For me it is once again time to look back on the past year. With this highlight video I would like to give you an insight into my year 2019. It was a very eventful year, in which I could once again convince myself of the beauty of our nature. For the first time since I started my own business as a nature filmmaker, I was also drawn abroad. In Cuba I had the opportunity to film in a cave with about two million bats and 200 snakes.
This was without a doubt my absolute highlight this year. Just to experience the cultural differences and the even completely different way of dealing with our nature was worth the trip. It did me good just to experience an agriculture that manages completely without pesticides and in which farmers work with nature instead of against it. The result is an incredibly high number of insects, amphibians and bird species.
Nature highlights from Germany
But I was also captivated once again by our local nature. On the island of Hiddensee, I was allowed to work for several days in the wild core zone of the Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft National Park. In the Lower Oder Valley National Park, I spent several cold nights in autumn at the roosts of migratory birds.
It was a great strain that I took on myself, but it was also rewarded with great close-ups. The most appealing part is the change in perspective that you go through. Spending the night unrecognized next to so many wild animals also helps to get a sense of how nature experiences us humans and the influence we have on it. My most depressing experience was certainly having to witness how a lake with about 20,000 chattering geese and 2,000 trumpeting cranes can become so quiet from one second to the next that you could hear a falling needle. And all because a single quad rider thought he had to speed across closed-off paths of the protected area in the middle of the night, unsettling a huge mass of animals for minutes at a time. In these moments, one asks oneself whether we humans can actually still be tamed by something or whether it is actually so hopeless as it sometimes seems.
In the end, however, the positive moments outweigh the negative ones for me this year and I don't give up hope that we will eventually realize what natural treasures we still have on our doorstep. I look forward to a hopefully similarly eventful year 2020 and hope you enjoy my film.
Many greetings,
PS.: On my YouTube channel you can watch many more videos from the wild nature. Have fun!
Hello Christoph,
wow! Ich freue mich fรผr dich, dass du dich als Naturfilmer selbststรคndig gemacht hast! Deine Videos sehen toll aus! Ich habe gleich mal ein Paar Likes und ein Abo hinterlassen ๐
I've been following you on Careelite for a while now. You more or less even motivated me to start my own website.
I had never heard of the Lower Oder Valley National Park before! Thanks for the video. We will also go there on occasion, as it is practically around the corner.
Many greetings and continued success in your new project.
Hey Jorge! Thanks for your feedback - but to be fair, I have to pass the praise on to my brother Stephan, who captures all the moments from nature.
I wish you much success with your own project!
Best regards
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