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Increase Testosterone Naturally – 10 Tips To Boost Your Testosterone Level

Increase Testosterone Naturally – 10 Tips To Boost Your Testosterone Level

Do you want to boost your testosterone naturally and counteract a testosterone deficiency? Then you've come to the right place! Even though the female body also produces testosterone, it is the most important sex hormone in men.

It is primarily produced in the Leydig cells of the testicles and is mainly responsible for masculinity and controlling the sex drive. Its functions also include muscle and bone growth, libido, sperm production, beard growth and the development of a deep voice. Testosterone levels also influence personal mood and assertiveness.

In this article, I would therefore like to give you the most important tips for naturally increasing your testosterone levels. Use them to prevent or remedy a possible testosterone deficiency. Let's go!

You can find a brief overview of the article here in advance:

  1. Causes
  2. Symptoms
  3. Trade fairs
  4. Tips
  5. Closing words

Notice: This article is not a substitute for medical advice, but merely provides general information on how to increase testosterone levels naturally. Please consult your doctor if you feel unwell or want to prevent health problems with medical care.

Causes: Why do many people have low testosterone?

Stress and poor lifestyle are common causes of testosterone deficiency

Before we move on to the tips for naturally increasing testosterone levels, I would first like to give you a few Typical causes of a deficiency of the male sex hormone name

  • Sleep disorders
  • Malnutrition
  • Lack of exercise
  • Overweight
  • Underweight
  • Permanent sedentary work
  • Chronically high stress level
  • Excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Related diseases
  • Hormonally active chemicals

These causes provide information on where to start in order to counteract a deficiency.

Symptoms: How do you recognize low testosterone?

Symptoms of too low a testosterone level

Fortunately, a testosterone deficiency can be recognized by a wide variety of symptoms. At the latest then, if you recognize some of the following identifying marksyou should seek medical advice for help:

  • General loss of vitality and unexplained tiredness
  • Decrease in sexual desire and sexual activity
  • Regular potency problems and erectile dysfunction
  • Generally declining performance
  • Concentration and memory disorders
  • Decreasing muscle mass and increasing fat tissue
  • Hot flashes and heavy sweating
  • Visible reduction of the testicles
  • Depressive moods
  • Irritability, dissatisfaction and anxiety
  • Regular sleep disturbances
  • Increased abdominal fat
  • Declining body hair

Measure: How do you find out your testosterone level?

First of all, I would like to mention what testosterone levels are considered "normal" for each gender. In adult men, the concentration of total testosterone in the blood serum is between 2.41 and 8.27 µg/l.₁

These values refer to blood samples taken between 8 and 10 o'clock in the morning. This is important, as testosterone levels fall by around 20 percent in the evening.

In women, testosterone levels fluctuate between the third and fifth day of the menstrual cycle in the range of around 0.14 to 0.76 µg/l.

It is time to take action at the latest if you recognize the symptoms already mentioned. You can check your testosterone levels with a Blood sample taken by your family doctor or directly at the endocrinology department with subsequent laboratory analysis find out.

But there are alternatively such saliva tests* with a scientific evaluation that gives you information about your current testosterone level.

10 tips: How can I boost my testosterone naturally?

Increase testosterone naturally through sports and nutrition

Of course you will Your doctor with the most important advice on increasing your testosterone levels when appropriate.

In the following, I would simply like to explain some of the best, general tips for naturally increasing your testosterone, which you can also find on relevant health portals such as Health&Go Healthcare and which specifically counteract the causes of a low testosterone level.

Use this knowledge to increase your testosterone levels or prevent a possible deficiency.

1. ensure regular exercise and physical activity

Regular exercise is crucial for the natural increase in testosterone levels. Especially because during sport Brain glands activated which are responsible for regulating hormone production. Physical activity also helps with this, get rid of excess pounds and reduce stress - It therefore counteracts other causes of low testosterone levels.

Therefore, plan regular exercise sessions into your daily routine and take the stairs more often instead of the elevator. Exercise will naturally increase your testosterone levels.

2. eat a healthy diet and eat the right foods

A healthy, balanced diet is particularly important if you want to boost your testosterone naturally. Above all, favor foods that are rich in Zinc, healthy fats and antioxidants as they support testosterone production.

An enzyme containing zinc is Responsible for the formation of testosterone. This is why the trace element is particularly important for a balanced testosterone level.

Be sure to pay attention, Leafy vegetables rich in antioxidants and fiber (e.g. spinach or kale), grapes, mushrooms, garlic, maca, ginseng, avocados, coconut oil, protein-rich pulses, nuts, pumpkin seeds and seeds, as well as foods containing oats, into your diet.

Tip: What to look for in the Building muscle with a vegan diet I will explain in detail in another blog article. Also with the effects of Phytoestrogens in plant-based foods I have dealt with. Feel free to have a look!

3. always maintain a healthy body weight

Men with a higher body weight tend to have a lower testosterone level than men with a healthy body weight. This is because being overweight leads to this, that the body produces more oestrogen (female sex hormone), which lowers testosterone levels.

To create a Achieve healthy weight and maintain it, you should combine regular exercise with a balanced diet and pay close attention to it, only eat as many calories as your body really needs.

4. reduce your stress level specifically

Stress leads to the release of the "stress hormone" Cortisolwhich provides your body with more energy in the short term, but also has a negative effect on testosterone levels. If you want to increase your testosterone naturally, you should therefore consciously and Provide regular stress relief, rest and relaxation.

