Here you can find all my books for a natural, sustainable life. Mein Traum war es, irgendwann in meinem Leben mal ein Buch zu schreiben. Das hat glรผcklicherweise geklappt. Doch nicht alles im Leben lรคuft nach Plan โ deshalb ist es auch nicht bei diesem einen Buch geblieben.
Hier habe ich dir deshalb eine kleine รbersicht รผber die Taschenbรผcher zusammengestellt, die ich bisher verรถffentlicht habe. Viel Spaร beim Lesen!
Plastic-free living for beginners
For a life that is as waste-free as possible.
Foil-wrapped vegetables, shower gel packs and plastic spatulas - we encounter plastic everywhere in everyday life, usually completely unnecessarily. For the sake of our planet, however, doing without it often seems very costly and complicated. But the committed environmental activist Christoph Schulz proves that a plastic-free life is much easier than many believe. In 3 steps, he shows how we can find easy-to-implement alternatives and provides innovative ideas for an environmentally friendly lifestyle - without much effort! With practical tips for shopping at the supermarket, plastic alternatives when traveling or for homemade deodorant.
Sustainable living for beginners
Making the difference step by step.
How much does a flight harm the environment? Why does it help to give up meat? And how can you take care of your ecological footprint even on vacation? Anyone who wants to live in an environmentally conscious way will encounter many questions at the beginning. Environmentalist Christoph Schulz shows that everyone is capable of changing the world. In simple steps, he explains how to live a sustainable life and gives a comprehensive overview of the most important topics: from green electricity and slow fashion to financial investments, nutrition and leisure activities. In this unique guidebook, you'll learn everything you need to know about sustainability and climate protection - with over 100 tips worth following for an easy start to a climate-friendly everyday life.
Living Sustainably - The Challenge
Living Sustainably - The Challenge
Those who want to change something about climate change often face the challenge of changing old, entrenched habits and establishing new ones. To help us change these habits with fun and ease, Christoph Schulz provides 70 simple environmental protection challenges that take varying amounts of time and help us to permanently consolidate a sustainable life. For different areas of life, such as your own home, travel or nutrition, you'll find the right everyday tasks here: with checklists to tick off, pages to fill in and a personal sustainability account to collect points.
Sustainable travel for beginners
Discover the world without a guilty conscience.
We want to travel, relax, explore new places. But climate-friendly, ecological, fair, regional, vegan and waste-avoiding - it all sounds very sustainable, but unfortunately also like a lot of effort and little fun! But environmentalist Christoph Schulz shows that sustainable travel with unique experiences and unforgettable moments is possible without bending. If you take your time, make conscious decisions and follow important basic rules. In doing so, he gives concrete tips for destinations, accommodations, means of transportation and local activities. This way, your next eco-friendly trip will be a pure pleasure.
Cooking for the climate
It's easy to cook sustainably and in a climate-friendly way.
Cooking for our climate - what does that mean exactly? Environmental activist Christoph Schulz and nutrition specialist Julian Hรถlzer have tackled this issue and show in this book how you can contribute to climate protection with sustainable nutrition. In doing so, they address the social and economic consequences of our consumer behavior to illustrate how future-friendly nutrition for the environment and climate can work quite simply in everyday life - above all by eating less meat and dairy products and more regional produce. The shopping tips and 60 delicious recipes encourage sustainable cooking.
Weekly calendar: Plastic-free and sustainable
Steadily learning to live in a more environmentally friendly way.
Anyone who would like to make the year more sustainable but doesn't know how to do so will find the right help here in the form of a perpetual weekly calendar. Every week, the well-known environmentalist Christoph Schulz offers some small and some large suggestions for making everyday life more sustainable and plastic-free. Among them are instructions for sustainable fertilizing, healthy recipes, environmentally friendly cosmetic tips and many other suggestions for every area of life. In this way, everyone can make the change with small steps and lead a conscious and climate-friendly life.
You have questions about my books?
If you want to know something about me and my books, you can always write me a message via the contact form. And who knows: maybe you even have one or two ideas for exciting sustainability topics that I should definitely address in my next books. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you.