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Spending Time Outdoors – The Best Reasons, Why Nature Benefits Your Health

Spending Time Outdoors – 5 Reasons, Why Nature Benefits Your Health

Why is it actually so healthy to spend time outdoors and in nature? If you're looking for a clear answer to this question, you've come to the right place!

You probably know the feeling: as soon as you go out into the countryside, for example into a forest or park, your heart rate drops, you can breathe more freely and tension and stress fall away. Full of enthusiasm, you bathe your face in the warm sunlight and take in the birdsong and many other sounds. Sounds of nature around you.

Many people long for a healthy life close to nature because of moments like these. And numerous studies have already proven that spending time in nature is not only relaxing, but also promotes long-term health and can even prevent cancer.

In this article, I would like to show you why spending time outside in the fresh air has such a positive effect on us humans and why you should set aside a few hours in the countryside more often. Let's go!

5 reasons: Why do we feel so good outdoors in the fresh air and in nature?

Being outdoors in nature - Why we feel so good

We humans have spent most of our evolutionary history outdoors in nature as hunters and gatherers. Large cities and especially megacities have only developed in the last 300 years. Until the middle of the century before last, the majority of the population still lived in the countryside.

Many people therefore continue to feel an intuitive sense of security and the Feeling "at home"when they are outdoors. In addition, spending time in nature promotes health due to various factors. I will now explain how the natural environment affects you and how you can benefit from it.

1. natural sounds lower the stress level

The British scientist Gould van Praag compared in a study She played artificial noises such as traffic noise to one group, while the other group listened to natural noises such as Birdsong.

The test subjects who listened to the natural sounds experienced several positive effects. Among other things Lowering the heart rate and the Release of adrenaline. In addition the muscles loosened up clearly. These are all obvious indicators of less stress. Furthermore, there was also a Increasing the ability to pay attention and concentrate among the test subjects.1

As a result of this study, more and more doctors are also investigating whether Using natural sounds in the hospital to calm patients during stressful treatments.

2. sunlight strengthens the immune system

Natural sunlight has many different effects on the body: it forms in the skin Vitamin Dwhich is important for the functioning of the immune system and the fight against pathogens. It also promotes the production of the so-called happiness hormone serotoninwhose release in the body is responsible for a good mood.

However, time spent under the sun is also beneficial for a healthy lifestylebecause the blue and ultraviolet part of sunlight increases the activity of T lymphocytes in the body, so that Fighting infections more effectively can be used.2

To improve our Strengthen the body's defensesour But the immune system is also constantly challenged become. This is simply not the case within our own four walls - but it is in nature. Especially because we are usually active there.

3. green trees activate the self-healing powers

In a highly regarded study observed health researcher Roger Ulrich an interesting effect as early as 1984: patients who had a tree standing outside their hospital window after gallbladder surgery were faster back to health and could be discharged home earlier. They also needed less painkillers than those who did not have a tree outside their window.

The assumption that trees promote our healing powers was also confirmed by the Japanese physician Qing Li in a comprehensive meta-study can be confirmed. He compared the health data of the entire Japanese population and found that in forest areas significantly fewer people die from cancerthan in non-forested areas.3

The reason for the healing power of trees is mainly the so-called Phytoncydes. These are substances that trees produce to protect themselves from pathogens. These can also be absorbed and processed by humans.

Tip: Of course, a lively garden also makes you happier. In the separate article, you can also learn how to create a Create sustainable garden and make it a mecca of biodiversity.

4. you are not overwhelmed by stimuli in nature

Another factor that contributes to the positive effect of nature on health is the impossibility of overstimulation. The "Attention Restoration Theory" states that stimuli to which people in the city are permanently exposed. such as sirens or the noise of construction site vehicles, because they are not important for your own current situation.

However, this incessant defense against stimuli tires us out in the long run. In nature, on the other hand, attention is focused on only a few stimuli without effort. If you look lost in thought at the drifting clouds or listen to the rustling of the leaves, cures mental exhaustion according to the theorywhich is caused by the constant sensory overload in everyday life.

