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Bullying children - signs, types, consequences and tips for parents

Bullying in children - signs, types, consequences & 10 tips for parents

Want to find out more about bullying in children? Then you've come to the right place! Many of us adults can probably imagine what it feels like to be bullied or even terrorized by others on a daily basis. For example, because they experienced or at least witnessed it themselves in their own youth.

Children being bullied at school, on the bus, on the street or in sports clubs is unfortunately not unusual, but part of everyday life. It also hits them particularly hard as they are usually unable to explain the situation they are in. If this is the case with your child, you should therefore always take the situation seriously and support your child. After all, bullying can have serious consequences - both for your child and for others.

In this article, I have put together some tips for parents who are currently confronted with the issue of bullying or would like to prevent possible problems. Find out now how to recognize bullying in children and how you can effectively support your son or daughter. Let's go!

You can find a brief overview here in advance:

  1. Signs
  2. Types
  3. Follow
  4. Tips
  5. Professional help
  6. Closing words

How can I tell if my child is being bullied?

How can you recognize bullying in children?

When a child is bullied by other childrenit's not always so easy to tell. Some kids are open and talk about their experiences. They tell their parents immediately if they feel anxious or uncomfortable and are regularly teased.

Other children, on the other hand, are quieter and avoid showing their feelings because they are embarrassed, for example. If you are unsure whether your child is being bullied, there are some Signs that can be observed. Here are some, typical identifying characteristics of bullying victims:

Your child...

  • suddenly no longer likes going to school or even refuses to go.
  • is afraid of certain classmates or classmates.
  • Spends a lot of time alone and says he/she has no friends.
  • Comes home with hurtful or derogatory comments.
  • suddenly has behavioral problems or becomes aggressive.
  • shows signs of depression.
  • has bruises or wounds on the body/wears only long clothing.
  • is constantly tired and has no more energy.

If you notice any of these signs at the latest, you should talk to your child and find out what exactly happened.

What types of bullying are there?

Example of a bullied child

Bullying among children comes in many shapes and forms. It is usually carried out by other children or young people, but adults can of course also bully. The latter is often even a consequence of their own youth, when they themselves were bullied. 

The most common Types bullying are:

  • Physical bullyingThis involves kicking, hitting or otherwise physically assaulting other children or young people. Verbal threats and insults are also included.
  • Social bullyingThis involves ostracizing or isolating other children or young people. This can occur, for example, through bullying behavior towards peers or by spreading rumors about those affected.
  • CyberbullyingCyberbullying involves insulting, threatening or defaming other children or young people via social media or mobile apps. Blocking contacts on social media is also part of cyberbullying.

What are the consequences of bullying for children?

Bullying can involve many different effects depending on how long it lasts and what form it has taken. In most cases, however, it leads to negative emotions such as anxiety, depression or loneliness. Victims of bullying can also contact Sleep problems, concentration difficulties or anxiety and, in particularly severe cases, also tend to commit suicide or run amok.

If you believe that your child is a victim of bullying, you should talk to your child about the situation. It is important to understand why he/she is having these experiences and what effects they are having.

Video Tip: Be sure to watch the video embedded above. The conversation between the bully and the bully-victim will give you an idea of the cruel cycle of bullying and help you better understand the causes and consequences.

10 tips for parents against bullying in children

How parents can help their daughters and sons with bullying

You have now learned how to recognize bullying as well as the possible causes and consequences of bullying in children. Now I would like to give you, as the mother, father or confidant of a child, some valuable tips to effectively protect him/her from suffering from bullying attacks.

1. talk about feelings

Make sure that your child knows exactly that they have a sympathetic ear. Let them know that it's completely okay, talk about feelings and that you will help him deal with the situation better.

2. train social skills

Support your offspring in this, develop social skills. This helps your child to cope better at school and in social situations. It also makes your child less susceptible to bullying.

3. promote social exchange

Sensitize your daughter or son and make sure that she/he is aware in various activities and clubs is active. This not only helps to make new friends, but also boosts self-confidence.

4. talk with teachers

Talk to teachers and other educators about the issue and ask them to keep an eye on it. This will allow you to recognize bullying at an early stage and intervene if necessary if your child is being bullied.

5. help children to help themselves

Talk openly with your child about bullying and encourage them to tell others about it. This will help your child to learn, better deal with corresponding situations and at the same time help other children who are in a similar situation.

6. talk with friends and other parents

Hold a Regular exchange with the parents of the friends your child. This way, you can support each other and recognize any signals and problems early on and solve them together.

7. strengthen self-confidence

Promote self-love and self-confidence of your childso that they can accept and protect themselves better. This also helps her/him to have a positive effect on others and counteract bullying among children.

8. define safe points of contact in the event of an emergency

Make sure that your son or daughter knows where he/she can get help if the worst comes to the worst. For example with teachers and educators or at a counseling center.

9. collect information

Find out about bullying in general and talk to experts about it. This is extremely important in order to better understand the background and to be able to put yourself in the shoes of potential bullying victims. This will enable you to help your child more effectively and understand what your child is going through.

10. set a good example

Be a good role model! Behave respectfully towards other people and stand up against discrimination of all kinds (for example, get involved, Stop hate on the net). In this way, you learn to be fair to children and young people yourself and not to give exclusion in the schoolyard or on the internet a chance!

Seek professional help

If your child is being bullied, don't shy away, seek professional help. There are a large number of counseling centers and self-help groups that specialize in the topic of bullying.

Most children can learn with professional help, deal better with the situation and protect themselves. Many professional helpers are psychologists, social workers or teachers. 

If you believe that your child is a victim of bullying, you should talk to him/her about the situation and find out whether he/she is needs professional help

You can then talk calmly about what has happened and how things can continue. At the same time, you also get the chance, Develop a plan to specifically improve the situation.

Bullying is a serious problem - with serious consequences!

Recognize bullying and see it as a serious problem

Bullying in children is a problem that needs to be identified and dealt with as quickly as possible to prevent serious consequences. It is extremely important that parents recognize bullying signals and protect their children by the topic is discussed openly. In this way, everyone can teach their own offspring how to behave correctly in the event of bullying.

No one should close their eyes and give the perpetrators a stage. I hope that I have been able to help you with this article and raise your awareness of bullying. Do you have any questions, tips or your own experiences with bullying that you would like to share? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay fair, friendly and supportive,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Hopefully bullying will (soon) no longer be an issue in your family! If you feel like it, you can find out now in the next article about how to Raising children's awareness of environmental protection and sustainability can. Have fun with it!

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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