Worm bin - The worm composter for organic waste
I have constantly heard about worm composters for organic waste and now I finally wanted to know how worms can support the Zero Waste lifestyle. For this purpose, I met with David, the founder of...
I have constantly heard about worm composters for organic waste and now I finally wanted to know how worms can support the Zero Waste lifestyle. For this purpose, I met with David, the founder of...
How can we reduce food waste and what exactly is food waste anyway? It's crazy that globally we throw away more than a third of all food produced, while on our...
Today I had an appointment with Frank Schweikert for an interview about plastic waste in the sea. He is the board member and founder of the German Marine Foundation and, in addition to his commitment, fights against plastic waste in the...
If you want to live by the Zero Waste lifestyle, you should also regrow food. Growing food is a great way to reuse kitchen waste wisely. Plus, you can save a whole lot of...
Make cashew cream yourself - how does it work? Replacing cream vegan can be super easy and has many advantages. Are you also sometimes annoyed by the amount of garbage that is...
Is there actually an official plastic-free seal for products without plastic? Yes, the FLUSTIX seal. I arranged an interview with initiator Malte Biss to find out more about it. He...
Food Sharing is an organization that works to combat the bizarre waste of food. Every year, 11 million tons of food are thrown away in Germany, but many of them are still edible. In...
Today I would like to introduce you to the best projects against plastic waste in the sea. Researchers have calculated that by 2050 there could be more plastic in the oceans than fish. Unfortunately, feel...
You want to learn how to compost properly and create your own compost? Then you've come to the right place! Composting is a simple way to turn organic kitchen waste into a natural...
Borrowing things is one of the most important basic rules to produce less waste in the sense of the Zero Waste lifestyle. Because often we buy things that we only use for a short...