You have probably also often wondered what it is at all with the much vaunted Fitness bars, protein bars and energy bars whether they are really useful and what the difference is. Do I need protein bars for muscle building or do I need fitness bars? Should I eat energy bars before training? Can I make granola bars myself?
In this article I'll show you some recipes to make granola bars yourself and give you the most important info about granola bars.
Protein bars, energy bars, fitness bars - the differences
Protein bar
Protein bars are usually a snack that is used as a dietary supplement and contain a lot of protein. These bars can be bought in different forms and flavors. They are primarily intended to provide your muscles with protein after training.
Energy bar
Energy bars, unlike protein bars, do not consist mainly of proteins, but mainly of carbohydrates and some fat. Energy bars should be eaten before training. You can chop them into your cereal at breakfast or eat them as a snack about 1-2 hours before your workout.
Fitness bar
Fitness bars contain almost all important nutrients. They are ideal for satisfying hunger in between meals or for taking to university or work. Since they contain many nutrients, they can also be used to replace a meal if necessary.
Make sugar free granola bars yourself - 3 recipes
Many purchased bars also contain sugar and, above all, artificial substances such as flavorings and flavor enhancers, which is why the products are often less healthy than they should be. Especially with very inexpensive bars, you should definitely take a closer look at the ingredients first.
If you are watching your figure or want to be on the safe side because of the ingredients, then you can easily make these fitness bars yourself without sugar and chemical products.
The homemade bars can usually be stored in the refrigerator for several days without any problems. Whereby this is rather rarely the case, because they taste much too good.
When making muesli bars yourself, there are actually no limits to your imagination, and the variations are correspondingly versatile. Below are three recipes for making muesli bars yourself.
Notice: Click on the links to go directly to the respective plastic-free ingredients you need for the corresponding granola bar.
Musclegrow - Make your own fitness bar
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons Flaxseed, approx. 100 ml water, 150 g Oatmeal, 30 g dried cranberries, 30 g chopped almonds or Hazelnuts, 3 tablespoons agave syrup and 350 g soybean curd.
Preparation: For your sugarless protein bar, you'll need a blender and a suitable baking sheet. The ingredients are put into the blender and processed. Then you just need to spread this mixture on the baking sheet and bake it in the preheated oven at 170° C for about 15 minutes. By the way, it is much better if you cut the bars while they are still warm, because they will become hard after cooling down.
Energizer - Make your own sugar-free protein bar
Ingredients: 3 bananas, 250 g neutral protein powder, 200 g Oatmeal, 30 ml soy milk, 3 walnuts, 1 tsp. Flaxseed, 1 TSP Psyllium husks, stevia or another sweetener if necessary.
Preparation: The seeds should first be soaked overnight in water to swell. Then mix all ingredients in a blender and put the kneadable mass on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or in a suitable baking dish. Bake in a preheated oven at 170° for about 20-25 minutes.
Chocker - make your own chocolate fitness bar
Ingredients: 3 tsp Cocoa powder, 4 TSP Coconut oil, ½ cup coconut milk (creamy), a handful of popped Amaranth2 tablespoons of shredded coconut. For the glaze you need 3 tablespoons cocoa butter, 3 teaspoons cocoa and some agave syrup or syrup.
Preparation: mix the ingredients for the chocolate bar and then you need to flatten the mass in a suitable mold first before putting the filling in the freezer. In the meantime, it is best to melt the cocoa butter in a water bath and then add the honey and cocoa powder. Now you can take your mold back out of the freezer and cut into bar shapes or appetizing triangles. Then pour the chocolate icing on top and put it in the fridge after cooling.
Fitnessriegel selber machen - die Vorteile
Plastikmüll vermeiden
Die meisten im Handel erhältlichen Fitnessriegel sind in Plastik verpackt. Diesen Plastikmüll kannst du vermeiden, wenn du die Fitnessriegel einfach selber machst.
Zeitersparnis beim Kochen
Energieriegel eignen sich natürlich nicht nur für Sportler, sondern auch für gestresste Studenten beim Schreiben der Bachelorarbeit oder einfach nur für den kleinen Hunger zwischendurch, wenn man überhaupt keine Zeit zum Essen hat. Da sie wichtige Nährstoffe enthalten, kann dadurch der tägliche Bedarf zusammen mit einer gesunden Ernährung gedeckt werden.
Hier ist es natürlich besonders sinnvoll, wenn du eine größere Menge der Fitnessriegel herstellst. So kannst du deine Zeitersparnis maximieren.
Proteinbedarf abdecken
Sportler haben außerdem einen höheren Bedarf an Proteinen und Aminosäuren, damit sie ihre Muskeln aufbauen und erhalten können. Im Vergleich zu den Proteinshakes haben die meisten Proteinriegel einen höheren Anteil an Ballaststoffen, da sie meistens auch noch Nüsse, Samen oder Trockenfrüchte enthalten. Die Ballaststoffe halten dich außerdem länger satt.
Fitness bar to go
Otherwise, the bars are of course also very space-saving, so that they fit in any pocket or, of course, in the handbag and sports bag. They are ideal for the small hunger in between and supply our body with energy again, so that we can easily hold out until the next meal.
Avoid sugar and additives
Many fitness bars for muscle building are composed of casein, egg protein, whey protein or soy protein, depending on the manufacturer. Depending on the manufacturer and ingredients, the bars can be more or less beneficial for your health. In many cases, they are also additionally enriched with amino acids to achieve a long-lasting effect for the muscles.
Save money
However, the purchase of such energy bars can also be quite a burden on the wallet. Especially if you as an athlete want to consume one before training and one after. In this case, it may be advisable to make the protein bars yourself, as you can really save a lot of money and also have the guarantee that neither sugar, nor flavor enhancers and additives are contained in it.
Conclusion Make muesli bars yourself? That's easy!
Whether the bars are special protein bars for muscle building, energy bars for students or simply a sweet snack for chocolate fans, with the right recipes you can find the right thing for everyone. And without having to spend a lot of money.
The recipes can also be varied with other ingredients. Raisins or dried fruit, for example, give your fitness bar a particularly fruity taste. If you are addicted to chocolate, you can also add chocolate shavings to your chocolate bar.
Since the protein or fitness bars are available in almost all flavors, even chocolate fans get their money's worth, whether they do sports or not.
Ideally, you should first try several recipes for sugar-free protein bars and then simply create your own recipe with your favorite ingredients. Just use the recipes as inspiration. Maybe also our Challenge 30 days without sugar interesting for you, take a look.
Have fun trying it out,

Thank you for your interesting article and for nice recipes. Me and my husband do a lot of sports and try to eat right. I think he will be very excited when I present him homemade fitness bars.
Hi Anika! Great, I'm really happy for you.
Have fun with the recipes and stay hungry! 😉
Many greetings
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