To get your Reduce stress levels, it is especially advisable to use relaxation techniques such as Yoga, meditation or simple breathing exercises into your everyday life. Regular breaks, conscious, mental regeneration as well as balancing leisure activities (such as strenuous sport) will help you to reduce stress and increase your testosterone levels.

5. sleep sufficiently and restfully

Increase testosterone levels naturally through sufficient and healthy sleep

Sleep is essential for the regeneration of body and mind, as well as for the production of testosterone. Your body produces the most sex hormones during sleep.

Many studies, such as this study by the University of Adelaide, have the narrow Zuselation between sleep problems and a testosterone deficiency has been proven. However, sufficient sleep duration and a high quality of sleep are particularly important for increased testosterone levels.

Therefore, pull out all the stops in order to Sleep better. Make sure to use at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep per night. One sensible sleep hygienesuch as a regular sleep schedule, a cool and dark bedroom and avoiding screen time before bed can significantly improve your sleep quality.

Here are some more Further blog articles and book recommendations for restful sleep that you can benefit from:

6. pay attention to a high vitamin D level

Vitamin D is not only important for bone health, but according to relevant studies is also important for testosterone production. However, many people (especially in the cold season) suffer from a Undersupply of the so-called sun vitamin.

To increase your vitamin D level, you must Regular time outdoors and especially spend it in the sun. The Sun rays on the skin are the largest source of vitamin D. But some foods, such as Mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms or margarine contain vitamin D.

However, during the winter months when there is little sunshine, it is usually advisable to use a Taking food supplementsto prevent a possible nutrient deficiency and increase testosterone levels naturally. These drops* or these capsules* with vitamin D, I can recommend it to you.

7. drink less alcohol

Alcohol consumption can directly negatively affect testosterone production by inhibiting the function of Leydig cells in the testes. Besides the Cell damage the alcohol also leads to a Disruption of the hypothalamusthe control center of the hormone level.₂

And indirectly, the consumption of alcohol decreases testosterone levels, as it increases the production of the stress hormone Cortisol promotes the Reduces sleep quality and the Conversion of testosterone into oestrogen increases.₃

In order to increase your testosterone levels naturally, you also need to reduce your alcohol consumption or even abstain completely from alcohol.

8. minimize exposure to environmental toxins

Chemicals from the environment that can irritate the hormone balance due to a hormone-like effect are called endocrine disruptors. These are, for example Mercury, flame retardants, phthalates and plasticizers. They are one of the typical causes of low testosterone levels and are an invisible but extremely serious problem.

To minimize exposure to environmental toxins, you should, for example. organic food and environmentally friendly cleaning products should be preferred. Above all, avoid contact with toxic chemicals (such as bisphenol A (BPA for short)) in everyday objects.

9. stop smoking

Nicotine is poison for the body and can also lower testosterone levels and cause erection problems, as it impairs the blood circulation and oxygen supply to the body cells in the testicles.

Not least to increase your testosterone levels, you should quit smoking. Nicotine replacement therapies, distracting leisure activities, various medications and also support in Self-help groups can make this process much easier.

Those who escape nicotine addiction, in addition to increasing testosterone levels, will also develop lung cancer and Prevent cardiovascular disease, look fitter and better, gain a lot of lifetime and last but not least save an incredible amount of money.

Tip: These and more Reasons for quitting smoking have been compiled and explained in a separate blog post.

10. treat related diseases

Sometimes no tip in the world helps to increase testosterone naturally. For example, when diseases have a decisive influence on testosterone levels. These include, for example Type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism or Adrenal Insufficiency.

Accordingly, if you suffer from such a condition, it is important to to be treated medicallyto increase your testosterone levels naturally. Work closely with your doctor to find the right therapy for your individual situation.

Increase testosterone naturally, made easy!

Increase testosterone naturally through sports and a mindful lifestyle

Whether during puberty or in adulthood: A testosterone deficiency can have serious consequences for your own healthwhich is why he should be treated promptly by a doctor.

To help you increase your testosterone naturally, I have provided you with the most important tips in this article. Use them to specifically counteract the symptoms or prevent a possible lack of the male sex hormone in the future.

"Health is not everything, but without health, everything is nothing."

Arthur Schopenhauer (more at Health Quotes)

Do you have any questions, suggestions or tips for a higher testosterone level? Then I look forward to your comment.

Stay healthy,

Christoph from CareElite - Plastic-free living

PS: Erection problems are one of many symptoms of testosterone deficiency. How specifically the Increase sexual performance in a natural way will be explained in the next blog article.

₁ D. Voos: Testosterone - The male hormone (as of 30.03.2017), available at [03.05.2023].

₂ M.-A. Emanuele, N. Emanuele (2001): Alcohol and the Male Reproductive System, available at [03.05.2023].

₃ V. Purohit (2000): Can alcohol promote aromatization of androgens to estrogens? A review, available at [03.05.2023].

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Christoph Schulz

Christoph Schulz

I'm Christoph, an environmental scientist and author - and here at CareElite I'm campaigning against plastic waste in the environment, climate change and all the other major environmental problems of our time. Together with other environmentally conscious bloggers, I want to give you tips & tricks for a naturally healthy, sustainable life as well as your personal development.

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