Last but not least, spending time in nature also has a visual effect: fresh air supplies the skin with oxygen and stimulates blood circulation. This stimulates cell division and promotes a healthy and fresh appearance.

Good to know: We are also exposed to new stimuli every second on our smartphone screens and in social media. Which Dangers of social media and how you can optimize your Skillfully reduce screen timeI will explain in the linked blog posts.

5. spending time outdoors increases self-esteem

A Study by the University of Essex in England has shown that spending time outdoors in the great outdoors increases self-esteem and lifts the spirits.

The study also found that depressive thoughts reduced become. And that people who spend more time in the great outdoors are less likely to suffer from depression. So spending time in a natural environment also helps, combat inner restlessness.

The interesting finding: Apparently At least five minutes of outdoor exercise every day a good dose to benefit from the positive effects in the long term and grow old healthy!4

Tips: How can I benefit from the fresh air in my everyday life and spend more time in nature?

Health in nature - being outside more often

So being outside relieves stress, strengthens our immune system, boosts our concentration and lets us with a high probability of living longer. That's great! But how can I fit regular time spent in nature into my stressful everyday life? And how can I create harmony with nature in practice?

Arrange fixed appointments and consciously experience nature

From my own experience (with a busy schedule), I can only advise you to to enter fixed dateswhere you consciously Time for yourself and outdoor activities. Because, as we know, this is extremely important for your own health.

Many people who are starting to spend more time in nature, unconsciously put themselves under pressure. They think that they should automatically relax. Or they find it difficult to stop thinking about work or other stress factors.

To counteract this, I can only advise you to consciously concentrate on your sensory perceptions. Completely in the sense of the mindful lifestyle even! How does the wind feel on your cheeks? Can you hear the chirping of birds, maybe the sound of a stream somewhere nearby?

As soon as you start to perceive your environment in more detail and more consciously, you will be automatically less space in your head for stressful thoughts.

Going for a walk, cycling, picnicking, forest bathing!

So how can you make use of this effect in everyday life? There really are Incredibly many possibilitiesto spend more time outdoors!

For example, you can regularly Go for a walk and the Meet up with your friends or colleagues in the great outdoors hold.

Another option, of course, is to travel by car or public transport rather than by public transport. Bike or on foot to get to work through nature. This may extend your CommuteThat's clear. But bear in mind that this is not a leisure activity, but a Long-term investment in your own health.

The Picnicking outdoors or the conscious Forest bathing are other ideas for getting outside more often in everyday life. Or how about this, Plogging a combination of jogging and picking up litter. As I said, there are so many possibilities!

Get outside and spend time in the fresh air regularly!

Being outside in nature more is healthy

As you have learned today, science is very much in agreement: Even a short stay in nature has positive effects on health. Your stress level drops, you are more focused and don't get sick as quickly. What's more, you automatically move more - and still recover more quickly.

Nature has a serious, positive influence on our well-being and brings us into harmony with ourselves. We experience appreciation and relaxation. This once again confirms its importance for our lives. Nature is something to be appreciated and protected.

"Nature is the best pharmacy."

Sebastian Kneipp (more at Health Quotes)

Motivated enough to get out and enjoy your surroundings? Then go for it! And if you have any questions, suggestions or other tips for spending more time outdoors, I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

Stay healthy,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Be sure to take a look at the Blog for natural health. You'll find lots more tips and ideas there. Find out, for example, Why we humans find change in life so difficult.


  1. Gould van Praag CD, et al. Mind-wandering and alterations to default mode network connectivity when listening to naturalistic versus artificial sounds. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 27;7. ↩︎
  2. München Klinik gGmbH: Strong immune system - strong against the flu, available at [01.02.2024]. ↩︎
  3. Li Q. Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function. Environ Health Prev Med. 2010 Jan; 15(1): 9-17. ↩︎
  4. Barton J and Pretty J. What is the Best Dose of Nature and Green Exercise for Improving Mental Health? A Multi-Study Analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (10), 3947-3955. ↩︎
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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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