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Natural Headache Remedies – 10 Ways To Prevent And Get Rid Of Migraine Naturally

Natural Headache Remedies – 10 Ways To Prevent And Get Rid Of Migraine Naturally

How can you treat headaches naturally? If you're looking for effective home remedies and measures to get rid of headaches and migraines, you've come to the right place! According to the Robert Koch Institute, around 57.5 percent of women and 44.4 percent of men in Germany suffer from headaches at least once within a year.₁

Personally, I'm one of them. And I'm sure you know the unpleasant feeling when a throbbing pain spreads through your head and all you want to do is crawl into a dark room. This ailment, which usually hits us suddenly and unexpectedly and has a massive impact on our everyday lives, can be the result of a wide variety of causes.

However, taking ibuprofen, paracetamol and other headache pills only numbs and does not eliminate these triggers. Fortunately, there are some natural home remedies that can help you get to the root of migraines, headaches or headache attacks or even prevent the pain associated with them.

In this article, I would like to introduce you to the best natural remedies that experience has shown to be effective in relieving headaches. First of all, you will also learn the most important facts about the different types of headache and their most common triggers. Let's go!

Notice: This article is not a substitute for medical advice, but merely provides general information on how to relieve headaches. Please consult your doctor if you feel unwell to prevent health problems with medical care.

Types & causes: What types of headaches are there and what can trigger them?

Causes and types of headaches at a glance

Headaches are therefore not a sign of a possible "lack of medication". So what could be the reason for your own headaches? The answer to this question is particularly important because it Important information for the most effective natural treatment possible is available.

First of all, it is important to understand that not all headaches are the same. In fact, there are many different types of headacheswhich differ mainly in their intensity, duration and accompanying symptoms. Here I would like to briefly introduce you to the most common forms of headaches and their respective triggers.

Tension headache

This type of headache affects a particularly large number of people and can be treated with a Dull, pressing, mild to moderate pain on both sides with the emphasis on the forehead or the back of the head. It feels a bit like a ribbon that you tie around your head.

Muscle tension, stress, sleep disorders or a High eye strain are considered the most common causes.


A migraine or migraine attack is understood to be a Sudden, severe headache (usually only on one side of the head)which recurs at least five times at irregular intervals. The pain is usually even more intense than with ordinary headaches and is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.

Typical triggers are mainly hormonal changes, certain foods or Excessive stress be

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches are defined as unilateral and extremely painful headache attackswhich last between 15 minutes and 3 hours, and Clustered in series and often occur at the same time of day. With this type of headache, the pain is mainly located in the eye socket and in the forehead and temple area. It also occurs here with accompanying symptoms (e.g. runny nose or watery eyes).

The exact cause is not yet fully known. But there are certain Trigger of everyday life that can trigger a cluster attack. This can be, for example, the Consumption of alcohol or dairy products or also a Strongly dazzling or flickering light be

Good to know: As they are not attributable to a structural disease, the forms of headache mentioned are all classed as primary headaches.

The most common causes of headaches at a glance

You have already learned about some of the reasons. In the following I would like to These and some other triggers for headaches now clearly arranged once again:

  • Stress and mental overload
  • Neck tension
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Lack of water (dehydration)
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Lack of exercise
  • Nutrient deficiency or food intolerance
  • Vision problems and sensitivity to light
  • Hormonal changes (e.g. menstruation or pregnancy)
  • Excessive consumption of sugar or caffeine or their withdrawal
  • Heavy metal exposure
  • Incorrect posture (e.g. at the computer screen)
  • Certain weather conditions

With the help of your personal symptoms, you can then be guided through the Doctor or doctor you trust or also digitally by licensed physicians from Online pharmacies like Apomeds Find solutions for your headache problem.

In many cases, however, it is not easy to identify the exact trigger. An understanding of the possible causes of headaches, However, at least helps to narrow down the most effective treatment method or to take preventive measures.

10 home remedies: How can you treat headaches naturally?

Treat headaches naturally with these home remedies

Now that we have dealt with the causes and forms, we can turn our attention to the Dedicate yourself to solving the problem. There are numerous natural remedies for headaches and also supportive techniques that can effectively relieve or prevent your headache.

It is best to try them out little by little and observe what helps you best. Many of the home remedies you have probably even at home - or are generally extremely easy to integrate into your everyday life.

Use the following now, natural approachesto fight your headaches and gradually reduce them without having to swallow headache pills.

1. use essential oils

Fragrant essential oils, such as Peppermint or lavenderare natural household remedies that have had a firm place in naturopathy for centuries.

Just a few dabs of peppermint oil massaged onto your forehead, temples or the back of your neck can have a positive effect. Promote blood circulation to the scalp and relieve the moderate headache. Lavender, on the other hand, has a calming effect and can help especially with stress-related headaches.

2. use cold or heat

Cold compresses, washcloths or a cooled gel pad are among the best-known pain-relieving home remedies for headaches. An ice-cold neck soak can also stimulate blood flow to the head and restore more blood and oxygen to the nerve cords in the brain and spinal cord.

Other headache patients are more likely to benefit from treatment with heat, which in turn relieves muscle tension. For example Warm compresses, foot baths or full baths help to get rid of the acute pain. The interplay of cold and heat can also help.

3. drink enough

What helps against headaches? First and foremost, drinking enough fluids. If you don't drink enough, your body will give you the appropriate warning signals. As the blood thickens and less oxygen reaches important brain nerves, headaches are one of these warning signs. The so-called Dehydration is actually one of the most common causes of headache attacks.

