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Vegans take away farmers' jobs - Will veganism put people out of work?

Vegans take away farmers jobs

Have you ever experienced the prejudice "Vegans take away farmers' jobs". heard - or even said it yourself? If so, that's definitely not a bad thing. I used to be of the same opinion until I understood that the global killing of 74 billion farm animals a year cannot be morally justified by the fact that something creates jobs. Besides, the decreasing demand for animal foods like meat, cow's milk or eggs automatically creates an increasing demand for plant-based alternatives. And the latter creates new opportunities for farmers and new jobs.

In this article I would like to explain to you now more exactly why vegans do not take their jobs away from the farmers. And that in the end this discussion will not lead to a duel between farmers and vegans, but to a collective, positive change.

Does veganism make farmers unemployed?

The threat to farmers' livelihoods posed by changes in our society's eating habits cannot be denied. They can do nothing for this change. But don't you consider the life of animals and the protection of our planet to be more important than working on systems that are no longer up to date and ethically unjustifiable, such as the Factory farming, to hold on?

After all, it's laudable to be concerned about the jobs of farmers who raise livestock. But farmers end up simply producing what the market demands. And if we consumers want plant-based products, then it is up to them to adapt. Moreover, changing consumer habits does not happen overnight, but is a long development process that farmers can recognize and take advantage of. Of course, not all farmers will survive the change. That's just the way it is when things change. But in the end, a farmer's struggle to find a new job seems relatively insignificant compared to the fear and suffering that livestock have to endure.

What needs to happen so farmers don't lose their jobs to veganism

Instead of being afraid, farmers need to see and seize their opportunities. You can switch from livestock to crop production and produce crops. This is a conversion that many farmers are already making. There are already organizations such as "The Vegan Society" which, for example, helps farmers in Great Britain with this conversion. The more government subsidies farmers receive, the better.

At the same time, subsidies for livestock farmers must be reduced. Because they are the only reason why animal products can be offered so cheaply, as is currently still the case. This is certainly the most important thing that must happen so that farmers can adapt and preserve their livelihood.

I also think about the people who work in the slaughterhouses and have to exploit and kill animals for our meat consumption because they have no other choice. Would you want to do that work? If you are a compassionate person, probably not. Then why are you paying someone to do it for you? If the meat industry were to come to an end, it would certainly be a liberation not only for many animals, but also for these people.

You also don't have to worry that veganism will basically create millions of new unemployed people in Germany. If we no longer eat meat, more plants will be eaten - this happens in a long process of change. Of course, jobs are lost in the process, but many new ones are also created.

Veganism creates new, future-oriented opportunities and jobs!

Are farmers losing jobs to vegans?

As consumers, it is not our job to make sure that other people have jobs. But neither, of course, can it be our goal to take away farmers' jobs. On the contrary: it's about mastering this change together. After all, farmers are the foundation of our food security - without them, supermarket shelves remain empty. That's why it's so important in discussions for vegans, farmers, and even other people affected by change to be absolutely open-minded and consciously embrace the opportunities for themselves, the environment, animals, and our society.

On that note, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Look nevertheless gladly times in the sustainable job portal Maybe there is already a future-oriented job in the agricultural industry or in other exciting areas for you! Good luck!

Do you have questions or suggestions regarding the argument "Vegans take away farmers' jobs"? Then just write me a comment.

Stay sustainable,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS.: Feel free to look further in the Vegan Blog um! If you need even more motivation to make positive change, be sure to check out these vegan documentaries watch! Especially the Dominion film has definitely changed my life.

₁ Things Explained - In Brief: Meat - The World's Tastiest Evil, YouTube, Jan. 24, 2019, web, May 07, 2020 at 10:50 a.m., in:

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I am Christoph, an environmental scientist, activist and author, and here at CareElite I am committed to tackling the environmental problems of our time and to promoting the most conscious and sustainable way of life possible in our society.