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Respect Quotes โ€“ 38 Sayings About Appreciation And Respect For Yourself And Others

Respect Quotes โ€“ The Best Sayings About Appreciation And Respect For Yourself And Others

Looking for effective respect quotes and sayings about appreciation, admiration or recognition? Then you are absolutely right here! In the best case, we are already taught by our parents what respect for people, animals or our environment means.

But many people have never received this respect - or have lost it in their personal development for a variety of reasons. But everyone has earned the right to be respected.

In this article I would like to give you the most valuable quotes, aphorisms and sayings about respect. Use them to inspire yourself and also other people. Let's go!

My please: Keep in mind that many of the quotes about respect have been translated into English from other languages. I cannot guarantee that it is the original quote in each case. Therefore, double check them before you share them. If you like and share any of the quotes in the internet, please link this elaborately created collection. Thank you for your support!

The 38 Best Respect Quotes And Sayings About Appreciation

Respect is generally considered to be a "respect based on recognition, admiration". defined. For example, you can pay respect to another human being, to an animal, or to a centuries-old tree. It is important to understand that you should treat others as respectfully as you would like to be treated.

As promised, below you will find some stirring quotes about respect that always inspire me personally. Enjoy!

Respect Quotes 1 - 10

  1. "Friendship flows from many sources, but purest out of respect." (Daniel Defoe)
  2. "A truly great man will neither trample on a worm nor sneak to an emperor." (Benjamin Franklin)
  3. "You have to take people as they are because there are no others." (Konrad Adenauer)
  4. "Respect is for thinkers whose minds have yet to learn to walk." (Peter Rudl)
  5. "Admiration, n. Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves." (Ambrose Bierce)
  6. "Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends." (George Bernard Shaw)
  7. "It is much more valuable to always have people's respect than to occasionally have their admiration." (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  8. "All the happiness of man consists in enjoying respect from others." (Blaise Pascal)
  9. "The respect of those you respect yourself is worth more than the applause of the crowd." (Claudia Diekamp)
  10. "Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man." (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Respect Quotes 11 - 20

  1. "Disrespect is one of the little man's means of self-assertion." (Rupert Schรผtzbach)
  2. "Respect is automatically shown to those you adore without any limits." (Erhard Blanck)
  3. "You have to seek approval for your work, but never applause." (Charles-Louis de Montesquieu)
  4. "The people you never disagree with are either the ones you love the most or the ones you respect the least." (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  5. "Respect is something you have to earn. You can't demand it just because you have a few more years under your belt." (Peter Tremayne)
  6. "Animal protection is education to humanity." (Albert Schweitzer)
  7. "Envy is the sincerest form of recognition." (Wilhelm Busch)
  8. "To be free is not merely to cast off oneโ€™s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." (Nelson Mandela)
  9. "Good sense and genius beget esteem and regard: Wit and humour excite love and affection." (David Hume)
  10. "Knowledge will give you power, but character respect." (Bruce Lee)

Tip: In line with these respectful quotes, I have another recommendation for you! In the linked post I'll gladly explain to you how you can help yourself in your private or professional life. gain more respect can. Be sure to take a look!

Respect Quotes 21 - 30

  1. "To witness respect these days is almost as hard as to earn respect." (Joseph Joubert)
  2. "No animal deserves having its name misused to insult a human being with it." (Ernst R. Hauschka)
  3. "There are man whose unique touch forever leaves the sting in us to remain worthy of their respect and friendship." (Christian Morgenstern)
  4. "Recognition is a plant that mainly grows on graves." (Robert Lembke)
  5. "I guess somehow anyone who has the ambition to create and not break something deserves respect." (Kurt Cobain)
  6. "It is cheaper to protect the planet now than to fix it later." (Josรฉ Manuel Barroso)
  7. "Nothing makes us more cowardly and unconscionable than the desire to be loved by everyone." (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  8. "Any foolish boy can stamp on a beetle, but all the professors in the world cannot make a beetle." (Arthur Schopenhauer)
  9. "You shouldn't maintain respect for the law, you should maintain respect for justice." (Henry David Thoreau)
  10. "I believe a man wants the same thing from a woman that a woman wants from a man: respect." (Clint Eastwood)

Respect Quotes 31 - 38

"Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be." (Leo Tolstoy)
  1. "To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth." (Voltaire)
  2. "Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized." (Albert Einstein)
  3. "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear." (Albert Camus)
  4. "When we lose our love and respect for each other, we really die." (Maya Angelou)
  5. "Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality." (Frank Herbert)
  6. "I can't think of a greater loss than the loss of self-respect." (Mahatma Gandhi)
  7. "He who wants a rose must respect her thorn." (Andrรฉ Gide)
  8. "Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be." (Leo Tolstoy)

Can you think of any other respect quotes? Perhaps some that inspire you? Then let us know your favorite sayings in the comments!

What is meant by respect?

Basically, respect is understood as the Recognition and appreciation towards another living being. For example, you can respect someone's privacy, courage, or environmentally friendly behavior.

Respect, however, can also be shown towards nature or towards a person who is in a (perceived) superior position and whom you do not want to upset or disappoint.

Respectful interaction is - quite generally - the fundamental basis for factual and solution-oriented discussions.

How do you behave respectfully?

For example, someone who acts respectfully polite, helpful, tolerant and compassionate is. People with respect let other people finish what they have to say, listen carefully and are therefore better able to empathize with others. Respect can of course also be shown towards animals, plants - and also towards another person's possessions.

How does respect come about?

One is neither respected nor does one give respect to others when it is clumsily demanded. Rather, respect arises then, when one recognizes and feels as a counterpart that it is appropriate.

Using Quotes About Appreciation and Recognition in Everyday Life

Respect for others is the key to humanity. It is the hope for a peaceful coexistence of all living beings on this earth. For me, it is also the reason for this, why i live vegan. Because by not eating animals, I respect both the lives of animals, the lives of all people, the environment in which I live and the health of myself and all the people I love.

Whatever brought you to this article - I hope I could help you. Here are some more further articles for more respect:

Do you have any questions, suggestions or more powerful quotes about respect? As always, feel free to drop me a comment.

Stay respectful,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Feel free to look further in the Quotes blog around. There you will also find for example best sayings about karma.

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.