So make sure that you drink enough water every day and generally a healthy lifestyle lead. Take in about 2-3 liters of liquid by drinking the Pure water or also as unsweetened teas consume. Alcoholic drinks (such as wine, beer or cocktails) should not be included, as their consumption dehydrates the body and experience has shown that they usually leave you with a severe headache the following day.

Tip: Does water taste too boring for you? Then I have some ideas for you in the linked article to Give taste to tap water! And if you like, you can also find out about the best, soothing teas inform

4. schedule time in the fresh air

If you want to get rid of your acute headaches, allow yourself enough time each day toon foot or by bike in forests, parks and green landscapes! Being outdoors is healthy!

Among other things also because natural sounds (e.g. birdsong or the rustling of trees) have a stress-relieving effect and can Sunlight on your skin produces vitamin D and strengthens your immune system. There is also no sensory overload in nature. You can switch off, calm down and counteract your headache.

Tip: However, you should also ensure a fresh supply of air within your four walls by specifically opening the Improve indoor climate - for example, by regularly airing the room. I will be happy to explain what else you can do in the linked article.

5. use massage and acupuncture

A massage as a helpful tool for the natural treatment of migraine

With the help of a soothing massage, you can not only relax the Take away everyday stress, but in particular also Relieve tension in the neck and head areathat may be responsible for your headache. For many sufferers, the pain disappears immediately after use.

With the healing treatment originating from China and Japan the Acupuncture there is another way to control the pain in the head area. The punctures with the fine needles are primarily intended to help with acute headaches or migraines.

6. take willow bark extract capsules

Willow barks are rich in salicinwhich has a pain-relieving effect comparable to that of traditional headache tablets (e.g. aspirin) and can definitely help with mild headaches. Special capsules with willow bark extract could therefore be a natural home remedy that provides relief.

You can use the active ingredient of the medicinal plant alternatively also take in the form of a tea and at the same time do something to meet your daily fluid requirement. Be warned, however, that it tastes relatively bitter. But of course I know from my own experience that you are prepared to try anything to get rid of that annoying headache.

7. take time for relaxation exercises

Relaxation exercises can help you with this, Reduce stresswhich unfortunately often plays a major role in the development of headaches. Regular Meditation, yoga, Forest bathing or also Progressive Muscle Relaxation are highly recommended measures in this regard. They take the pressure off and help you to become much more relaxed and prevent possible complete exhaustion.

It is best to do these exercises at binding appointments with yourselfby making them a fixed date in your calendar. These Me-Time is a regular time-out where you do the things that are good for you - and a great natural remedy for headaches.

8. ensure a dark, quiet environment and plenty of sleep

It is above all the Excess of stimuli (whether on a laptop or smartphone screen or in the city), which triggers headaches in many sufferers. In the dark or at night, our body then finds the time to recover from the experiences and stress of everyday life.

Laying you down in a dark room and your To switch off brain times so correctlyis therefore regarded as one of the best natural remedies for headaches and as a one of the most effective immediate measures - whether for a daily rest or simply for an hour or two during the lunch break.

9. take in sufficient magnesium

A magnesium deficiency is a common trigger for migraines and headaches. And even if you consciously provide yourself with sufficient foods containing magesium (such as sea lettuce, wheat bran, cashew nuts, bananas and almonds), the body's need for the nutrient can be significantly higher than normal in stressful everyday situations.

You may therefore be able to relieve and even prevent your headaches by taking magnesium for a while via Food supplements supplement.

10. ensure regular exercise

Sufficient exercise helps naturally against headaches

People who do not exercise enough often suffer from physical symptoms such as headaches. Because exercise Promotes blood circulation and can ultimately release the very tensions that are causing your headaches.

That's why you should definitely consider jogging, swimming, biking, walking, or other athletic hobbies. Make it an integral part of your everyday life - especially if you're already sitting in a desk chair for work anyway.

Also regular Stretching exercises should be planned as a preventative measure. And since chronic headaches are often caused by tight or hardened fascia, it can also be helpful to use a special Fascia training to complete.

Treat and get rid of headaches naturally

Recurrent or persistent headaches can affect our Drastically reduce quality of life. Over-the-counter painkillers from the pharmacy may help some sufferers in the short term - but as they do not get to the root of the problem, the effect is not permanent.

A natural approach to relieving headaches, on the other hand, can alternatively help to reduce the treat the exact causes of the pain without burdening the body with unnecessary medication.

"Health is not everything, but without health, everything is nothing."

Arthur Schopenhauer (more at Health Quotes)

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to give you some further articles from the blog, which could also help you to combat possible head pressure or forehead pain:

I very much hope that my experiences, suggestions and tips will help you to get rid of your headaches naturally. Do you have any questions, suggestions or do you know of any other natural remedies for headaches? Then I would be delighted to receive your comment.

Stay headache-free,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Nowadays, we spend much more time in front of screens than we used to. The excessive use of computers and smartphones is of course not without health effects and is a common cause of headaches. A Digital Detox (the conscious time-out without digital devices) can help you in this regard. You can find out the best way to do this next in the linked article.

₁ Robert Koch Institute (RKI): Migraine and tension headache in Germany. Prevalence and disease severity as part of the burden of disease study BURDEN 2020 - Journal of Health Monitoring S6/2020, available at [14.09.2023].

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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