin and other skin problems.
2. water makes it easier for you to lose weight
Water has an enormously positive effect on weight loss, which is why it makes a lot of sense to drink plenty of water every day. Why is water too good for weight loss? Very simple and scientifically proven: Drink half a liter of water on an empty stomach (i.e. before every meal) and you will raise the energy metabolism in your body by 30% and you will burn about 100 calories extra per day. Also, since your stomach is already somewhat full from the water, you'll be full faster. Your metabolism is really revved up and you have less stress about losing weight.
3. water makes your hair beautiful
Our hair consists of about 20% of water. Logically, therefore, that our hair also needs sufficient liquid. In order to keep your hair healthy for a long time, you should drink the mentioned 2 - 4 liters of fluid every day. Drink still water and stay away from coffee and alcohol. Because the latter extract more fluid from your body than the drink brings into the organism.
4. water supports detoxification & purification
This reason for drinking plenty of water is also quickly explained. When you drink enough water, you stimulate the activity of your kidneys, which daily filter the blood in your body and remove toxins and harmful substances from your organism. Pollutants are in your body for a much shorter time and you feel noticeably better. For those who are on a detox diet, the water bottle should especially always be with you. Here is also suitable the combination of water with this plastic-free detox tea.
5. water strengthens your cartilage & joints
Drinking too little water increases the likelihood of osteoarthritis or cartilage damage. The reason for this is that in addition to our hair, our cartilage and joints also have a high water content. Water serves as a kind of shock absorber in the spine, for example. Therefore, simply drink 2 - 4 liters of water daily and lower the likelihood of cartilage and joint problems.
6. water balances your fluid balance
This reason alone should motivate you to drink enough water every day. While water replenishes the body's fluid balance, coffee, alcohol or cola deprive your body of fluid. Experts recommend drinking at least the same amount of water after consuming one of these beverages to counteract an overacidification of the body. This is also the reason why you often get a glass of water with your coffee.
7. water prevents diseases
What is also scientifically proven and actually only logical is that water significantly reduces the risk of many diseases. Water breaks down the components of our food in the metabolic process and helps our cells absorb vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements. Drinking plenty of water every day therefore reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. In addition, lack of water can also be the main cause of frequent headaches or migraines. If you drink enough water, you can reduce your Strengthen defenses.
8. water stimulates your digestion
Wasser ist das beste Abführmittel für unseren Körper. Denn das Wasser schwemmt den feuchten Stuhl (ich weiß das Thema ist unangenehm, aber da müssen wir jetzt durch 😉 ) aus dem Darm und ermöglicht ein problemloses Ausscheiden. Dein Körper dankt dir das Trinken von viel Wasser, indem er unangenehme Verstopfungen vermeidet.
9. water promotes your concentration & attention
Our brain needs a lot of fluid for full performance. Drinking plenty of water every day will lower your fatigue and push your brain to perform at its best. By taking in plenty of water, you strengthen your memory and push your concentration. Drinking plenty of fluids can also reduce the incidence of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD for short) in children.
10. water regulates your body temperature
Perhaps you have also seen a light "film of sweat" on your skin, although you have not done anything sweaty. The reason for this signal from your body is most likely a lack of fluid. When our body overheats, this "sweat film" is formed on the skin to cool the body. Another important reason to drink your 2 - 4 liters of water every day.
Drink enough water every day - Here's how
"Always drinking only water. That's boring and not very varied!"
So denken viele und machen einen großen Bogen um reines Wasser. Dabei wird oft vergessen, dass Wasser trinken optimal zum Abnehmen geeignet ist und sich schon durch einen Spritzer Zitrone geschmacklich verändern lässt. Ich selbst habe mich an den neutralen Geschmack von Wasser gewöhnt und trinke etwa 3 Liter am Tag, weil ich viel Sport treibe. Experten empfehlen übrigens, dass wir das Wasser warm trinken sollen, da warmes Wasser eine viel höhere Lösungs- und Reinigungsfähigkeit hat, als kaltes Wasser. Was für die Waschmaschine gilt, gilt also auch für unseren Körper 😉 Um kaltes Wasser für deinen Organismus nutzbar zu machen, benötigt dein Körper viel Energie. Deshalb macht es so viel Sinn, das Wasser einfach warm zu trinken.
How to drink enough water?
