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Beach CleanUp Diary Indonesia

Plastic waste CleanUp's in Indonesia / Bali Diary

I am currently in Indonesia for 3 months to Beach CleanUps against plastic waste in the environment to organize and support existing actions. Besides my diary about my Indonesia trip, I would like to give you an overview of my CleanUp actions in Indonesia with this diary. Feel free to join our fantastic global Facebook community with Beach CleanUps from all over the world, get inspired by unique people and share your own experiences.

Nature Plastic CleanUp in Ubud (Bali)

At the beginning of my trip to Indonesia, I joined Trash Hero's Ubud, with whom I had already come into contact before I arrived. The team organizes regular CleanUp events in places that have a big problem with plastic waste in the environment. Trash Hero is not only active in Ubud, but also in many other cities. The team gives place & time and you just have to be there on the date. The equipment for collecting plastic waste is provided. So if you ever find yourself in Indonesia, support these unique people. Be sure to read the article How to organize your own Beach CleanUp through if you also feel like taking the problem into your own hands.

With 30 helpers we collected 40kg of plastic waste at this Nature CleanUp. In the middle of the city, mind you. Besides some strange looks, such CleanUps get a lot of encouragement from the people here. Of course, the goal is not only to remove plastic waste from the environment in the short term, but also to sensitize people to the issue of plastic waste in the long term and to ensure that no more plastic waste is produced in the future. Plastic waste in the environment lands.

Beach CleanUp at Pantai Purnama (near Denpasar)

This time I went to Pantai Purnama near the Balinese capital Denpasar. Sometimes I just drive off and start without planning the cleanup in advance. You get enough support from locals once you have started. At this beach I could have continued indefinitely, if the heat would not always make a line through the bill.
On 150 meters of beach (not a tourist area) I collected about the following plastic waste in a short time:

  • 100 plastic cups
  • 80 plastic bags
  • 30 cigarette packs
  • 25 single flip flops
  • 20 yogurt drinks
  • 10 plastic bottles
  • ... and many other annoying things.

There is also a lot of plastic waste that has been lying on this beach for several years and is slowly decaying. With plastic bags you can see this wonderfully in the fact that they crumble directly as soon as you want to pick them up.

Nature Plastic CleanUp in Ubud (Bali) #2

Like the previous weekend, I was again part of a CleanUp action organized by Trash Hero in Ubud. I spent more than a week in Ubud, because I can work wonderfully here in the co-working space Hubud and can reach all regions of Bali relatively quickly by motorcycle from centrally located Ubud. Also at this CleanUp I met unique people again. Many familiar faces, but also many new motivated supporters from all over the world.

Besides Trash Hero, the team from TolTol also supported us. A great action! Together we cleaned the streets around the Puri Lukisan Museum in the center of Ubud from plastic waste. This all happened on International Coastal CleanUp Day, when many environmentally conscious people around the world started their own CleanUp actions to save the oceans from further plastic waste.

Beach CleanUp at Saba Beach (near Denpasar)

Saba Beach is very close to Pantai Purnama, where I was alone a few days ago for a quick CleanUp. At Saba Beach, the whole thing got a little bigger, as you can see in the picture. I am thrilled how many young locals support the Trash Hero movement here in Bali. That makes courage in the fight against plastic waste. With 30 helpers we collected 20 bags of plastic waste. (You can't see all of them on the photo)

At the CleanUp at Saba Beach I met Vaughan and his family from Ubud. The New Zealander has been living in Bali for 20 years and brings a lot of inspiration in the fight against marine litter. He is responsible for Trash Hero Kertalangu and organizes a CleanUp almost every day. I'm impressed every day by the positive atmosphere against plastic waste in the environment. For me, it was the most formative CleanUp in Indonesia so far.

Beach CleanUp on Gili Trawangan

On the small island of Gili Trawangan (Lombok, Indonesia) there is a lot to do! Since Gili Trawangan can be called a party island, it doesn't take long until there is new trash on the beach of the otherwise beautiful island. Together with about 30 supporters we collected about 70 kg of plastic waste! Among others, Gilt Eco Trust takes care that the plastic waste disappears from the beaches. If you are ever on the "Gili's", please support the team at the next CleanUp.

It's especially nice to see that even the people who were "good at it" at the party the night before lend a hand. 😉 The collected plastic waste is not stored on the islands, but is taken by a garbage boat to the next recycling station, and some of it is also recycled on site. Something like an independent recycling system is developing here. Also on the other islands something is happening. On Gili Meno you can support the Trash Hero team.


Beach CleanUp at Senggigi Beach (Lombok)

In Lombok I have made a total of 3 CleanUps, but not all uploaded to Instagram or not always made photos. The Senggigi Beach in the west of Lombok is a popular tourist destination. The beaches also look relatively clean at first glance, but on closer inspection you quickly notice that there are many dangerous plastic parts lying here. This plastic waste is a great danger especially for turtles and marine bird species. Straws, torn off power supplies, plastic cups and Co. From a mound of earth on which I was sitting, more plastic garbage was sticking out. It is quite possible that plastic was buried here to get it out of sight quickly. There is still a lot of reconnaissance work waiting for us.