For optimal drinking behavior in your everyday life, I have the following additional tips for you:
- Always have water ready: No matter where you are that day, always provide enough water to drink evenly throughout the day. I always fill up my recycled TrueFruits bottles. I have two of these and get through the day wonderfully after a quick refill during my lunch break. We should appreciate it much more that we drinkable water from the tap have at their disposal.
- Drink enough water during the meal: Fortunately, we are accustomed to drinking something with our meal. The water helps the ingested fiber to swell better. Drinking water therefore makes the food consistency softer and easier to digest.
- Don't drink your water from plastic bottles: After all, there are so many alternative and cool drinking vessels to finally break away from plastic bottles. Why should you avoid plastic bottles? Because microplastics can dissolve in water and pose a real threat to our health. Unfortunately, because the effects of plastic are not directly visible, far too few people are bothered by it. Carry fewer six-packs to your home and instead rely on the water that's already in your home. It drinks well, doesn't it? I recommend, such a glass bottle or this stainless steel bottle stainless steel to use for the storage of water.
- Feel free to add variety to your drinking: Of course, the focus should be on pure water. But to consume 2 liters a day, you should also increase the desire to do so. Combine the water with a herbal tea or a spritzer. I also drink almost no alcohol at all. That's because alcohol dehydrates your body.
Drinking enough water is easy!

As you can see, drinking water is essential for our body. It is absolutely uncomplicated to consume enough water, but unfortunately it is often neglected due to convenience. I hope that this article will help you and encourage you to drink enough water. I myself freshly made the two TrueFruits bottles in the picture in the top paragraph to have enough water every day at the office. When I'm on the road, I use the this stainless steel bottle, weil sie nicht so schwer ist und ich auch ehrlich gesagt total auf das Design stehe. 😉 Bitte verzichte bei deiner täglichen Trink-Routine auf Plastikflaschen und helfe, den weltweiten Plastik-Konsum zu reduzieren. Denn das Wasser haben wir glücklicherweise im Hahn bei uns zu Hause.
Best regards,

PS: Do you drink your water from plastic bottles or tap water? In the article Tap water VS water from plastic bottles you learn what is healthier and cheaper for you.
Christoph thank you for the article. It is great to read and there are new tips that I was not aware of. That the energy metabolism is increased on an empty stomach with water. I find great to know, then the half liter of water tastes even more before the meal.
You've already written it on a bit, but the hype about healthy eating is increasing day by day. But unfortunately, drinking is left somewhat outside. Or do the "diet gurus" already see this as basic knowledge? Would be interesting to know.
I switched from plastic bottles to PET bottles. The plastic taste was sometimes really disgusting. The environment is also helped with it and my health also (win-win-win situation).
Was ich noch hinzufügen würde: Es würde sicher keiner schaffen, aber vorsichtshalber. Die Folgen von zu viel Trinken. Damit nicht jemand auf die Idee kommt 10 Liter Wasser zu trinken und sich denkt ist doch gesund 😀
Otherwise a brilliant contribution (Again)
Keep up the good work!
Servus Boris! Ganz genau – danke dir für den Hinweis 😉
Many greetings
Ja ich hoffe keiner kommt auf diese Idee. Aber nur damit alles abgeklärt wäre 😀
Ja, auf jeden Fall ein guter Punkt! 😉
Fyi: I live on the German-Austrian border and have noticed that all my German friends and acquaintances consider it 'strange' to drink tap water and consider it extremely rude to offer tap water, while of the Austrian friends and acquaintances hardly anyone buys mineral water and it is considered normal to drink or offer tap water. LG Gudrun
Hi Gudrun, very exciting! I can't imagine that anyone would consider it rude.
Denke in Zukunft wirst du das deutlich seltener feststellen 😉
Many greetings
I have now bought a PET drinking bottle from "Joseph". The counts with up to the 4th filling.
This makes a total of 2400 ml.
I fill the bottle with cold water from the tap. Tastes very good.
Now you write warm water would be cheaper.
Is it safe to drink hot water from the tap ?
Greetings Simone
Hi Simone! Cool. Where do you live? Just ask about the drinking water quality there. In Germany this should not be a problem - no matter if warm or cold.
Many greetings
Where does the information about how much water to drink come from?
Hello Andreas, the info 2-4 liters is an estimate from me - the deviation comes naturally by different body size and activity over the day to stande.
Best regards,
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