Beach CleanUp's at Canggu Beach (Bali)

Just in time for the beginning of the rainy season, the beach of Canggu on the west coast of Bali is full of plastic waste. The rain carries the garbage directly or via rivers into the sea. After the rain and the decrease of the water in the sea one has the chance to collect the plastic garbage. That's what we did. I organized the CleanUp on demand from the community in Canggu, although I myself was there only one day before. With almost 15 supporters we collected 10 big rice bags full of plastic. There is still a lot to do here!

And also the CleanUp two days later revealed the garbage problem in Bali. Due to the recurring rain and wind, the garbage is driven from the inland to the coast. So it comes that you can collect the next day masses of plastic garbage on the beaches. At my second own CleanUp in Canggu have supported me kindly two friends from Berlin. Thanks again for that 🙂 This time we switched to jute bags. The garbage was picked up free of charge by the organization EcoBali and brought to recycling.

River Trash Walk at Bambu Indah (Ubud)

This CleanUp at Bambu Indah Hotel takes place every morning at 7am. You don't need to bring anything, just be there. I can recommend this experience to everyone. 1) because Green School founder John Hardy is usually there and he is a positive crazy guy and 2) because it is not in the travel guide next to the many tourist suggestions! Do something that not everyone does and do something for the environment.


Next Trash Walk at Bambu Indah ? #johnhardy #bambuindah #ubud #bamboo #beautifulnature #trashwalk #trashwalker

A post shared by Christoph from CareElite ? ( on

John Hardy grabs you with his passion and shows you how he grows all the food himself in the Bambu Indah Hotel (just like in his Green School). The bamboo buildings are simply unique! At the Trash Walk by John Hardy you walk with a group of about 5-15 cool people along the river for 1-2 hours through the beautiful nature and spear the garbage to put it into the garbage bag you have hung around you. It's a bit like hunting, only just opened the hunt for plastic garbage 😉.

Plastic Waste CleanUp at Lovina Beach

Here I was alone on the road and could lead many deeper conversations about the garbage on Lovina Beach. The tourism here becomes less from year to year, one of the reasons for this I tried to eliminate as well as I could: the plastic waste. Everywhere on the beach was some plastic garbage, especially a lot of small plastic pieces, which are so dangerous for the sea birds. Here I could collect some bags of garbage, before it went on to Amed, where a much worse picture should expect me.

River CleanUp in Amed

Together with a Beach CleanUp organization from Amed, a call was made here at the river for an Emergeny CleanUp, as the rain would otherwise wash all the plastic waste out of the small side channels and out of the river bed into the sea. With 20 helpers we collected 16 bags of plastic waste here. It was urgently necessary. Very frightening for me was to hear that the many plastic garbage in the small channels was only the garbage from one week! Something must happen, the CleanUps provide attention but a change of consciousness in the head of each individual is necessary!

Beach CleanUp in Amed

In our Facebook Group CareElite CleanUps there are more pictures from all CleanUps. Also from the Beach CleanUp with Trash Hero Amed. At a school directly on the beach were meters high plastic bags in the bushes, it was unbelievable. The whole beach was full of plastic waste, as you can see on the photo with the kids. With 7 adults and 8 children have collected here 85kg of plastic waste. As shocked as I was by the amount of trash on this beach, I was happy about the commitment of all Bec participants. Especially the kids have really stepped on the gas. Education is the only chance we have to get a grip on the plastic waste problem in the long term. And now imagine that your children clean up the trash that you create. Wouldn't you rethink that too? 🙂

Nature CleanUp in Ubud

It's just great when local schools also get involved in CleanUps. Because only through education can we eliminate plastic waste in the environment in the long term. Almost 40 people were involved in this CleanUp in Ubud, including two Germans from near my hometown. At this CleanUp, I noticed once again that something is really moving here in Bali and that many people are doing unique work against plastic waste in the environment.

Beach CleanUp at Pantai Mertasari (Denpasar)

Plastic Waste Beach CleanUp Diary Indonesia

Trash Hero and other organizations against plastic waste in the environment came together here. It was a unique CleanUp with an estimated 200 people. A completely covered island at Panda Mertasari became a dream island within 2 hours. This was the last CleanUp of my 3-month Indonesia trip.

I had a fantastic time in Indonesia, met a lot of fantastic people and started a lot of Beach CleanUps. Here in the CleanUp Diary not even all actions are included, because I didn't really keep up with the diary entries 🙂 .
Let's keep in mind: Here in Bali and Indonesia, a lot is happening against plastic waste. In 2018, plastic bags will finally be banned, more and more projects against plastic waste in the environment are being started and the problem with plastic is also being taught in schools. I am looking forward to the next CleanUps in 2018 and know that every CleanUp makes a difference in the world.

I look forward to your comments, questions and suggestions about the Beach CleanUp diary 🙂 .
Best regards,

Living plastic-free - Less plastic waste in the environment

PS.: Come now in our worldwide Beach CleanUp FB group for more positive and inspiring actions!

Coffee box Suggestions for improvement

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.